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Having Kurama's groaning in the back of my head I looked around the exam room. There were no Grass Ninjas in the room, seeing as we killed off that little excuse of a village but there were still many different Shinobi that were glaring at us and letting out Killing Intent.
It wasn't much seeing as everyone in this room is a Genin but Sakura faltered a bit after she entered the room.

Please let this be over fast!

The tension in the room was intense and I could hear Sakura gulp quietly behind me. Dagger-like glares were sent our way as we walked further into the room. Completely oblivious to the tension Ino came running towards us screaming.
"Sasuke-kun! I missed you!"
She glomped the Uchiha brat ad waited for Sakura to scream back at her. To everyone's surprise, Sakura stayed quiet and inched closer towards me. 
"I don't like their looks, Naruto."
Her voice was timid and quiet as her hand clutched to the back of my jacket. Her green eyes were flitting around the room trying to find an escape route. 
Not looking at her I took a taller stance hiding her a bit more behind my body. 
"Remember what Kakashi told you yesterday. Don't let them see your fear. Try to calm down."
Her grip tightened as she did her best taking in calming breaths. It took her a few minutes until she was calm enough to let go of my jacket but she still stayed halfway hidden behind me. 

I guess pinky subconsciously knows you can protect her.
I guess. 

Turning my attention back at the other rookie Genin I noticed that both Sakura that was still behind me and Sasuke wasn't really taking part in the loud conversations. They both were quietly observing their surroundings making sure no one could sneak up on them. 
Guess constantly bantering them did have an impact.

After the other Konoha Genin had everyone in the room annoyed Ibiki finally showed up.
"Shut up and sit down, brats. Time for your first exam." 

I hate you for making me watch all this.
Love you, too.

Ibiki babbled a while about the rules until we could finally start our written test. The questions were tough. Not even most of the Jounin I know could answer these. I wrote down some bull that didn't make any sense before I looked around. 

Sakura was writing down answers easily. While she was annoying most of the time you had to admit her brain was pretty amazing. 
Sasuke was using his Sharingan to copy the Hand movements from a hidden Chunin that was writing down the right answers.
Bored of this already I started dozing off. 

I don't remember how long the exams went on but I remember waking up to Ibiki's loud voice telling me to wake up. A bit groggy I looked at him and could see him flinch lightly at my gaze. Not commenting on my slumber any further he went back to explaining the tenths question. Genin after Genin left and when only around 20 were left he congratulated us on passing. He couldn't even really finish his sentence when Anko entered the room through the closed window. Shards went flying everywhere and the black haired female stood up front in her usual confidence. 
Scooting further under my desk I tried my best to hide from her view.

"No time for celebrations! We will move on to the second exam immediately." 
She started walking down the rows coming closer and closer to my spot. I, of course, kept scooting farther and farther under the table. 
Spotting me she stopped next to me giving me a sly grin as she saw that I had been already more than halfway under the table. 
I simply gave her a sheepish grin.
"Anko, pleasure seeing you here."
Her gaze only darkened before I was heaved from under the desk and crushed between her breasts. 
"Naru-chan! Long time no see!"
She screeched directly into my ears making them hurt and stop working for several seconds. The crazy woman kept on rambling but I was more concerned with my air supply that was running short.

After flailing around and probably turning blue Sakura finally had built the courage to speak to her second Proctor. 
"Anko-san, I think you are crushing Naruto." 
A bit surprised about the girl talking to her Anko loosened her grip giving me a chance to escape. Free from her grip I made a break for the already broken window. 
"Ah! Naruto!" 

Her loud screams followed me out of the window but she didn't seem to be following me. 
I kept running for a few minutes until I stumbled into a certain White-haired man. 

"Naru? Shouldn't you be at the exams?" 
His voice was calm and his hands had discarded his favourite book to the floor to catch my fall. 
"Anko! She- She" 
Not able to breathe out the words Kakashi gave me a small chuckle. 

"I probably should have warned you." 

Shocked at this revelation I slowly looked up towards the man I loved dearly. 

"You knew?! How could you? You know how she treats me." 

He pulled me a bit closer and gave me one of those damned eye smiles. 
"Revenge. For leaving me to go venture through the world."

I already had opened my mouth for a comeback but letting his words hit me I closed it again slumping slightly against him. 
"I deserve that and more." 

Hearing my words Kakashi started crushing me against him. 

"No, you don't. I was being selfish. I honestly don't want you to leave but I know you and this village need the break. I already know that you will come back a changed man. A man that will hopefully agree to marry me." 

Oh my God! He just asked you to marry him. You have to say yes. Naruto, say yes!

Kurama kept on screaming in my head to say yes to Kakashi but I was still trying to process his words. 

He wanted to marry me. 

Even after I had told him I was leaving for several years. 
He was willing to wait and marry me after. 

How did I deserve a man like that? 

Looking up into his dark eye I could see the tension in him. Still waiting for me to give him any kind of answer. 

Should I really say yes?
Was I ready to be committed like this? 


Kurama woke me out of my stupor and I focused back at Kakashi. 
"I- I think I would really like that." 
Letting my words trickle into his head Kakashi visibly relaxed and started full on smiling at me. 
"You mean it?" 
Giving him a firm nod seemed to calm him and crush me once again. 
"Let's talk about the details later. You have an exam to attend." 
I nodded and was about to leave when I felt Kakashi hold me back by my hand. Confused I looked back at him watching him pull out a silver ring with black lining. 
"It was my father's and now it's yours." 
With those words and a new ring he let me rush towards the Forest of death. 

Had I just really gotten engaged to Kakashi? 

Had I really just agreed to marrying the man I loved? 

Yes! I thought he didn't have the balls to ask you for at least another few years. 

Realizing the words coming from the chakra beast inside of me I stopped jumping from tree to tree. 

You knew?! Why didn't you tell me?!
You would have freaked and stopped seeing him. You are afraid of commitment and him having asked you so suddenly made you chose the right answer with your heart and not your brain. 
Jashin-sama. You just got me engaged to Kakashi through a fucking mind trick. 

I could hear Kuramas evil chuckle in my head as I started running again. No matter how mad I wanted to be at Kurama I was secretly thankful he had not told me. Just like he had predicted I would have said no had I had more time to think it over. 

Now I was to be married to Kakashi Hatake. 

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