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"Don't be later. Exam starts at 8 sharp."
With that, I was gone in black flames.  

Finally home I was greeted with a Shirtless Kakashi standing in the middle of nowhere reading some Icha Icha. He was staring concentrated down at the small book in his hand slightly biting down on his thumb. I watched for several minutes with amusement until I decided to make myself known by releasing the slightest bit of chakra. 
His head instantly went towards my direction and his eyes zeroed in on me. Less than a second later his face broke into a bright smile and the book was put to the side. 
"Welcome home, Naru. How was training?" 
Kashi started walking closer, giving me a peck on the hairline to welcome me. 
"Fine. Brat still thinks he is so much better than little old me." 
I rolled my eyes seeing Kakashi snicker at my words. 
"Relax, after the first two parts of the exam he won't be so disrespectful to you anymore." 

Nodding I started taking my clothes off and slipping into some comfortable pants. 
"I sure do hope so or else I will rip that little bitch from his status and title faster than he can say Itachi." 
Kakashi started snickering and handed me the book I was currently reading. 
"Let's relax a bit and then go out and grab a bite to eat before we go to bed. I have a feeling it's going to be a long day tomorrow." 
Approving his idea I sat myself down on our sofa and Kakashi followed laying his head down on my thighs. 

An hour went by with just us two reading when we were interrupted by a knock. 

With a sigh, I stood up and while walking towards the door I put my henge back into place. Still shirtless and fully showing off Kurama's seal as there was no other seal visible anymore. 
Book in hand I opened the door to bubble gum monster. 
"Sakura-chan. Can I help you?" 
She looked me up and down in her timid stance turning redder with every second before she shook her head. Still red she cleared her throat. 
"I-I was actually looking for S-Sensei." 
Hearing us talk about him Kakashi appeared behind me, also shirtless but with a mask on, leaning against the doorframe.
"What can I help you with, Sakura?"
Seeing her sensei shirtless didn't seem to improve her state of embarrassment. The poor girl was stumbling all over her words. Can't really blame her seeing as she is very inexperienced with boys and Kakashi is one fine specimen. Kakashi that was still reading, of course, didn't notice so I step aside a bit.
"Why don't you come inside first and Kashi will go ahead and get us some shirts."

Not even questioning my reasons Kakashi went into the bedroom and got us some shirts. Mine was a bit large seeing as there weren't bought to be worn in this henge. 
I had started making some tea in the meantime and Sakura sat herself down at the table we had standing around in our kitchen. 

After both, Kakashi and I had put our shirts on and everybody had their tea Sakura started to calm down. 

"I just came by to talk a bit about the exams. I don't know, I guess I am a bit nervous about them. I wanted to ask if you could maybe give me some pointers, as you have already taken them." 
Kakashi gave her a careful look.
"There is nothing to be nervous about. While I am not allowed to reveal any of the parts of the exam I can give you a few tips. First, don't go off and start picking fights. No matter with whom, our village other villages, just keep your temper in check. Second, don't ever show fear. You are a Ninja and are supposed to be an emotionless and quiet warrior. Not a loudmouthed know-it-all Sasuke obsessed little girl. Third, don't give away all of your tricks. Always keep something up your sleeve to surprise your enemies. This could possibly change the situation from you dying into them dying instead." 
Nodding her head vigorously, Sakura was glued to his lips. Taking his every word into her soul. It was kind of adorable to see the two of them. Finishing my tea I stood up and laid it into the sink to be cleaned later. 

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