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"I'm glad you're back, Naruto. Kakashi was going crazy when you wrote him you would be gone longer than anticipated. "
Smiling at her I started walking after Sasuke followed by the rest of the Akatsuki that had no place to return to.
My dreaded walk ended way too soon and before I realized it I stood in front of our current Hokage Lady Tsunade, Lord third, Jiraiya, Kakashi and Sasuke.

If that wasn't intimidating I really don't know what could be.

"Glad you're back my boy."
Lord third gave me a warm smile as he sat down on one of the sofas at the side of the office. Nodding at my surrogate grandfather I waited on the unavoidable lecture that was about to happen.

"Naruto, I am glad you're back but what in the world were you thinking? Going off on your own fighting and rescuing Jinjuriki. Your intentions were noble as always but you should have asked for back up or at least told us your plans and not simply send Jiraiya back with some very vague information."
Nodding at Tsunade-Baa-chan sheepishly, she let out a large sigh and slumped back in her seat.

"Well, at least you're back, unharmed and with new ninja. Now it will take a few days for me to clear their names especially yours Itachi."
The ravenet next to me gave Lady Hokage a grateful nod.  

"Now, I believe you have a few things to take care of and a lot to explain to your future husband. I will take care of your friends and you go home for today."
Sighing I turned towards the last Akatsuki members and gave them a smile.

"I'll visit you all tomorrow. Baa-chan will take care of you for now." 

Before I could mutter any other words I felt myself being lifted off the ground and slung over a broad pair of shoulders.
"Time for a talk, dearest." 

Dreading Kakashi's tone I simply slumped and let him carry me home like some drunk idiot. I saw Sasuke and Sakura follow suit behind us snickering at my predicament.

Tapping his well toned butt from time to time I started passing the time until we finally got back to our Apartment. Kakashi practically slammed the door open and threw me on the Couch.
Nothing had really changed over the years I was gone. The Apartment still felt like home and Sasuke still seemed to make himself at home here more than he should.
"Now, please do explain to me where you have been."
Looking into Kakashi's furious eyes I felt my large statue shrink down, making me feel 15 again.
"You see, it's a funny Story. After I learned everything Jiraiya had to teach me I thought it would be a good idea to go after the Akatsuki."

Kakashi huffed in annoyance not understanding where I was coming from.
"How in the world could you think going after the Akatsuki on your own would be a good idea?"
I smiled sheepishly at him and scratched the back of my neck.
"Well, they were already after me and to keep Konoha and the other Jinjuuriki -that I'm really good friends with- save I just decided it would be best to just go and fight them one by one."

I could see angry steam realeasing itself from kakashi's head.
"I can't believe you would do something like that after you promised me to stay safe."

I shrugged slightly.
"It's not like I actually fought everyone of them. I only fought Zetsu and Hidan. The rest kind of calmed down after I stated my case."

That seemed to calm Kakashi down a bit and raised the interest of both my former Genin.

"You see, I did have everything planned out. I didn't just blindly charge at the Akatsuki hoping I would change their point of view on things. No, I went to their respective villages asked about their lives and carriers and most of the villages gladly took their ninja back and most of them returned home without a fuss. Sure, there where one or two villages that made a huge commotion but after some calm talking they all had no problem with taking them back."

Letting my words sink in, the three huffed at me and Kakashi completely calmed down and sat down next to me.
"You know, you could of told us your plans. That way we wouldn't have worried so much about you when Jiraiya-sama came back without you telling us you told him to come back for his own safety and that of the village."
Nodding I slumped down further into the couch. I got where they were coming from but at the time there wasn't much I could disgus via letter. The danger of my plan coming out and or being enclosed to the wrong people could have endangered Konoha.

"I'm sorry, but it was the only way to keep everyone safe."
Sighing Kakashi gave me a nod and pulled me closer. He let me snuggle into his chest even though I now was taller and wider then him. Sakura and Sasuke sat themselves down on the floor and watched us for a minute.
"Where did you get those Tattoos, Naruto?"
Looking down on my arm I pulled my sleve up to reveal more of the Tattoo. It was a simple barbed wire that wrapped it's way up from my wrist to my shoulder.
"Ah, Kurama gave it to me. It just binds him to my body. I did release the seal that was on my stomach so not soon after the wire appeared. He said something about symbols and that I should stop complaining because it looked cool."

I rolled my eyes as I remembered the night my tattoo appeared. It honestly was annoying how Kurama had not told me a single word about this happening after I released the seal. He could have at least told me something like this would happen.
Even though I was glad to be back.

To be back by Kakashi's side.
To be back in my village.
To be back home.

I was glad not much had changed and sure that everything would turn out just right now that all  danger was gone for now.

"So, how in the world did you find Obito?"
Snickering at the story on how I figured out that the childish Tobi was actually a former Konoha ninja, I snuggled closer to Kakashi.
"It was actually a real weird accident. You see, I had been on the road for about a month alone and after a month I really needed a bath."

Telling my story I was sure.
Everthing would be just fine.

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