The final

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Carter's pov

"Carter I-"

"Please Kalie please please stay with me."

"I can't, I can't Carter." As she choked on her words I could feel the hurt running through her veins as i left my hand upon hers.

"Kalie please don't leave me."

"I can't do this anymore Carter, I want more, I need more-"

"Do you love me?"


"I said, do you love me."

"Carter of course I love you with all my heart."

"Then why won't you stay with me?"

"Because it's the incredible desire for passion that lacks in this relationship-"

"You don't think I want to make love to you Kalie? I do, I SO do. I want you to be forever mine first."

"But I am yours why can't you just see that!"

A moment of silence crept upon us as the wind blew our words a distant to far to reach them. Our breaths became drastically in need of them but the silence was too overbearing to do so...

I looked at her, I looked truly at her. I found that I loved every part of her...

" So this is it?" Her eyes were even more beautiful with tears within them " this is the end of us?"

Only light sobs were formed by her lips, I couldn't help but stare at them. Wanting them, needing them. I leaned in and tasted the saltiness of her tears that lingered on her pink plump lips. She soon pulled away...

"Carter," I connected my lips, forcing her mind into a place that I knew I could keep her in.

"Carter please stop!" She pushed me away, the desperate look upon my face must have been obvious as she matched it with hers.

" I love you so much Kalie please.." I pulled her into me, only to have her push me down completely to my knees.

"Please know don't so this,"

"Goodbye Carter...."

Her feet carried her two steps ahead for me just in arms reach. I pulled her down to me where we just sat there once more in silence.

My lips chapped and my eyes were full of need,
"Let me show you.."

"Carter please no, I don't want to do it just for you to keep me. I want to do it because we both want it."

"Just let me show you I love you, if by the end of this trip, if you don't feel loved you can leave."


"Kalie please, please don't leave me." My eyes filled with burning salted tears as I begged and begged her to stay with me.

"I do love you Carter so much but,  I need more, I'm sorry." And with that, just like the words upon our lips, she blew away with the silence of the wind....

My heart laid there out of my chest bleeding it's ever last love for Kalie. I wanted to chase her, run after her, but I didn't have the strength to do so.

My vision became much like my heart as I step inside my car. My breathing was no longer steady. She's mine, she's mine, she's-

"Mine!" I slammed my fist on the steering wheel hoping I would feel some other pain rather this excruciating bane-fulness within me.

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