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Sasuke's battle was first and while he was against Gaara the one tail jinchuriki he held his ground for a long 15 minutes. In the end, he lost against the power of the chakra beast. I clapped for him with the rest of the citizen. He had a good run but he never even stood a chance against someone that was being controlled by his monster. Standing behind the third I saw his head nod in approval letting a huge stone fall from my shoulders. 
I'm glad he thought the fight was a good one. He was one of the few people I never wanted to disappoint. Lord third was important to me and I'm not sure what I would do if I ever disappointed him. Another reason I haven't turned rouge yet. 

Watching the rest of the battles I was proud to say Sakura held her ground against a Cloud Ninja and even won. Seeing his teammate win bummed Sasuke out but with his opponent, there wasn't really any chance for him to win. Lord third seemed happy with his current Genin and I was glad he was. There were many future clan heads this year so it was expected. The civilians really didn't have any chance to become Genin this year but maybe next year some good civilians will graduate. The last battle was decided and Gaara came out as the winner. It was expected of me but still nice to see his siblings congratulating him with happy smiles. Lady Hokage held a quick speech and announced that the future Chunin would be announced throughout the next week. 

The guests started making their way out of the arena and Lord third stood up from his seat. 
"Good job, Naruto. You did well and I expect both Sasuke and Sakura to be promoted during the next week. As I promised, I will speak to Tsunade and finish up your papers for your training trip. Jiraiya made a request to take you with him for a while. That could be quite interesting don't you think?" 
The old man gave me a fatherly smile and ruffled my hair. 
"Now go congratulate your team. They deserve it and I think Sasuke could use a pick me up." 
Looking down to the two Genin that where standing around the battleground looking up to the stand lord third and I were standing on. With a nod and a bow, I excused myself and jumped down to meet the two Genin. 

"Would you look at that. The Uchiha lost." 
Sasuke's glare settled on me, making me laugh out loud. 
"Relax. I'm here to congratulate both of you. While neither of you made first place both of your battles were impressive and deserving of a Chunin." 
Sakura that was still a bit winded from her battle smiled at me brightly and started blushing. 
"I'm just glad it's finally over and no one from Konoha actually died during these exams." 
Nodding I looked around, seeing that no one was around anymore. 
"If you're looking for Kakashi-Sensei, he left not too long ago. Said something about a surprise and having to hurry." 
Nodding at the duck butt I started walking out of the arena. Both Genin watched me walk away. 
"Stop staring and get a move on. It's time to celebrate. I'm cooking." 
With newfound strength, both of them ran up to me following me back to my apartment. 

As I opened the door we were welcomed by Kakashi and an already full table. He smiled brightly at us before he welcomed me home. 
"Welcome home, Naru. Let's eat something before everything gets cold." 
The two Genin didn't wait for another invitation and took their shoes of sitting at the table and looking at us expectingly at an incredible speed. Smiling I took off my shoes and gave Kakashi a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting down at the table. 

After dinner was done Sakura excused herself and headed on out. Sasuke had already made himself at home and was only a small blanket mountain on my couch. Kakashi was helping me finish up around the kitchen. He was awfully quiet and seemed to avoid my eyes. Setting down the last cup I turned towards him and frowned. 
"What's wrong?" 
Surprised by the sudden question he looked at me and I could finally see the sadness in his eyes. 
"Is this still because of my departure in a few days?" 
He nodded slowly his eyes wandering to the floor and his should sinking down. Sighing I pulled him closer to me and did my best in hugging him. It was a bit weird with him still being a lot taller than me. 
"I'm sorry but I really have to leave. I would take you with me but Konoha needs you here." 
"But I need you here too." 
Smiling at his quiet words I cupped is still masked cheek. 
"And I need you but I need a break from this village. Just for a few months." 
Kakashi rested his head on my shoulder with a tired sigh. 

"Are you leaving?" 
Looking up I found Sasuke standing in the doorway to the kitchen with a huge blanket on his shoulders. His clothes were crumbled and his hair was standing directions. All in all, he looked like a toddler that was just woken up from his nap. Smiling at him I gave him a nod. But before I could further explain he went off on a rant again.
"What? Why? You can't just leave! Who will train me? Where are you going? Why are you leaving? What will happen to team 7? Why weren't we informed about this?" 
Sniggering at his words I waited for him to finish. It took a few minutes until he calmed down again. 
"I'll just be leaving for a few months. Maybe a year. I'm going to travel the world to see what I can learn and find."
Sasuke, now just as sad and upset as Kakashi, gave me a small nod but curled up into himself just like Kakashi had a few minutes ago. Sighing I pushed both of them back into the living room. 
"Stop being so down. I'm coming back. You'll still have each other and if you stay on training with Kakashi I'll be back before you'll even notice I was gone." 
I was now seated with Kakashi snuggled in on my right side and Sasuke on my left snuggled into his blanket. He pouted for another few minutes until he gave me a nod and a sigh. 
"Fine but you have to write every day." 
I gave the boy a nod and smile satisfying him. 

I let the two of them on the couch for a while until I was ready to go to bed. Turning to Sasuke I found him asleep in his mountain of blankets. Smiling I let him be and simply heaved up Kakashi that had also fallen asleep and threw him on our bed. The sudden movement woke him up and he stared at me through tired eyes. 
"Time for bed, Kashi." 
Not even questioning me he started stripping to his boxers and simply flopped back on the bed. Rolling my eyes I pulled out the blanket from under him and pushed him to the side so I had enough space to lay down. 

The days went by faster then I had expected and I was already a week after the Chunin exams. Both Sakura and Sasuke had been training this whole week and had now been summoned to the Hokage. Aware of what would happen I followed silently and waited for them outside of the office. It took several minutes for them to walk back out with huge smiles and both a Chunin jacket in their hands. 
"Good job guys. Go celebrate. I still have some business with lady Hokage." 
Both of the new Chunin gave me a nod and headed on out of the building. Entering the office I bowed to my godmother. 

"Ah, Naruto. Here for your passes?" 
Nodding, I watched as she got together all the documents I would need and handed them to me. I looked through them and gave her a small bow. 
"Thank you, lady Hokage. I will be taking my leave now."
"Be careful out there Naruto. We need you back." 
Not answering her I left the building walking back home to find Kakashi in the kitchen with both Sasuke and Sakura. 

"Welcome home." 
He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and smiled down at me. Seeing the papers in my hand his smile turned pained. 
"When will you leave?" 
Laying the papers down on the counter I got myself a glass of water. 
"Well, Jiraiya asked me to join him and he will be leaving tomorrow."
Sighing Kakashi gave me a nod and turned back to his two students. 
"That will only leave us. Whatever will we do for so long?" 
Rolling my eyes at Kashi's antics I wrapped my arms around his neck. That I could only reach because he was sitting on a chair. 
"Calm down, would you. You sound like I'll go and die tomorrow."
Sakura giggled lightly at my words and Sasuke looked highly amused about our conversation. 
"Fine but you better wake me before you leave tomorrow." 
Agreeing with his conditions he finally stopped moping around and started up a light conversation with his students. 

'We'll finally be free tomorrow.'
Yes, but it would be a lot better if we could take Kakashi with us.
'He really got you whipped, huh?'
Shut it.

Ignoring Kurama's loud ass laugh I listened to my team joke around for the rest of the night.

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