Chapter 23

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Dixie's POV:

The sound of Carlisle's footsteps woke me early the next morning. I glance out the window and see that the sun is being blocked by the rain again. I look up to see Carlisle smiling gently at me, and it's then that I realize Seth is snoring still behind me. I move his hand off as Carlisle helps me sit up on the bed, before getting down. I hold in a hiss of pain from my side, but it's nowhere near as painful as it was the day before. Carlisle seems to know that it's still painful though as he gathers fresh bandages on a small side table, before he starts whispering to me.

"How is it today on a scale of one to ten Dixie?" (C)

"A four or five I guess." (D)

"Well it looks like your arm is almost healed, it's just your side I'm worried about now." (C)

"Carlisle, can I ask you something?" (D)

"Of course." (C)

"When can I go home?" (D)

"Oh Dixie, I thought you would stay here with us. We have an empty room that I've been designing with Nessie and Alice for you." (E)

I looked toward Esme as she came through the doors of the study, with a soft yet concerned smile. It's not that I'm deciding I don't want to be a part of their family anymore, it's just's happening too fast. I don't know how comfortable I am with moving in yet, I just got settled in my house. I haven't lived with anyone since Frank and I don't know if I really want to.

"I, I just need some more time before I'm ready to live with others again. Is that alright?" (D)

"Of course it is dear. You're welcome to move in anytime." (E)

"And to answer your question, I would feel better sending you home after the wounds stop bleeding." (C)

"That could take another few days without more help. Is there anyway I could just go home to grab some clothes and stuff?" (D)

"I think that would be alright, as long as someone went with you." (C)

"I'll go with you Ruby." (S)

Seth's POV:

When she didn't object to me being the one to go home with her for a while, I was ready to howl I was so happy. She was going to try and walk down the stairs, but after making it to the door of the study she was holding in hisses of pain. I know she was as I watched her bite her lips as she moved. I moved to her side and gently picked her up before she had time to protest. She didn't though, she simply thanked me as I carried her down the stairs and outside. I started to carry her towards Esme's Mercedes and see her tilt her head in question as I do.

"Do you have a car Seth?" (D)

"A truck back at my place, but I had drove my baby over here the other night. It isn't really appropriate for you to ride until you're healed."

I pointed to my Harley as we walked by and hear let out a soft laugh while agreeing with me. I smile as I see her smile and hear her laugh, even more beautiful than in my dream. I helped her into the passenger seat before rushing over to the drivers seat. She gave me directions to her house and I saw just how close she is to the old treaty line, though it's just about null and void in all honesty. It does mean she's closer to me though.

We pull up in front of the house and huge garage, and I'm impressed with my imprint. She has good tastes, not to mention, I see the smile in her eyes as she looks at the house. Her smile makes me smile as I rush to help her out of the car and up the steps into the house. I set her gently down in the front hallway before shutting the door following her into a living room area.

"Well, welcome to my house. Kitchen is through there, help yourself and I mean that. There is a lot of food that is probably going to spoil in the next few days if you don't. This is the living room, help yourself to any of the books while you're here. Bathroom is through the hall on the left. First though, I may need help getting upstairs." (D)

I see her say this with a blush on her cheeks and can't help the laugh that escapes my lips. She whips her head around to look at me, wondering why I'm laughing probably. But she doesn't question it, rather she starts laughing as well. I cross the room until I'm standing in front of her, gently brushing hair away from her face, seeing her blush amplify as I do. She leans into my hand and closes her eyes. I see her take a deep breath as a small smile crosses her face, and I know that my blood is tempting her again but I don't mind.

"Well then Ruby, let's get you upstairs shall we?" (S)

I take her into my arms as gently as I can again before walking up the stairs. She points out a few of the rooms up here as she goes, with the last door being her bedroom. I walk in and notice her smell is everywhere in this room and it's like heaven. I set her down on the bed before taking a look around. It's pale green with cream colored carpet, but the real beauty in the room is her.

"I'll just be a few minutes if you'd like to wait downstairs. I'll call you when I need help coming down." (D)

"Oh yeah, right. I'll just check out the kitchen then huh?" (S)

I see her smile at me and nod her head before standing and heading towards one of the doors. I can only assume it's a bathroom, and I feel my feet start to carry me out of the room and back downstairs before I'm tempted to kiss her. I find myself wandering through the downstairs after a while, eating an apple from the kitchen counter as I do.

I see a picture of her in old timey clothes with two other guys, and I feel jealousy rise out of me until I realize that these must be the James. I feel a twinge of jealousy still as I look at them and how close they were in the picture, knowing that she loved one of them the way I love her. But she is my imprint, and I have all the time in the world to woo her and to love her. I smile some as I hear the water start upstairs and I force myself to stay down here instead of waiting for her upstairs.

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