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May 18th, 2059
Dixie's POV:

I should have picked a sunnier, more cheerful place than Forks, Washington. The more I think about it, the more I'm wondering why I didn't just pick somewhere in the south. Missouri, I could have gone there. Haven't been there in a few decades, and it's always lovely in the spring. Then again, the bank I robbed was in Georgia so maybe it would have been too close for comfort. I don't really consider what I did robbing the bank though, they literally handed me all the cash.

I mean yeah sure, I used my ability to get them to hand it to me, but persuasion isn't a real crime. I smirk a bit before I frown as I think of how much persuasion I've used in the last few weeks to secure myself a car and a house in Forks. It's not like they'll catch me for what I did at the bank or even now, and even if they did I can persuade my way out of trouble as I've done for the last 180 years or so.

It's more a matter of keeping away from humans that has been a problem for me these last few weeks. I sigh some as I watch the clouds pass by as we start the descent into Seattle. If the guy I persuaded back in California did his job right, there should be a guy waiting to meet me here and give me the keys to my new car. I paid for the car instead of persuading him to give it to me. I'm not completely heartless, I know he had to make a living with his job and giving away free cars doesn't really help that. But if my car isn't waiting for me here, I might run back there and persuade him to give me every car on the lot.

I watch as the pilot lands us on the tarmac and I unbuckle my belt, standing from my seat in first class, as soon as the light goes off. I grab my bag from the overhead bin and make my way off the crowded little plane. I had forgotten how much humans talk and how they always seemed to relate to someone, have relationships of some kind with each other. Something that I haven't had in long time, which made my heart ache in longing for most of the plane ride.

I shake off my ache as best I could as I headed into the arrival section of the airport. I scan the sea of name cards until I spot my last name. I make sure my shades are steady on my nose, as I walk over to the guy scanning the crowd, stopping when he sees me headed his way. He's a rather young looking man maybe his mid-30s, with a kind smile as I approach him holding out my latest ID.

"Miss James I believe?"

"Yes, I believe you have my car?"

"Of course, just as Mr. Wheeler promised. I took the liberty of making sure it had a full tank of gas, no charge of course. Here are the keys, would you like me to help with your bag?"

"No thank you, simply point me in the right direction and I'll be off."

"Certainly Miss. It's in Lot B, Row A."

"Thank you. A little something for your trouble, have a good day sir."

I hand the man a couple hundreds, leaving him speechless, before I walk off towards the parking lot. I reach Lot B, Row A in moments and stare at my beauty of a car. A shiny new, silver Corvette Convertible. Damn....... I picked a good one this time round. I toss my bag in the back before getting in the driver's seat. As it purrs to life I let out a laugh before speeding out of the parking lot. Forks here I come, ready or not I suppose.

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