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Rais of sunshine fell through our window waking me in the process. Kakashi was still clinging to me desperately and I could hear Sasuke shuffling things around in the kitchen. 
Honestly, this brat has made himself way too comfortable in my apartment.
Struggling out of Kakashi's death grip I started my day with a nice long shower. 

I was in there for like half an hour, which was quite soothing. Walking back into our bedroom I found Kakashi sprawled out on the bed still snoring lightly. 

Walking out into the kitchen I found Sasuke sipping tea and reading one of our many books. "Morning."
He only gave me a nod and went back to his book. Little shit is getting way to comfortable in this apartment. I started making Kakashi and me some breakfast and as soon as it was finished a groggy Kakashi appeared in the kitchen doorway.
He swayed his way towards the table and sat down with a thud. With his breakfast in front of him, his eyes started to focus and his mind seemed to slowly wake up. After wolfing down his breakfast he looked up to me with a smile.
"Thank you for the food."

 Smiling I gave him a kiss on his cheek and started cleaning.
"I'm leaving for the gates in about an hour. Do you two want to come?"
Kashi sighed but gave me a nod and Sasuke followed soon after he had set his now empty tea down.
"Alright, then I will go and pack real quick."
Walking back into our bedroom I could hear another thud and some muffled voices. Ignoring the two guys in my kitchen I started sealing a bunch of clothes, equipment and necessities into the seals all over my body. Sealing my last Kunai away I went back into the kitchen and started packing some food for a few days into a bag. Checking the time I still had a bunch of time so I made my way towards the living room and snuggled into Kakashi that had seated himself on our large couch with his favourite Icha-Icha book. We just sat there together for a while me dosing off a little and Kashi reading.

"Where's Sasuke?"
My voice was quiet and muffled by Kakashi's shirt.
"He went out to train for a bit and get Sakura to say goodbye to you."
Nodding I looked up at the clock and found that it was almost time to leave. I peeled myself slowly off of Kakashi and started putting on my shoes and headband. Kakashi followed suit and put on his shoes.

Our walk towards the gate was filled with silence and his hand was clutching mine so hard I started to lose circulation. It took us 10 minutes to walk to the gate as we were walking very slowly. As we approached I could already see Sakura's pink hair and her light pink dress. She really needs a change of clothes.
I should probably tell her before I leave.
The two of them were holding small packages in their hands. Behind both of them stood Jiraiya with a big goofy smile on his face. We stopped in front of the three Kakashi still refusing to let go of my hand as I talked to the two new Chunins.

"Alright. Sakura, I want you to work hard under Lady Tsunade and learn everything you can regarding medical issues and chakra. Also please get an outfit less bright. Something that will hide you in the forest and not make you a flashing target."
With a sheepish smile, she gave me a nod hand handed me her package.
"I will. I got you some herbs and nutrition pills. As a small thank you for getting me my spot as Tsunade's apprentice."
Smiling I looked at Sasuke that was fidgeting around with his package and seemed to find the ground a lot more interesting than our conversation. Still not looking at me he pushed his package into my arms and a small blush seemed to creep up his cheeks.
"Just a little something to make sure you come back."
Nodding a bit confused I didn't question him and smiled.
"Promise me to keep training with Kakashi and continue growing in rank. When I get back I want you to be at least Jounin. If not Anbu and do me a favour, keep Kakashi and yourself safe. I don't want to be informed by Lord third that either of you did something stupid like going rogue or something."
Smiling at me Sasuke gave a small nod. Snatching Sakura's wrist he pulled her with him away from the gate before screaming.

"Stay safe and don't you dare not come back, dobe."
Rolling my eyes I lifted my hand in a silent goodbye. Kakashi had stored the two packages safely into my bag and was still clutching my hand.

"I hate this."
Kakashi's voice was so quiet I almost didn't catch it. Looking up at him I gave him a sad smile.
"I know. It's not the best situation but you need to stay here and keep Konoha and both of your students safe. You'll be fine."
Sighing he gave me a nod and pulled me closer into his arms.
"Stay safe."
I gave him a kiss on his mask and turned towards Jiraiya.

"Alright, let's go old perv."
I walked past him out of the gates ignoring his loud complaints about being called an old perv. I really didn't want to leave my loved ones but it was impossible to take such strong assets to the village with me for my selfish reasons. It took some hours for Jiraiya to calm down and stop rambling. His shoulders slugged down a little. Ha gave me a big smile before he started talking again.
"So, where are we going?"
Thinking about where to go first I shrugged a little.

"I guess all the small villages we can find before we reach Suna. I have a jinchuriki to talk to there and then we move forward from there."
Nodding at my reasoning he took the lead to show me to the entire small villages around Konoha that he knew of.

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