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I guess I had successfully found a hiding place tonight because of the morning after I had actually felt refreshed. 

Today was the day that we would get another boring D-Rank mission. I don't know how much longer I can do these stupid missions. Their pointless and are only put in by villagers that are simply too lazy to do their own job. 
We just got back with the devil's cat Tora. I understood her but I had caught her so many times by now that she knew my scent and simply walked up to me. Each time she did she tried to get me to hide her from her owner. I get that her owner sucks but I can't really do anything for her. 

"Alright. Your next mission will be picking weeds and babysitting an elder's grandchildren." 
The old man kept on rambling. No matter how much I wanted to say something I couldn't. Not even being in this transformation. It would be disrespectful to the Hokage and after serving him and the village for 11 years I couldn't do that anymore. 

You know. You are way too kind and respectful for your own good, kit.
Yea I know but he is the man that kept us safe and gave us a reason to live. Can you actually blame me?
No. I get it but please at least ask for a higher rank mission. I can't do these chores anymore. 
Alright. As long as you stop whining I will ask. 

I could hear Kurama huff in anger when I said that last bit but he didn't actually say anything back to me. 
"Jiji, I know I'm interrupting your ramble about missions but would you mind giving us a C-Rank? These D-Ranks aren't getting us anywhere. Their just plain boring and don't actually get us any practice in what it means to be a ninja."
The old man looked at me and silently asking if it would actually be alright while Iruka was giving us a full lecture about missions and ranks and shit. 
He just simply cut off Iruka's rambling and the brown-haired man was taken aback by this. 
"You want a higher Rank you'll get it. It's going to be a simple C-Rank mission, though. You will have to escort someone back to the Land of waves safely and make sure he finishes his job."

Simply looking at the Hokage I knew there would be more to this mission then he let on. Maybe I could rip some head off without them brats noticing.
A door opened and a drunk old geezer walked in. Well, this is going to be fun. 
"This is a joke, right? You kids can't possibly be ninjas. Especially you. The small one with the face of an idiot."
I just simply ignored the insult to the surprise of the others, that didn't know the real me. 
"You're kidding. I am not escorting some drunk geezer out of this village." 
I simply looked at the Hokage with my passive face. He knew I was serious but he also knew that I wouldn't dare go against his orders. 
"No, I am not. You will keep him safe. End of discussion Naruto."
With a sigh, I gave up and bowed ever so slightly. No one but the old man and Kakashi caught me bowing in respect. That bow was as good as an answer the old man would get and he was happy with it. He understood my silent body language after having me work for him for 11 years. 
"Great. Now you guys will leave in an hours time. Naruto you will join me in my office."
With that everyone of team 7 but for me left. The old man stood up and walked out of the room with me close behind him. 

"Now. I want Sasuke and Sakura out of harm's way when you leave this village. You are not allowed to leave in this get up so you will join them as Kitsune. You will not get your mask and you will not let those two know who you really are. I will come with you to the gate to explain the situation myself."
With a sigh, I simply gave a deep bow and with a puff my transformation was gone. Getting dressed back in my loose shirt and black Anbu pants with black ninja shoes I was ready to go to the gate. 

Together we made our way through the village. No glares no nothing. What a life. 

The old man was walking slightly in front of me showing his higher rank. Which I respected and simply followed after him. 
The gate was slowly coming closer and I couldn't wait to finally get out of this place again and maybe even rip some heads off. 
When we finally arrived Team 7 looked up to the Hokage in question. 
"Where is Naruto?" 

The pink banshee wasn't as loud this time around but that probably was because she was talking to the Hokage. 
"Well, Naruto isn't allowed to leave the village for such a long duration. So he will have to stay behind and help me with some paperwork while you will be going on this mission. For safety reasons, I will send Kitsune here with you. We can't have any of you cute little Genin getting hurt. He won't act unless he needs to, so just try to not annoy him."
With that, the Hokage gave me a kind smile and a pat on the head. What looked affectionate to others was a sign telling me to not screw up my job. 

"Well, now that we are all here we should leave. It will be a long walk from here." 

Not questioning Kakashi everyone started walking out of the village. It didn't take long when the pink-haired girl started asking questions. 
"Not that I'm complaining but why is Naruto not allowed to leave the village?"

She was looking at Kakashi but he simply looked at me to explain. Probably because he couldn't be bothered with coming up with an excuse for me. 
"Naruto is ... let's say special. The council doesn't want him outside of the village for numerous reasons but I am not allowed to tell you any of them. If you actually want to know why don't you simply ask him when we get back?" 
She gave me a nod but then started to visibly think again. 
"Then why are you here if this is a simple C-Rank."

God. This girl asks too many questions. 
"That is simply because Duckbutt over there isn't allowed to leave either. Him being the last Uchiha the council doesn't want him in harm's way but they don't have the control over him as they do with Naruto. So they send me to make sure he doesn't get into trouble out here."

The insult on Sasuke made her frown but the rest made her look up to him even more. 
"Hn. I don't need protection from some weak idiot."

I rolled my eyes at the brat.

"Listen here, brat. I have been doing this stuff way longer then you and believe me if I tell you that I really don't want to be here either. I wasn't trained to babysit some self-centred Genin but to kill. This mission is stupid and pointless. I don't give a rats ass about you or what will happen to you. For all I care, you can go die in a ditch." 
That didn't seem to amuse the Uchiha as much as it amused me to finally tell him what I thought about him and this mission. 
Neither did Sakura. She started stomping her way over to me when she was picked up by Kakashi and pushed behind him. 
"How dare you insult Sasuke like that. You are nothing but a bug compared to him." 
I visibly saw Kakashi start to sweat. He knew what I was capable of and he really seemed to care for these brats. My eyes left the pink creature and went up to my former teammate. He gave me an apologetic smile.
"Sorry about them, taichou. They don't really understand their place quite yet. I'll make sure to teach them." 
Narrowing my eyes at him I gave him a nod and threw two chakras infused Senbon Needles in a puddle. 

After they all passed the puddle I saw it vanish. Instead, there were two hidden mist shinobi laying on the ground unconscious. With a roll of my eyes, I simply sealed them in one of the few scrolls I actually carry with me and caught up to the rest of them that were now talking about the land of waves. 
It was nothing worth mentioning. Just some things about them not having Shinobi and any money for that matter. 
I was tired of this mission and this slow ass walk. We either had to speed up or Kakashi would have to carry me. Cause I was about to fall asleep walking. I tiredly rubbed my eyes like a child and walked up to Kakashi. After I pulled on his sleeve to get his attention he noticed my tired eyes and put his weird book away. A second later I was on his back and my face snuggled into his neck. 

"Taichou, do you mind taking off the weights. You're kinda heavy." 
Without any complain I took off my gravity seals. I felt Kakashi straighten up a bit and walk more easily. I finally drifted off into sleep while being surrounded by the smell of forest and autumn. 
"Thanks, Kashi." 
My words were so quiet I hoped he wouldn't hear them but a hand on my almost white hair and a gentle. 

"No problem Naru." 
Told me otherwise. 

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