6. The Trial

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Emma woke up at six in the morning the next day. The trial was supposed to begin at eight, so she woke up early enough to get ready.

When she awoke she could hear what she assumed was bacon sizzling in a pan in the kitchen. She could also hear the faint whispers of Mary Margaret and David.

She slowly got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. "Good morning Emma!" Mary Margaret exclaimed, "did you sleep well last night?"

Emma sat down on a stool next to David at the counter that was in the middle of the kitchen. "Not really, but I sort of expected it with the trial being today," Emma replied.

"Well we will be there with you the entire time. I don't care what kind of tricks your father tries to pull on them this time. By the end of the week, David and I will officially be your parents," Mary Margaret said.

"Well at least somebody is being optimistic," Emma chuckled.

"Just don't even think about it. Here, eat your breakfast," Mary Margaret said and placed a plate full of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage in front of Emma. She was so happy to finally be able to eat a real breakfast with a real family. She couldn't even imagine what she would do if she was taken away from them.


Emma was seated on the right side of the court room with her lawyer next to her. Mary Margaret, David, Killian, and other random reporters and citizens who were on Emma's side sat behind her.

James's lawyer sat on the opposite side of the court room alone. They were still waiting for them to escort him into the room.

There weren't very many people on James's side of the court room. Just random reporters, and people who were interested in the trial. Odly, Emma's mother didn't show up. 'Maybe she actually decided to listen when I said that I didn't want to see her this time' Emma thought.

After about five minutes of silence the judge came out with some news. She slowly sat down at the bench as everyone stared quietly.

"It seems, that we have run into some complications," she spoke, "Mr.Swan seems to of escaped from prison. He also seems to of completely changed his identity. We have sent out a search team for him, and as soon as we find him the trial will continue. Until then, Mrs. Katherine Swan is still one of Ms. Emma Swan's legal guardians. So she will have to live with her until further notice. It has also been decided that Ms.Swan must start therapy again due to the fact that this is not the first time this has happened. Case adjourned!" The judge banged her gavel down, and everyone started leaving the court room chattering really loud.

Emma was frozen in one spot. She didn't want to move. She didn't want to breathe. She didn't want to do anything in that moment.

She had to go to therapy again. The thing that she feared the most. All of these people actually thought that she was crazy. Everyone except for Mary Margaret, David, and Killian of course.

Emma saw her lawyer stand up out of her seat, so she followed in suit. "I'm so sorry Emma. Don't worry we will find James, and soon you will be living with Mr. and Mrs. Nolan again," the lawyer said.

"Thank you for everything you have done Kim, and for all the kind words too. Hopefully you're right. Maybe I can talk to Katherine tonight and see if she knows anything about James," Emma replied.

"That's actually a really good idea. Maybe she still has a connection with him. Just call me if you find anything out okay?" Kim asked.

"Of course. Talk to you later," Emma replied.

Kim grabbed her briefcase off the table and walked out of the court room. Emma walked into the back of the court room where Mary Margaret, David, and Killian were waiting.

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