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Finally arriving at the training ground I found the Genin being interviewed by Konohamaru and his two friends. Landing silently on a patch of lush grass it took the three a second to realize I had arrived. 
Running towards me they were screaming my name startling quite a few Genin that hadn't expected their outburst. Stopping in front of me they started rambling incoherent words. Tired of not knowing what they were rambling about I raised my hand and silenced the three. 
"Slow down. I don't understand what you are saying."
The three took a deep breath and looked at each other before Konohamaru started talking a bit slower this time. 
"Sensei asked us to interview the leaf Genin that are taking the exam. You're the only one left, Boss." 
Nodding at his huge smile I complied and answered their questions one after another. 30 Minutes later we were finally done and the three students left happy with their answers. Leaving me behind with a migraine and an annoyed tailed beast. 

'You just got engaged and all they cared about was this stupid ass exam.'

Ignoring the pouting chakra beast I started listening to Anko. She rambled about how we could die in this forest and that we needed two different scrolls to be allowed inside the tower that stood in the middle of the forest. After finishing her explanation and warnings she passed out forms that took the responsibility from Anko should someone die. 
I signed it not even caring what actually was written down in the fine print. I didn't really care what it said. At a young age, I had signed my life and soul over to Konoha. Binding me to this village for life. 

Sasuke was playing team leader so we all gave him our slip and he went ahead and got our scroll that we had to keep safe. 
The ring on my finger was kind of annoying. I wasn't used for something to be on my finger. It was weird. Something that kept reminding me that Kakashi was waiting for me to return to him. Sakura kept staring at me until I finally realized that I was fidgeting around with the ring and stopped immediately carefully placing my hands behind my back. 

'Will you tell them?'
'Maybe, but not right now.'

'Why not?!'
Because we're in the middle of an exam, you idiot.'

Shutting his whining out Sasuke finally came back looking a bit nervous.
"Our gate number is 7. How ironic." 

His voice was shaking. He definitely was nervous. Maybe even a bit scared. 
We slowly made our way towards our gate. 

This was it. 
The exam that I had to analyze the shit out of these two to find out if they were ready to be Chunin. 
I was the force behind them passing our failing. 

After this exam, they could win the exam and not be promoted because I said they weren't ready. 

The gate opened and the two rushed inside with me hot on their tails. After a bit of running Sasuke slowed down to stop in a clearing. He looked around for a bit and set up a few traps before he started talking. 
"You take the scroll, Naruto. You are the fastest. Sakura and I will buy you time should we get into a bad situation." 
Sakura looked a bit confused at first but after a bit of thinking she agreed to Sasuke's plan and I was handed the real scroll. Sasuke took out two more scrolls making two exact replicas of the real one. He handed one to Sakura and let her pocket it. 
The two stayed quiet for a bit until Sasuke spoke up again. 
"You're an Uzumaki, correct?" 
Nodding at the Uchiha a bit confused he simply gave a grin. 
" Then are you able to sense chakra like the rest of your Clan?" 

Shrugging my shoulders playing innocent Sasuke went quiet again. He was thinking pretty hard. 
"Tell me, how many of your clan's techniques have you learned." 

I sighed at this interrogation but complied to him.
"A few. I'm still a bit confused at what you are trying to get at, Sasuke."

He went silent again. Irritating me highly. 
This conversation was getting us nowhere what was going on in that head of his?

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