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Reporting back from the last D-Rank Mission for the day, I was ready to high tail it home and get rid of this hideous jumpsuit. The old man finally dismissed us after, again, explaining what would now happen to our training regimen. 
Stepping out of the room I was about to run out when Sakura's voice stopped me in my tracks. 
"Why don't we go and get some BBQ? To just celebrate, considering we won't be seeing each other for a while." 
Kakashi put his hand on my shoulder to keep me from running and agreed with the bubblegum monster. 
"Sounds like a good idea. I am starving and this way we won't have to cook dinner." 
Rolling my eyes at Kakashi's laziness I simply gave the group a nod and let myself be pulled towards the restaurant. 

After being seated and ordering, Sakura kept on talking about something I didn't quite want to understand.
I simply sat next to Kakashi and played with a senbon under the table. Time ticket by way to slow and half an hour later everyone was finally done eating. 

"Can we leave now?" 
My question was a simple whisper towards Kakashi. He ignored the question and put his hand on my thigh to calm me down for a bit longer. 
That pink monster kept on rambling about clothes and girls that apparently were way to fake. 

'Oh dear Jashin, please make her shut up.'
Kurama whined, making my head throb. 
'Calm down, Kura. I'll try to get out of here.'

I felt Kakashi's grip on my leg indicating that he too, was ready to leave this conversation. I cleared my throat to get pinky to shut up for a few seconds.
"I really love listening to your talking, Sakura-chan, but I really need to go get a few things for my coming training ready."
Sakura gave me an understanding smile and a nod.
"Oh, it's alright. I should probably do the same." 
Finally being able to pay we walked out and said our goodbyes. Sasuke simply walked off and Sakura being herself followed him like a lost little puppy. 

I started making my way towards Kakashi's and my apartment. A few moments Kakashi fell into step with me. 
"When are you going to leave?" 
I shrugged my shoulders at his question.
"I don't know, probably around 5 am. I don't want to be away for longer than needed."
He gave me a thoughtful nod and kept quiet for the rest of the way home.  

It was already getting dark when we finally arrived at our apartment. I was exhausted from dealing with those two Genin and ready to leave for a few days to calm my nerves. Kakashi, though, didn't seem as thrilled about the fact that I was leaving the village in a few hours time.
"Kakashi, relax. I'll be back before you know it. Just concentrate on Sasuke's training."
He gave me a side look and sighed.

"How will I not noticed when I come home to an empty apartment?" 

After getting rid of my equipment and most of my clothes I walked back towards Kakashi that was sitting on the couch. 
"You worry too much. I promise you that I'll be back as fast as possible." 
Curling up against his side he pulled me even closer. 
"I know I do. Maybe Lord Third will let you take another Anbu with you?!" 
Snickering at his antics I pulled his hands to my lips giving them a quick kiss. 
"Do you really think I won't be able to guilt trip my Godparents into coming back by myself?" 
He gave off a breathy laugh and relaxed noticeably.

"Just... be safe." 

Looking up towards his face, I gave him a soft smile.
"I always am." 
With a nod, he pulled me up on his lap and buried his face in the crook of my neck. Playing with his gravity-defying hair I let him relax against my body. 
"Let's go to bed, Kashi. It's getting late and I'm getting tired." 
With a grunt, he stood up with me still in his arms. On memory, he walked through his apartment into his bedroom and carefully dropped me on top of his bed. 

It took several minutes for us to get ready for bed and to get comfortable in each other's arms. I listened to his heartbeat for several minutes before it guided me into a deep slumber. 

 Something softly pulling my hair woke me up several hours later. I looked up with half-lidded eyes and weakly smiled. 
A low rumble that sounded like a laugh escape Kakashi. 
"I'll get breakfast ready while you go and take a shower." 
With an incoherent mumble, I made my way towards the bathroom and started getting ready for my long trip.
It took a good half hour before I was ready to eat something and start on my trip to find my godparents. 

Opening the bathroom door the smell of bacon and eggs flew my way making my stomach growl. Slowly walking into the kitchen I saw breakfast scattered neatly over the table. Ignoring my hungry stomach for a minute I made my way towards my lover and snuggled my face into his back. 
"Thank you for the food." 
Stretching upwards I gave him a kiss on his exposed cheek and made my way towards the table. Eating in blissful silence it took us an hour to finish eating and started cleaning the kitchen. It was early in the morning and we weren't awaiting someone to suddenly bang against our door. Looking towards Kakashi I conjured up my henge and walked to the door that was still being banged against. 
Getting more annoyed with every bang I swung open the door and glared at the person standing behind it. 
The black-haired Uchiha looked at me a bit startled before his stoic front came back.
"I was looking for Kakashi-Sensei." 

Rolling my eyes I walked back inside leaving the door open for the brat to come inside. I walked into the kitchen and was met with a clean kitchen and a masked Kakashi reading his Icha-Icha book. 

"The brat is here for his training." 
Kakashi gave me a pointed look making me roll my eyes. 
"Come inside or close the door! Stop standing in front of the open door like an idiot!" 
I could hear Sasuke start scrambling inside and closing the door. Grabbing whatever I needed for my journey to find my godparents and walked back into the kitchen.

Sasuke was sitting at the table looking a bit uncomfortable to be here and Kakashi across from him. 
"I got everything I need. I'll be back as soon as possible." 
I gave him a kiss on his masked cheek and looked towards Sasuke. 

"Don't slack on your job, please. He needs the help." 
Turning Kakashi away from Sasuke's view I pulled down his mask and stole a kiss. 
"Don't be a brat, Sasuke. This is for your own good." 
Glaring at the young brat I gave Kakashi a last smile before I left the two behind in the apartment. 

Last stop before I could finally leave this village for a while was the old man's office. I jumped in through the window startling my grandfather half to death. 
"You need to stop doing this!" 
His voice was rather loud scared his current Anbu guards. 

"I'm just here to say that I am leaving now. Not to sure when I'll be back. Sasuke is already training." 

With a nod and a wave of his hand, he dismissed me and let me go. 

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