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It's five am and I was ready to leave this village. I wanted my quiet Anbu live back and with Kakashi by my side, it wouldn't get as lonely. 
"Naru, let's go and get some breakfast before we head to the Hokage's office."
Kashi's scratchy voice echoed through the apartment and a second later his tired stature appeared in his bedroom door. Looking up from my Icha Icha book I gave him a small smile and a nod. His white hair was hanging over his Sharingan eye and his mask lazily hanging from his fingers. 
"Take your time and we'll leave when you're ready." 
With a small tired grunt, he placed a kiss on top of my head before he disappeared back into the bedroom. 

After getting some fresh Dangos and some tea we made our way towards the office where the old man was already waiting for us. Walking in without knocking I was greeted with an old man covert by paperwork that I was now required to finish. With a sigh, I started going through the papers with my transformation back in place. 

"While Naruto is going through my paperwork why don't we discuss the training regiment you have planned for Sasuke."
I ignored the two of them talking about the training for the Uchiha brat and simply went through my stack of work. The only thing I cared about was Sasuke getting strong enough to become a Chunin in a few months. 
"With all due respect, Hokage-sama, I don't think easy training will help Sasuke in any way."
Kakashi seemed upset about something the old man had said to him.
"Do you think the same way, Naruto?"
Why were they bringing me into this discussion? 
"I do, Jiji. The brat wants to get stronger then we'll make him stronger but every good Ninja knows it's connected with pain. He will have to live with that."

With that, I went back to the papers and ignored the two of them. Kakashi seemed more content with whatever the old man was saying until my name fell. 
"Naruto, I want you to help as Kitsune in Sasuke's training whenever you can."
Rolling my eyes I gave him a nod. 

"Great. Well, I'll be shopping for the next few hours. Want anything specific?" 

With a big smile, I gave him a nod. 
"I want more bookshelves and books that are not written by Jiraiya."
Kakashi sighed but gave me a nod. He gave me a soft kiss on the head before he left the office. I was going to simply go back to work but the old man started talking. 
"What has been going on between you two?" 
I didn't even look up from my stack of paper as I answered his question. 
"Nothing official is going on between us, yet." 
Gramps chuckled finally making me look up at him. 
"Well, I doubt that it will stay this way for long. I see the way you two look at each other." 

Covering my uncomfortable state with a cough I went back to the stack of papers. I heard the old man laugh before he took care of some other things and let me be with my papers. 

After many hours of papers Team 7 finally walked in and I could get rid of this horrid paperwork. There was another reason why I did not actually want to become Hokage. 
"Good morning Team 7. You four will be doing D-Ranks today as your last time until the Chunin Exams." 
Annoyed and not about to actually play knucklehead ninja I stood next to Kakashi, who almost immediately placed his hand on my shoulder keeping me close to him. 
Jiji started talking about why we weren't going on any further missions after today and some other stuff as Kakashi looked down towards me. 
"I was able to get you some basics and the two bookshelves you wanted. As asked I got some books that are not written by Jiraiya and there is still space for you to buy more. You want to cook tonight or go out?" 
I smiled up at him and thought for a second before giving him an answer. 
"Why don't we cook something together? There will be time for us to go out to eat after we finish all this none sense with the Chunin exams." 

The white-haired Jounin was about to say something as the loud voice of the old man echoed through the room. 
"Will you two stop flirting and listen to me?! There will be enough time for you two to do that after I have finished giving you your first mission for the day." 

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