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Sasuke looked like he was about to bust a fuse with his constant muttering about how it was all logical. My ass was logical. He was completely in the dark about this. There was no need to try and rescue your honour. Never had any in the first place.

Placed next to Lord third I watched the many Genin fight each other and making it to the finals. 
Obviously, Sasuke won and moved up to the finals when Sakura's turn finally came I was surprised with a victory on her part.

After the announcements had been made and the Genin were filing out of the building and back to their homes or hotel rooms, I snatched both Sasuke and Sakura from the crowd. 
Sakura was a bit startled to all of a sudden be standing in my living room and Sasuke stated rambling. 
"How could you not tell us? I thought we were supposed to be a team? Why wouldn't you tell us? This is ridiculous. Are you working with Itachi? Has he sent you?"

With every second I let him continue his rambling the oy strayed further from the topic at hand. It was quite funny to watch the almighty Sasuke crumble into a rambling child. 

"Alright, shut up!" My voice was firm and so was my posture making both of them quickly shut their mouths and look at me.
"I work with nobody but myself. And I didn't tell you bunch of this because I was ordered not to. Easy as that." I shrugged and slumped down on my couch.
"Listen, there is a month left before the finals start and neither of you two is fit to be a Chunin yet."

Before I could finish my thought process the door of the apartment opened and Kakashi walked in. 
"I'm home." 

His voice was a bit on the boring side and he probably already knew that both of his Genin students were currently residing in his living room. 

"I'm glad you're home. Come and listen to my training plan for these two."
Both Sasuke and Sakura seemed a bit taken aback by my words but not two seconds later Kakashi calmly strode through the living room door and sat down next to me. 
Closely being watched by the two Genin he started scooting closer to me until he was completely snuggled into my side not caring about his two students gaping at him.

"When you're finally done getting comfortable I'll continue where you interrupted me." 

With a wave of his gloved hand, I started talking again. 

"Sakura, you need to work on your combat skills. Your book smarts are superb and in theory, you make a wonderful shinobi but you lack the practical skills." Her head dropped before she gave me a weak nod. "Sasuke, you need to work on, well, your everything. Neither your book smarts nor your combat skills are really brag-worthy. Plus you haven't completely mastered your Sharingan so that's another thing we will have to work on."

Sasuke opened his mouth to argue with me but my glare shot him down before the first sound could even leave his throat. 

"I will leave after the finals are over. If you don't pass these exams there will be no further help for the next exams you would be able to take." 

We continued strategizing their work out regiment for the next month before the two started on their way back home for the night. 

The next morning came way to fast. 
I was still trapped between Kakashi's build arms and his toned legs as Sasuke jumped through the window. At this point, the sun hadn't even started coming up. He looked at me a bit confused until he opened the room door and walked into our kitchen. 

Sighing a bit irritated I started wiggling my way out of Kakashi's firm death grip. 

It took me about 10 Minutes to get free and about 3 failed attempts. But I finally was dressed and walking into my kitchen where Sasuke had made himself at home. With a cup of tea in his one hand, an Itcha book in his other and most likely a tomato still being chewed in his mouth he looked at me. 
"Morning, Sensei." 

His greeting was a bit slurred with his huge bite of tomato still in his mouth. Shaking my head I made myself a tea and some bread before I sat down in a chair opposite of Sasuke. 

We quietly finished our breakfasts before Sasuke put back the book and stared at me. 

'That's quite a creepy look'

Say's the nine tailed chakra beast with glowing red eyes.


Ignoring Kura I put on my shoes and opened the front door. 
"Let's go. We're starting with three laps around Konoha after we will pick up Sakura and do another 2 laps." 

Not waiting for his reaction I rushed on to the street and took off Sasuke not far behind me. 

With Sasuke's speed, it took us about an hour to do 3 laps and head to Sakura's place. The duck but was heaving behind me as I calmly knocked on the door of the two-story building. 
It didn't take long for the door to open and Sakura's mother peer through the slit that had appeared. 

She looked like she had just gotten out of bed and before I could say what I was here for a window opened above us and Sakura leapt out. 
"I'll be heading to training now, mother." 
With a nod and a be safe her mother closed the door on us. 

"So, what are we starting with?" 

She looked a bit confused about Sasuke's heavy breath but simply shrugged it off. 
"2 Laps around Konoha and then you will be moving on to basic combat and Sasuke will be hitting the books with Kakashi." 

It took another hour for us to finish and now both Genin were laying in the grass heaving for air. 

'That's some low ass stamina. They should probably work on that'

Yeah, no shit Sherlock. Why do you think I am training them again?
'So we can finally leave this wretched village for a while?'
Well, yes but to do that these two need to get better. Become Chunin in every sense of the word. 
'Alright. Well, then I'll be taking a nap. Good night.'

Not even trying to argue I let Kurama go off into La La Land and started combat training with Sakura. 
Kakashi and Sasuke sat not too far away against a tree. Both of them were holding books and Sasuke was scribbling in a notebook like a madman. 

The day went by pretty fast and soon enough I found myself snuggled back into Kakashi and our soft bed. 
"Just one more month."

His voice was sad and so quiet I almost hadn't caught what he said. 

"I will write to you every day and before you'll know it, I'll be back at your side as your lawfully wedded husband." 

He gave me a tired sigh. 

"You better or I will go ahead and find you and lock you up in here for the rest of both our lives." 

Chuckling at his words I gave him a kiss on the lips. 
"I promise to return before you have to do that." 

I got a smile out of him before we both said our good nights and went to sleep.

Days flew past and so did the weeks and not soon after the month was over. 

Sakura had drastically improved in her combat and Jutsu abilities. 
Sasuke had started training his Sharingan in the three tomoe stage and he had gotten pretty decent with it. His combat was now on par with Rock Lee's and his smarts had also skyrocketed with the right training. 

Standing next to Lord third and looking down at all the Genin again Kurama started talking again. 

'Not bad. Didn't think you would survive this month. Or get both of them this far ahead in their training.' 

Ignoring his true words I listened to the rule announcement and watched the battles wage on. 

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