Chapter three

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Kalie's pov:

"Good morning!!" I said jogging down the steps in my yoga pants and large tshirt

"Hello, you sure are happy?"

"Mom, it's not like I am never happy, I just don't show it... Plus today is a very happy and gorgeous day."

"Have you been drinking?"

"Mother... Please."

"Sorry just a joke."

"Well, do you wanna go out to eat breakfast?"

"Nahh, but I can make our last breakfast together and then you can drive me in your truck to my new home."

"Ok ok fine." "And this will always be your home."

"Ok anyway what do you want for breakfast?"

"Eggs and yogurt."

"Really... Ugh mother you are so plain.. We are having waffles,"

I walked into the kitchen and started looking for the waffle maker... More like searching for it.

"Wear the fuck is it!"


"Mom I'm seventeen.."

"My house..."


I can't fight with her today it's our last day together.. I will miss my mother.. I mean I do love her.

"You know what we are having pancakes."

"Don't like them."

"To bad." I started making the pancakes. Oh shit I forgot the eggs she wanted!! I ran over to the refrigerator, eggs where are they!!!

"Kalie what is that burning smell?"


"Ughhhhh!!!!" I rushed over dropping one of the eggs in front of me, I'll get it later.. The pancakes were... A dark brown.... Nope they are black ..ruined

"Fuck." I whispered,

Well she can still have eggs.. I was cracking the eggs... Nothing was coming out?? Great they hard boiled eggs, back to the refrigerator.... How many eggs does she want? 2 or 4? Ill go with three so five altogether... I should have picked up that fucking egg on the floor..... I ended up slipping on it and dropping all five eggs on myself I looked up to see smoke coming from the pancakes... Then I looked over to see my mom entering the kitchen trying not to laugh

"I think we should just go to Denny's"

"Ya, that's what I offered in the beginning...."

I rolled my eyes, but she was right I can't cook.

"Also, I would like to have a kitchen." She laughs letting it all out while she grabs the dead pancakes, and washing the pan

"I can clean the eggs..."

"No, just go take a shower... Be done by 9:30 ok?"

"Ok." I walked up the stairs. Eggs all in my hair... What should I wear? I guess I could just wear a pink crop top that says "dream" and skinny jeans, black nike's, and maybe purple earrings.. Just for the fun of it!

I get out of the shower, to here my mom on the phone.. Guess she is talking to Robbert .. God hate that guy. After I get dressed I head downstairs and my mom is all happy... Great something is up

"Rob is coming with us!!"

"Fuck no."

"I should smack your mouth for that language. He is apart of my life you will have to deal with it."

"Nope, I won't I will just go to McDonalds or Taco Bell, while you guys go run threw a field of roses and magical pooping unicorns at Denny's"

"Why can't you just try to see why people are happy, why can't you be happy for others?" Tears started building up in her eyes

"I'm sorry but I don't like Robbert, I will call you later.." I grabbed my bag and started walking down to the fast food corner...

Kalie why can't you be happy for others? Is it because you aren't happy with yourself? Or what you do, or what you did?

My thoughts were stopped by a silver BMW

"Get in"

This Robbert dude is a comedian right?

"I'm not getting in" I say with a laugh like 'duh'

"Kalie.... Get in the god damn car before I come out there and throw you into the trunk... Your mother is scared and upset.. You need to come home."

"Home?? What home? Your home? Her home? Or your guys home? It's not my home. She shouldn't be scared she knows where I am at I use to come here all the time as a kid.. I still wonder why I'm not fat.. Plus I will be back to get my things and get out of your home, ok so just leave me alone."

"Fine," he drove off

Thank The Lord

Gosh... Can't you get away from people to re-grain your thoughts... To calm down.. I am so ready to move out... I've been ready ever since I was eleven. Only problem is I don't know this Carter guy... But I will have to live with him. He is nice I guess?

Karen's pov (Kalie's mother)

Rob pulled up in the driveway

Before he could even sit down and breathe, I was on his case

"Where is she?"

"She said you should know."

Oh my lord really? Why would she go back down there.... She hasn't been down there since I started dating

"Is she ok?" I said pacing back and forth

" She said she needed space, and that she will be back to get her things out of our house.."

What does that mean?

Our house?

It's her house too?

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know but, Karen I think we should just give her. Time before we tell her..." .

"She will kill us.. Or at least me first when she finds out.."

"She will have to get threw me first." Rob said pulling me by the side and kissing me... What will I do when we tell her? What will she do? I don't know.. But I will wait... Maybe I will tell her once she is out of the house.. So she doesn't burn it down... This is going to be a nightmare...

(Tell me who should play Kalie ? How about Karen? And what about Robbert? :-) tell me what you think! And anything I should change or add!)

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