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The next few days were spent with me torturing Sasuke through training and getting my Anbu team ready for Orochimaru. 

I had to admit I was a bit scared to go against someone this strong. While I had no respect for this monster whatsoever, I had to admit he was strong. Even in his weakened state. 
Kakashi didn't seem too thrilled about my upcoming mission either. 
We both knew this time I would be gone longer than a few days. This mission would take more than a week. 

My team and I had to find Orochimaru, kill him and all his henchmen. After that, we would have to search for all his hideouts and kill whoever was still left in those places and destroy whatever was there. 

"That's enough for today. I have a mission to go on tomorrow so I will be gone and leaving training to Kakashi again during that time. Slack off during that time and the day I get back you will feel what real pain is." 
Sasuke shivered at the simple thought of what I could do to him after I was back but I could feel the relief rolling off of him that I would be gone for a bit. He started on his way home slowly, trying his best not to strain his muscles any more than he needed to. 
Kakashi was giving me a concerned look that I waved off. 

"When I come back it will be only a few weeks left before I turn 16. What am I getting?" 
I smiled at the white-haired Jounin wanting to know the answer. 
"You'll have to get back in one piece if you want to know that. I won't just simply tell you what your present is going to be." 

He ruffled my hair and started walking home with me by his side. 

I felt at peace next to Kakashi. He gave me the freedom that I needed to not feel smothered but never made me even think he could be having doubts about anything. 
It hasn't been long since we got together, which is still not official, but I didn't want to live without him anymore. I was having doubts about leaving for a few years to go out and see the world on my own. 
Would he wait for me? 

What if he got together with someone else during those years? 

There were more than just a few Shinobi, female and male, interested in making him theirs. 
These thoughts scared me even more than having to fight Orochimaru. 

The day went by with Kakashi and me simply talking about different things. Mostly about how he would renovate during the time, I would be gone this time. 
We went to bed together, I curled up to his side enjoying the heat that was radiating off of him. I would miss him. Not only during my time-fighting Orochimaru but also during the time I would spend away from this village. 
But it would be for the best. I had to take some time away from this village. It was for the best of me and this village. 

The morning came too fast for my liking but I got up either way. Kakashi had already stood up and I could smell the bacon and eggs through the bedroom door. 
After eating together and him watching me get ready for my mission he gave me a deep kiss. 

"Please be careful and come back safely. I don't want to hear anything about you even getting a scratch on yourself." 

I gave him a smile and a nod and with a wave of my hand, I was gone in a swirl of black fire. 

My team was already waiting for me at the front gate. The old man was standing next to them giving me a smile. 
"Please be careful. Orochimaru or any of his henchmen shouldn't be underestimated. By the time you will be back Tsunade should be inducted into the Hokage position, so this is my last order to you five. Come back alive!" 

With a deep bow from all of us, we left the village in a hurry. There was no way any of us wanted to disobey our last order. 

It took us a few hours to reach the hideout Orochimaru was said to be. There were hideous looking things standing watch outside the entrance. My four teammates looked at me a bit confused about the looks of our opponents but I gave them a shrug and motioned them to wait in the bushes hidden. 
We were specialised on silent infiltration and elimination. This should hopefully go without any mishaps. 
My steps were silent, my scent covered and my chakra completely hidden as I sneaked my way towards the two guards. I threw a stone to distract the two things and as they were checking out the noise I took out the one that was in the back and not a second later the other one was dead in my arms too. 

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