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 Rolling my eyes I ignored the weird sounds Kurama was making and turned towards Kakashi.
"Kashi, want to spar?"
To my surprise, Kakashi's eyes lit up and he gave me a simple nod before getting up and putting his book back into his Kunai pouch.   

The two Genin continued to try walking up a tree. Sasuke stopped to follow our movements and watched interestedly as we stood opposite to each other. 
"You sure you want to do this, Kakashi? You'll just get hurt again and this time your cute little Genin will witness." 
He simply rolled his eyes at me and elegantly moved into his fighting posture. 
"I won't go down easy, Naru-chan." 
Embarrassed about the Nickname Kakashi had given me many years ago a slight blush came on to my cheeks. Luckily none of the two Genin was in earshot so neither could hear my real name.
"Don't call me that in front of them, Kashi."
My old Teammate simply smiled at me and motioned for me to attack first. 

I started with simple hand to hand combat. Of course, Kakashi simply blocked my poor attempts to hit him. Slowly we started going faster and faster. By now I knew we had gotten blurry to the two Genin.
"Come on taichou. Stop messing around and fight me."
With a sly smile, I started making hand signs and I could see the sweat build on Kakashi's forehead as he figured out what Jutsu I was about to use. Twenty clones of myself appeared and started attacking Kakashi at once. This gave me the time to sneak up behind him and as he dispelled the last of my clones I grabbed his vest and turned him towards me in a fluid motion. We were now standing with our backs to the Genin. I used his shocked stated reached up and pulled down his beloved mask. 
Of course, the Genin saw that I did this but were unable to actually see their teachers face. I could hear the two silently cursing as Kakashi slowly looked down at me. He gave me one of his breathtaking smiles and I could just feel the blood rush to my face. 
"Still can't get enough of my face. Well, looking like I do it's no wonder."
With his ego boosted he pulled his mask back up and patted my head. His pat was different from the pat the Hokage always gave me. His pat was sincere. He actually meant no harm with his pat. This was just the way he expressed his happiness and proudness. 

"Alright. Continue training my little Genin." 
Kakashi started walking back to his seat underneath one of the many trees while I was still standing on my spot. My face was still burning up from his smile. 
A deep chuckle pulled me out of my state. 
So much for not totally having the hots for your 'Sensei'
I do not have the hots for Kakashi. 
Sure. Sure. I'll just ignore this really perverted thought of yours that's literally screaming in my ear. 
Shut up. 
With another dark chuckle, Kurama finally shuts up. I really needed to get those thoughts under control or Kurama would drive me crazy with his mad laughs. 

The Genin trained for hours while Kakashi and I sat next to each other reading our books. We were sitting close enough to each other that with every movement Kakashi made one of his limbs would brush my skin and my skin would, of course, erupt in goosebump madness. His touch had way too much control over me for my liking. 

Finally, Kakashi called his students to call it a night. After both of the two started making their way towards the old man's house Kakashi turned towards me again. He gave me a smile I rather had not seen today. Slowly he stalked towards me until he was not even a few inches away from my body that was heating up with his presence. 
"You like what you saw earlier? I mean. I did see you almost slobber all over yourself after seeing my abs." 
I let out an uncomfortable cough and stepped back to have Kakashi follow me. 
"What are you talking about, Bakashi? No such thing happened." 
I tried holding my voice steady to not show him how much his close presence actually affected me. 
Oh, it did happen and not very subtly either. You were all over this fine piece of human. 

I blocked Kurama from further distracting me. 
Kakashi simply gave me a smile and pulled down his mask now of his own accord. His lips were rosy and a little mole was sitting on his left cheek. His scar was now partially visible too. His jaw line was, of course, perfectly sharp. 
Kakashi moved even closer to me with his now exposed face and I could feel his breath brush my cheek and neck. 
"Bakashi, eh? You have only called me by that name when you tried to hide something. What are you trying to hide, taichou? Had a dirty thought?" 
Oh god. 
Dear Jashin, save me. 
Why did he have to be this hot? 
Why did I have to be this vulnerable to him? 
Why is my body heating up? 

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