Chapter 28

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Esme's POV:

I smiled as I watched my new daughter open up and become more relaxed, happy that she was at last. Even if it was because she was drunk. Edward had decided to stay in the kitchen because her mind was so entertaining and the rest of the family had moved in here as well. I can only imagine Carlisle's reaction when he gets home and sees this. I had decided to use this as my chance to find out more about her though if she was going to open to us.

"Dixie?" (E)

"Yes momma?" (D)

"Did you ever find out anything about your biological parents?" (E)

"A bit, but not a whole bunch. My momma's name was Belle, she was fancy lady, that's a nice way of saying prostitute. I guess my daddy had been a client of hers. She died when I was born and they tossed me into a ditch by the side of the road. I was unwanted from the very start I suppose." (D)

"Well you're not unwanted now." (Rose)

I smiled as I saw Rose hug Dixie, while Dixie slowly returned it, though I think her slow response was only due to the alcohol. She turned back to watch me cook with a smile on her face as I read the instructions for the grits.

"Momma?" (D)

"Yes?" (E)

"Just boil three cups of water and then add two cups of grits once the water gets a boiling. Reduce the flame and cover em up for bout ten minutes, stir em a bit so's they won't get clumpy. They're easy as pie to make, but that bag won be telling yah right I bet." (D)

I smiled as I saw her smiling at me, everyone else holding back a laugh at her accent. I started to follow her instructions instead of the bag's when I heard Carlisle's car pull up. My smile seemed to grow wider as I thought about what he was walking into as he stepped through the front door.

"Well how is everyone doing tonight?" (C)

"Howdy dad, we're fine here. Momma's makin a southern dinner, you know momma didn't know how to put the grits on haha." (D)

I watched as his smile got bigger when she called him dad and me momma before he started to look at her a bit critically. He looked to Edward who put his hands up in surrender, before walking up to my side and kissing me on the side of the head.

"Do I want to know?" (C)

"You might. Our newest daughter is drunk right now." (E)

"Dixie....are you really drunk right now?" (C)

I saw her pause for a moment before tilting her head, and I heard Edward laugh again as she seemed to think about it. She looked back up at us both before she nodded and smiled. I saw Carlisle's eyes fill with questions as he entered doctor mode.

"And how did you get drunk this evening Dixie my dear?" (C)

"Eddie and Bella drove me to the Port and I went into this dive bar kinda place and went from there." (D)

"You can get drunk off alcohol?" (C)

"Yeeaah but I had help. I might of persuaded the guys buying me drinks to let me drink them after a few rounds." (D)

"Yes, something Edward forgot to mention when you first came home." (E)

"I'm sorry momma but I was under control the whole time. Angel can't get no control when I'm drunk, it's somethin that the guys found out with me one night." (D)

"Angel?" (E)

"Yeah, she''s when my eyes go black. I don't know why I get like that, it just kinda started after the Civil War began. I don't like it when she's in control and alcohol's always kept her away usually." (D)

I smiled at her before glancing at Edward to see if he can explain that a bit more later. He looks to me and nods before he goes back to looking at Dixie again. Carlisle deciding to ask more questions when Dixie is in a more sober state of mind. I smiled as she leaned against Jasper and yawned some before she searched the room.

"Rose?" (D)

"Yeah, I'm here Dixie." (R)

"When I get to feelin better think you could help me with one of my cars?" (D)

"I'd love to, what type of car?" (R)

"A 1965 Rolls Royce. I got the engine and transmission up and running but I just can't get the darn thing to go faster than 85. I need some help tweaking the engine." (D)

I saw Rosalee's eyes light up when she heard what type of car before speedily agreeing to helping her with the car once she started feeling better. I watched as both of my daughters smiled at each other before Dixie seemed to get quiet among herself for a few minutes. I watched as Dixie looked thoughtful for a moment before looking to Edward with her hand stretched out and a giant smile on her face.

"Are you sure Dixie?" (Ed)

"Yeah, please Eddie." (D)

I watched as he handed her his cell phone before she stood up and made her way outside on the porch in a zig-zagging fashion. I heard her pick one of Edward's contact numbers before Edward starting talking about a football game with the boys. I smile knowing who she's calling and I start prepping more chicken, knowing that he'll eat it.

Seth's POV:

I heard my cell phone start going off over the loud music I was playing in an attempt to drown out my thoughts on my imprint not wanting me to kiss her. I turned the music down before I looked to see who it was. Edward Cullen. I sigh some before I realize she might be hurt and I answer it quicker than I normally would have.

"Edward is Dixie alright?" (S)

"Course I'm alright, I'm fine as the bee's knees. I was callin to ask if you wanted to have a southern dinner with me." (D)

I paused as I heard my imprint's voice on the other end of the line. Her accent stronger than ever before, making a smile come on my face. She wants to have dinner with me, maybe that means she's had enough time to think.

"Seth? Eddie, this thang ain't workin properly!" (D)

"Dixie, Dixie no I'm here. I would love to have dinner with you. What time?" (S)

"I ain't sure, one sec. Momma, what time.......ok.....yes ma'am. Momma says it'll be ready in bout 20 minutes or so but you can come over now." (D)

"Alright I'll leave right now." (S)

"Wait, Eddie wants to talk to you." (D)

I heard her pass the phone off before hearing Emmett's booming laugh in the background followed by a smack, meaning Rose hit him again. I smile some at that before I hear Edward's laugh.

"Seth, you might want to hurry. Your imprint is drunk. I'll explain more when you get here." (Ed)

I heard him laugh again before he hung up the phone but I couldn't keep the smile off my face. Drunk or not she wanted me to have dinner with her. I put on a clean shirt before I ran outside to my truck and cranked it up, gunning it as fast as it would go to get to her sooner. My imprint wanted to see me and have dinner with me. It's gonna be a great night after all.

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