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It was around 5 in the morning when I stood up and started getting ready. After I got myself something for breakfast I was making my way through Suna towards the Kazegake building. The streets were still waking up and only a few Shinobi were rushing over the rooftops. 

It took only a few minutes for me to reach the Kazegakes office door and knock. His cold and rough voice ringed out to me and told me to come in. 
Bowing down I waited for him to say something.

"Good seeing you again, Kitsune. I hope to be seeing you at the Chunin exams." 
Nodding and standing up I looked at the man in his forties. 

"You won't be seeing me but I will be there."
Giving me a nod he handed me scroll. 
"Bring this back to your Hokage." 
Bowing again I left without another word to him. 

Sprinting through the sand dunes I could feel the sun blazing down on me. Thoughts about the future were running through my mind while I was trying my best not to slip on the sand.
I wonder what Kakashi was doing right now. 
Was he thinking about me? 
Had he even given me a single thought since I left? 

I should stop thinking about this. I had a job to finish and then I could think about whatever I wanted to but right now I had to stay focused on my goal. 
I had to finish this mission and get back home. 

It took a few hours of me running through the hot dry air to reach the wanted town. It was deafeningly quiet. 
No one was out on the street.
No one could be heard shuffling through their homes.

No ones seemed to be there until one loud female scream echoed through the town.
Found him.
Running towards the many shouts it didn't take me long to spot the old white-haired pervert I called my Godfather. He seemed to be running around in circles trying to avoid the shoes and thrash that was being thrown his way. 
Simply watching while he was running I waited for the crowd to calm down and scatter again.

"They really did a number on you, Pervy-Sanin. Hope you can still walk to Konoha with me."
Jiraiya was looking at my fox mask a bit confused for a few moments until his eyes lit up and I was engulfed by two bulky arms. 
"Naruto, my boy! How are you doing and didn't I tell you not to call me that anymore?" 
His arms slowly let go of me and looked me over. 

"You've grown." 
I gave him an annoyed sigh and a nod. 
"Whatever you say. Now let's get to business. Jiji wants you back in Konoha for a few months. It's important." 
He watched me carefully and shook his head.
"Don't tell me the old man still wants me to become the next Hokage." 
I gave him a once-over and shook my head. 
"Don't worry. Tsunade is coming back for that job. You need to be there during the Chunin exams. Orochimaru has been spotted and we need all the help we can get." 

He looked at me a bit confused but still gave me a small nod. Is eyes search the streets and sighed. 
"Let's go to my room for a bit. I have to get my stuff and you need to tell me everything that has happened since I have left a year ago." 
Rolling my eyes a bit annoyed at my Godfather but gave in and started spilling the goods. 

We talked until he finally packed all his things and we could finally start making our way back to Konoha. He listened to my story carefully and took everything in that I said. It took him a few minutes until he worked everything over in his head and suddenly stopped in his tracks. 
"You're seeing Kakashi? That Hatake boy?"
I gave him a careful nod not sure about how he would react to the news that I was dating someone at the age of 15 soon to be 16. Considering Kashi was a good amount of years older than me. 
"I'm glad you found someone you can trust enough to live with. Hell, you even refused to live with me while I stayed in the village." 
I gave him a happy nod glad he wasn't mad that I hadn't told him in the daily letter he got from me. 

We were travelling at a fast pace and soon got back into the land of fire. Surrounded with trees we allowed ourselves to rest for a bit. 
"So, Tsunade will become Hokage. Wasn't that your dream?" 
I thought for a moment. It was true when I was younger I wanted to become the next great Hokage just like my dad the fourth had been but by now I gave up on this dream. The village had to like me to make me their leader and as of right now they hated me with a passion. So, I shook my head.
"Not anymore. I am even thinking of leaving for a bit with you to train and get away for a while. Calm down and learn about the world I live in. If you're ok with it." 
His face brightened up at my words and he started smiling. 
"I would love to travel with you and teach you whatever you have left to learn. I know it isn't much that I can teach you in fighting but I believe I will be able to help with changing your view on this world." 

I was glad he agreed so easily to it. After our conversation, we started up again and soon the gates of Konoha came into view. They were huge and red. Visible from miles away. Slipping my fox mask back on I walked inside towards the gate guards, Izumo and Kotetsu, together with Jiraiya. 

"Kitsune-sama, glad to have you back after so many days." 
The two smiled at me and I gave them a simple nod. Jiraiya petted my head and smiled. 

"Alright, you can leave now. I think I can find my way towards the old man's office without a babysitter." 
Bowing in respect towards Jiraiya I leapt up the roofs and ran towards my shared apartment. It was late afternoon so Kashi should still be training with Sasuke but to make sure I wouldn't look for him in vain at the training grounds. I arrived at a dark apartment and an empty bed. Sighing I started my journey towards the training ground Kashi said he would be training with Sasuke at. Arriving at the ground I could already hear Sasuke pant and Kashi snicker at something. Putting my henge back up I walked out of my hiding spot and tackled Kakashi to the floor. 
With a grunt, he went down but just wrapped his arms around me when he saw who was laying on top of him. 
"I'm back." 
I hugged me even closer and gave a grunt to let me know that he was happy that I was back. Sasuke had stopped doing whatever he did and watched us a bit confused and uncomfortable. With me still in his arms, Kakashi stood up and walked back towards his student.
"Why don't we wrap it up for tonight and get some food?" 
Sasuke seemed not too amused about this, considering he wanted to get stronger.

"But I need to train to win in a few months." 
Rolling my eyes I didn't say anything and waited for Kakashi to tell him what would happen tomorrow.

"I understand but you need to get some rest now. Kitsune will join us tomorrow and don't even think his training will be half as easy going as mine has been." 

Sasuke face went pale and he seemed to feel dread about something but I wasn't very interested in what that was about.

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