15. Complications

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Emma went to school the next day and avoided Killian. It was really hard, considering he was her teacher. Emma sat in the back of class. She didn't care about Walsh watching her.

She avoided him, and after school she went straight home. "Emma, is something wrong?" David asked the minute she walked through the door. "No. I'm fine." She answered, angrily. She went up to her room and shut the door.

I miss him. Was all she could think. It was all she could think about. She felt awful about how she acted. She was going to apologise, immediately.

She walked downstairs. "Hey, David, I'm going to see Killian." She told him. "Okay, Emma. Have fun." David replied. Emma walked out the door and walked to Killian's house.

The first thing she noticed was that his car wasn't in the driveway. She knocked on the door, and there was no reply. "He's not home right now. I'll wait." Emma thought aloud, sitting down on a chair on the porch.


Killian went home after school, to pick up Evan. Milah was waiting for him on the porch. They didn't like each other, but were civil to each other for Evans sake.

"Hey, kiddo. Ready?" Killian asked Evan. Evan nodded excitedly. "I'll pick him up later." Milah said.

"Okay, let's go." Killian said. Evan got in the car and buckled himself in. Killian started driving and talking to Evan. "So, Evan how old are you?" Killian asked. Evan replied, "Thwee." He couldn't pronounce all his words correctly.

He just asked questions the whole ride. He found out almost nothing. What can you expect from a three year old? He still enjoyed it because he got to spend time with his son.

They got to the zoo and Evan was amazed by everything. The penguins, the monkeys, the lions, you name it.

In the middle of it, Killian got a call. It was Emma. He thought for a while, then decided he didn't want Emma to know where he was, especially that he was with Evan, so he hit decline.

On the ride home, Killian asked Evan if he had fun. "Yeah, I did!" Evan replied. "Good, well, Daddy has to listen to something, so please be quiet for a minute?" Killian told Evan. Evan nodded and pretended to zip his lips shut.

He listened to Emma's voicemail.

Killian?! It's Emma. Where are you?! I've been waiting on your porch for hours. I'm going home now. Call me when you're done with what you're doing. What are you doing, by the way?! Why wont you tell me?! Stop being so secretive! You know what, sorry I bothered you. You know where to find me if you decide you want me. Bye.

Killian instantly felt guilty. He didn't bother to tell Emma anything. He just realized Emma sat in the back of class today. He was so caught up with Milah and Evan, he forgot about Emma. "Daddy? Are you okay?" Evan asked, hoping to help. "Yeah, yeah. Daddy's fine. Daddy just did something wrong and has to fix it." Killian explained to Evan. "Can I help?" Evan asked.

"Maybe." Killian answered. He knew he couldn't just tell Emma. It would shock her. He couldn't not tell her though. He needed a plan. Luckily, he had 10 minutes to think of one.


Killian called Emma. No reply. Okay, I deserved that. "This is Emma, leave a message." Came her voicemail. "Swan? I'm sorry, I'll explain everything, I promise. I do love you. Please, just meet me at my house as soon as you can. I promise I do love you, and I'd never try to hurt you. I'll explain everything." Killian hung up and hoped.


Emma heard Killian's voicemail. She was torn. Didn't she already try with him? She decided one more chance. He better have a good explanation though.

-10 minutes later-

Emma knocked on Killian's door. He opened it really quickly. "Emma!" He said. "Hi." Emma said back. "Emma, I am going to explain everything but just, please stay calm." Killian told Emma. "Okay...." Emma said. "So, Milah ran away all those years ago because, well, because..." Killian couldn't finish his sentence. "I'll just show you." He said. "Evan!" He called out.

Evan walked out into the living room where they were. "Killian? Who's this?" Emma asked. "This... This is Evan. He's my son." Killian told her. "You have a son?!" She asked. Evan looked at Emma. "Who's this?" He asked Killian. "This is Emma." Killian answered. "She's pretty." Evan said. "I know." Killian said, smiling at Emma.

Then, Evan walked over to Emma. "Hi." He said. "Hey there." Emma said. Emma smiled at Killian. He took this as a good sign. "Hey, Evan, how about we go get some ice cream?" Killian asked. "I have some in the fridge." He said. "Yeah!" Evan nodded excitedly. "Just don't tell mommy." Killian said, winking. Killian and Emma went into the kitchen and got Evan chocolate ice cream.

When he was eating, Emma pulled Killian into the living room. "A son?" She asked. "Yeah." Killian answered, scratching behind his right ear. "Are you okay?" Emma asked. "Yeah, it's just a little bit of a suprise." Killian replied. "Daddy!" Evan shouted from the kitchen. "Yeah, Evan?" Killian asked. "I got a brain freeze." Evan said. Killian smiled and walked into the kitchen, to find Evan with ice cream all over his face. He got a napkin and wiped off the ice cream.

Emma couldn't help but notice how great Killian was with Evan. It was adorable, and she liked Evan.

Then there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Emma told Killian. "Thanks, love." Killian responded, helping Evan put his bowl into the dishwasher.

Emma opened the door. Milah. Milah stood there impatiently, and when she saw Emma, anger spread across her face. "What are you doing here?" Milah asked, crossing her arms and furrowing her eyebrows.

"I'm just-" Emma started to say. "You know what, just shut up. I'm here to pick up my son." Milah said. Milah pushed her way into the room. "Hi Mommy! I had the best time with Daddy!" Evan told Milah. Milah smiled and said, "That's great! Why don't you wait in the car, and I'll be there in a minute." Milah told Evan. He nodded and walked outside.

"Killian?!" Milah shouted. "Yeah?" He asked. "What is she doing here?!" Milah shouted, pointing to Emma. Emma just looked down. "I explained a few things to her, and Evan met her?" Killian said. "Well I don't want her near my, son! Ever!" Milah shouted. "She's going to be with Evan sometimes!" Killian shouted back. "She doesn't go near Evan or else you can't see him either!" Milah threatened. "You can't ground me!" Killian replied. "In fact, I don't want her near you!" Milah shouted. "So?!" Killian asked. "You're not in charge of me!" He added. "Her or Evan! You choose!" Milah shouted, slamming the door in her way out.

Killian turned to Emma. "Swan..." He started to say. "Are you really listening to her? Following her threats?" Emma asked. "Swan, it's my son." He said. "So, what now? What's gonna happen?" She asked. "I can't see you." Killian said. "That's insane! I'm in your class!" Emma said. "I can't see you after school. I'll try and talk to you as much as I can, I promise." Killian tried to make up for it.

"No, that will mess everything up." Emma said, sarcastically. "Emma, I'm sorry!" Killian said. "I know, I know. It's your son. You're right. We'll figure it out." Emma replied. Killian smiled sadly, as Emma walked out the door.
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This chapter written by Emma (Therollyjodger OUAT)

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P.s sorry for the slow update!♡

Love, Emma♡


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