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It's been a few months since I started this ridiculous mission. Every month I had to give a lengthy report to the Hokage who would after that present it to the council. 
As I had guessed, the Uchiha really thought incredibly highly of himself. He was top of the class. Oh, so smart and oh, so strong. 
This was pathetic. 

For these past five months, I had not even once slept at night. The beatings had been getting worse. Not one day would go by without me ending up in an alleyway beaten to a bloody pulp. 
It was just seven more month before I could finally graduate with this brat. 
Being dead last came easier to me now. I had figured out that as long as I constantly caught up on my sleep in class and just left the regular quizzes blank there was no problem in continuing my charade. 

I, now and then, looked at the quiz that was handed to me and answered every question in my head without a problem but no one in this class knew about it. After I went over the answers I just laid back down and went back to sleep. 
Within a few months, we would be starting to practise taijutsu. I'm not sure how to properly fail those yet but I guess I will have to come up with a plan. Maybe I could increase my already 400 pounds heavy gravity seals even more. It would make me stronger in the long run and while these kids were practising it would slow me down for a while. 

Months came and went. 
It was horrible. I hated this mission. By now I was considering going rogue.
What did I actually have to lose?
A village that didn't even see me as a human being?
I knew I would lose the old man. Baa-chan and Ero-Sennin are always out of town. So maybe I could go and find them. Train with them. Make myself even stronger and show these people who I really was. What they had lost. 

But then I think back to my mission. If I failed this I would be thrown out of this village. I was sure of that. I believe the council wanted me to fail this mission. 
It was the easy way out for them. The greatest Anbu was watching their beloved Uchiha and if he failed they would finally get rid of the Demon Brat. 

Graduation came and left. 
It wasn't anything spectacular. I passed with three poorly made clones. They could function but I had made sure to make them look kind of droopy. Something you would expect from the dead last. After graduation, I didn't stick around to see all these happy families. I made my way to the Hokage tower. It was time for my monthly report. I had finished it while I was waiting to be called for my exam. 
Walking through these hallways glares were thrown my way. I just walked past them with a weirdly large smile on my face. There were only two places where I could be myself right now. One of them was my personal training ground. The old man had given it to me for my birthday a few years back. The second was the Hokage office. The Anbu had to leave the room whenever I turned up and then I was allowed to release this stupid transformation. 

"Naruto, I see you passed your Genin Exam." 
With a smile, the old man sent the four Anbu away and with a sigh my transformation disappeared. Still smiling he looked at me questioningly. My expression went back to its stoic self and without any complaints, I pulled out my report. 
"Reporting in on the Uchiha brat. He is still a self-centred brat and nowhere near ready to face Itachi. I don't really care what you teach in the academy but whatever it is it's not going to push Sasuke fast and far enough to become a Chunin in a years time. He and I won't be happy about that. I am not staying in this horrendous transformation for longer than another year. After that passes and the Uchiha is not a Chunin you will have to find a different fool to play babysitter for you."
I handed him the scroll that I had finished not too long ago and sat down on the floor. My hand went through my now cut light blond hair. 
"I can't keep this up for much longer Hokage-sama. Kurama and I are getting restless. We were made for killing not for babysitting. If I don't get a real mission anytime soon I will have to go and find myself a target." 
My voice was monotone. Not one ounce of emotion was mixed in it. The old man visibly flinched at it. I didn't care, though. He was the closest thing that I had to a family but I couldn't show that I actually had a weakness. 

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