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We were sitting in the boat that was carrying us over the lake towards the land of the waves. I was in Kakashi's lap seeing as everyone still thought I was sleeping.

"So how come Sasuke is allowed to leave with protection but Naruto isn't?"
It's that annoying ass banshee asking again. I felt Kakashi stiffen slightly and let out a sigh.
"Kitsune already told you that the council has more control over Naruto than Sasuke. They can make Naruto stay with them but not Sasuke."
"Yes, I understood that but why is it like that?"
Why is it that her mind was just coming up with questions while mine already thought about ten different ways to kill her?
"Sakura, I can't answer you those questions. It will probably happen more often from now on. So you guys need to get used to Kitsune here. I promise as long as you guys don't annoy him he will make sure none of us will get hurt no matter what."
"How come you trust someone that is our age with your life, Sensei?"
Kakashi finally put his book away and pulled me slightly closer.
"Kitsune is a lot stronger than any of us here. I used to work with him until I started working under him. His mind is pretty amazing and his fighting style is terrifying. Try to not make him your enemy."

I looked up towards the weirdo that was still holding me tight. He was wearing his usual closed-eyed smile. I weirdly enough felt comfortable right here against his toned chest.
"You give me to much credit, Kakashi."
The white-haired Jounin looked down at me and gave me a warm smile. God, what a cute smile.
"Nah, you really are that amazing, taichou."
Receiving all these compliments made me kind of embarrassed. I felt my cheeks heat up a bit. I could see the amusement and a bit of shock in Kakashi's eyes before I buried my face back in his chest.

We finally reached shore but now Kakashi refused to let me down.
"Kakashi, please let me down. I can walk perfectly fine myself."
I could hear the snicker of our companions. This was anything else but funny. I like feeling soil underneath my shoes and not floating in the air having to trust I won't suddenly be dropped.
"No. You're so light, taichou."
I huffed out a breath before I started twisting my body and jumped out of Kakashi's arms. Not even a second after my feet finally touched the ground I could hear Kakashi whine.
"Why are you being so mean, taichou."

I rolled my eyes before I could hear a rather large sword fly our direction. While Kakashi screamed for everyone to get down I simply caught the sword. This one looked rather familiar.
"Zabuza, you really want to go again?"
I turned towards the tall missing-nin. He stared at me for a bit until his eyes got wide and he bowed slightly.
"I didn't even recognize you in that get-up Kitsune and no I don't want to go against you again. I may be crazy but I'm not suicidal quite yet. Have a nice day."
He took his sword out of my hand, put it back in place and disappeared back into the forest. Well, that was easy.
Not letting this keep us longer from our mission I turned towards the team that was giving me weird and confused looks.
"I didn't know you knew Zabuza."
I shrugged at Kakashi.
"I don't really know him. We went against each other and one of my Team members thought it would be funny to scream their heads off for no reason. So I obviously thought they were in trouble or something. I actually paused my fight to go check if they were fine. Well, after I was back fighting with Zabuza they no longer were fine."

After walking for another hour or so we finally arrived at the old man's place, I forgot his name. Have I ever been told his name?
Well, not that I really care about it.

We were welcomed in by this old man's daughter, Tsunami. She seemed like a nice lady but too interested in Kakashi for my taste.
His grandson showed up too but only started screaming some bull about not surviving something and then ran off to go cry. I was just watching all of this play out passively holding my favourite volume of Icha Icha in my hand.

Why don't we go out and relax in the forest? It looked really calm when we walked by.
Sure, sounds like a good idea actually. These people are too loud.
Tell me about it. I really want to tell that pinky my mind but the screaming I would get to hear after probably wouldn't be worth it.
Let's just go and let these people to their own devices. They'll be fine for a few hours, right?
Yea. They have to. If not Hatake is still there with them. No need to worry, Kit.

With that short conversation with Kurama, I made my way back to the door. The rest finally sat down to have some tea and talk about the small boy's behaviour. I was not about to listen to some lame life story. So I walked out of there without a word.

Hours went by with just me sitting in silence with myself and my favourite book. The occasional bird or wind gust reminded me that I was still sitting here alone.
"Taichou, want to train the others with me?"
I looked up at the happy voice to come face to face with a certain Jounin.
"Do I want to? No, but I'll watch both of them embarrass themselves. Well, Sakura doesn't have a lot of Chakra so there shouldn't be much she can do wrong."
Kakashi gave me his loving closed-eyed smile that made me stand up and follow him to the clearing he was planning on training the Genin in.

"You two will learn how to climb a tree today."
Of course, the banshee had to interrupt.
"We already know how to do that, Sensei!"

He just gave her an annoyed smile and continued where he left off.

"Without hands of course."
And again.

A banshee scream was heard. It is very effective. You acquired -10 hearing.
Yea thanks for this nice narration, Kurama. 
No problem, Kit. 

"Let me explain, Sakura." 
Kakashi started going off in his teacher's voice trying to teach these idiots something useful, considering they hadn't actually learned anything at the academy. 
"Here, let me demonstrate." 
With those words, Kakashi started walking up a tree before he started walking along a branch upside down. When he came to a stop his shirt fell down a bit considering he wasn't wearing his green Jounin west. His nicely toned stomach was revealed and I could practically hear Sakura blushing. He gave his two Genin a closed-eyed smile before his eyes wandered off towards me. A mischievous glint passed through them when he noticed me almost slobbering over his well-formed stomach. 
He jumped back down and let the two Genin do their training while he walked up to me. By now I had pulled my attention back to my Icha Icha book. 
Not saying a word Kakashi sat down next to me close enough for me to feel the heat radiating off of him. It was quite comforting sitting here next to him in silence just reading. 

"I did it." 
Of course, the Banshee had to scream again. 
"Good job Sakura. Continue to practise a bit. You'll join me with guarding Tazuna tomorrow."

Oh, so Tazuna was his name. 
You'll forget in a matter of minutes again anyway. Why bother? 
True. Want to go fight something? 
How can I say no to that? Maybe a friendly spar with your cute lover boy? 
He is not my lover boy! 
So you're not denying that he's cute?

Rolling my eyes I ignored the weird sounds Kurama was making and turned towards Kakashi.
"Kashi, want to spar?" 
To my surprise, Kakashi's eyes lit up and he gave me a simple nod before getting up and putting his book back into his Kunai pouch. 

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