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Sylver's point of View:

I walk out of the employee locker area, making my way quickly over to the "Furniture and Decoration" department where I spend most of my day helping our customers get the perfect setup for their homes or apartment, I love being able to do that, especially in a Department Store Like "Alessi".

The items that are sold here are luxurious and varied, but what I like most, is that everything is affordable, you can find furniture for $5000 and you can find for $500 and I love that, because we can cater to every customers need.

I am so deep in thought that I did not see Sindy my floor manager until I ran into her, I apologize to her, but she ignores me and continue hurrying towards the conference room, in truth I expected her to screw up her face in disgust or say some ugly comments, then finishing with a "Get back to work fatso", but she said nothing.

She just smile and continue walking towards the office, she smiled at me!! At me!!

Bipolar much. I seriously think she has gone crazy, or her awesome twin sister came in to cover for her today, because this is not her regular reaction, EVER. This is really too weird for me, let me hurry before I get contaminated with her craziness hahahahaha.

Better stay away from her as much as I can today.

I continue my walk until I reach my station, I begin reading new orders and completing new ones, but I cannot concentrate, Sindy's reaction really has me puzzle. Is something going on that I know nothing about? Thinking back, I realized that there has been a lot of movements for the past days in the department store.

No one bothers the other and everyone is being on their best behaviour, as if they are trying to put their best foot forward, something they should always do, but I guess its never too late to start.

I dont have to worry about things like that, we always get perfect reviews from our customers and my department is always on top, yet Sindy and Administrative refuse to give us better equipments to work with, I am just waiting for them to call a meeting, it will be the perfect opportunity to bring it up.

After attending to all the online orders and inventory, I got up to begin making my rounds, as I was walking around making sure that all the displyas for all the deco implements and furniture are all in order, I was stopped or should I say, I was jumped by Stephano my cute latino friend.

"Cuddles!!" he screams as he hug me tightly as if his life depends on it.

"Stop screaming so close to my ear Steps, gosh you will make me deaf, besides we are at work, so be quieter" I said trying to get him from cutting off my precious air supply.

Its true I'm chubby and I complain a lot about it (to myself) but I still want to live, gosh.

"But I miss you", he pouts, still not letting go.

"We see each other everyday Steps" I said using his nic name, "Besides you were at my house all night last night, until 2:00 am this morning, thats why I nearly got late for work, you know Sindy hates me and would love to fire my ass" I hiss out at him.

He rolled his eyes as he always do,

"She is too busy getting everything ready for the boss of bosses around here" he drawls, looking towards Sindy's office.

"What??? Really!! No wonder she did'nt say anything to me, when I ran into her just now; but no one has said anything to me about a visit of the 'head boss' What happened to our regular boss?" I ask, my curiousity getting the best of me.

"Well, according to Willow, our regular boss died weeks ago, now the owner of this whole building is coming in to check up on everything, but I haven heard of the official day of the visit..... yet" he say this while looking into one of the mirrors in the display, fixing his hair.

"How do you know about it then? I don't even know, seems like no one ever bothers to let the lower ranks know what's going on" gosh no wonder everyone was acting perfect for the past days, the should have said something about it.

"I just heard about it when I came in today, from one of the secretaries, I ask Willow and she confirmed it, that's why I came over for the little visit, you know I have to give you the goods" he is still looking in the mirror swaying his hip from side to side, along with the music playing in the store.

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