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Hey my babies, for those who read the message I send for everyone will know that I have found the culprit that stole all the chocolates from my secret stash, not so secret anymore *Rolls eyes and pout* but anyway after I punch *clears throat* I mean after I had a civilized conversation with the offender, my chocolate stash has been replenished in a new secret place and Mama Chocolate is very happy ^_^

Sylver’s Point of View:

I am gently shaken awake, I guess the offending person knows that its better to wake me up with gentleness instead of screaming, I never do well when someone screams at me or tries to wake me up abruptly, for one I get really scared and disoriented.

Then when I jump up I always get dizzy and falls over, then lastly my blood pressure goes really low and then bam I am out cold and for the rest of the day I have this really empty feeling in my stomach.

Weird but it has always been like that from the time I was a kid.

So I really appreciate when anyone that wakes me up do it gently as the person right now is doing, but even though they are being really careful and calling my name sweetly I am refusing to open my eyes, I am just so tired and my body feel like it has been run over by a bulldozer.

After a short while of the person calling my name I feel a heated wetness on my neck, instinctively I arch my neck giving better access deep down I know who is doing the deed and I want him to do whatever he wants.

The wetness slowly trails up to my ear and then I feel a little pain as teeth add pressure to the lobe, it feels so good and my body is heating up yet I still refuse to open my eyes.

I wish this teasing continues so I just enjoy it until the heat I am feeling extinguishes.

“Little one wake up, we are here and if you don’t want me to ravish you in full view of every occupant of this park open those pretty brown eyes” whisper a husky voice in my ear and instantly my eyes opens and gaze up into a pair of hungry gray eyes.

"That’s it baby show me those brown eyes” he continue his whisper as he slowly descend and capture my mouth in a hungry kiss, sucking on my lips and invading my mouth to his heart content.

Instantly my hands wrap around his neck as he devours my mouth leaving no crevice untouched or plundered.

My body is already on full blaze and even though my body has so many aches and pain I want him; its like we can’t get enough of each other, the more he takes me the more I want to give over fully to him.

Moaning I enjoy the feeling of him dominating my mouth as he sucks on my tongue, nipping the sensitive surface making little tremors rock my body every time his teeth sinks into it.

After about three minute of ravishing my mouth he lift his head and I gasp at the raw ravenous need and love hidden in those gray orbs, he smile and lay his head in the crook of my neck.

“Little one you don’t even know how much you affect me, its nearly criminal what I want to do to you right now, so get your sexy ass up before I do something that will land us both in jail” he growls as his teeth sink into the side of my neck.

I moan and arch my neck all the more for him to continue his assault, I know that this behaviour is slutty, but when it comes to him I cannot control myself, his mere touch burns into my skin inflaming me to the pint of delirium.

And knowing that he loves me just as much as I love him makes it even more uncontrollable.

“Master please, I need you so bad right now” I whimper out already pleading like a wanton slut, his breath hitch and his hold on me tightens.

“Baby don’t plead like that right now, or I wont be able to control myself I end up fucking you right here for everyone to see........................... But maybe that is what you want isn't it, would you like everyone to hear you screaming for more of my cock as your ass takes all of me?” he growl his question into my skin and my cock is already at full attention my ass twitching painfully yet hungrily.

I am so sore that I believe that if we have sex right now I will be in full pain, but not even that thought would stop me if he decides he wants to take me right now.

Moaning I nuzzle closer to him “If it pleases Master you can take me anywhere you want to” I pants out my answer, the pain in my neck intensify as his teeth sink deeper into my flesh, but it is making me so horny that the little pain is overruled by pleasure.

“Fuck!! Little one stop being such a wanton little tease or you wont like the consequences, I am not adverse to fucking you into oblivion once more right here in this open park, so behave” he warns sweetly with a steely undertone,

Not caring for his warning I place my hand on his cover straining cock grabbing it through the jean material I squeeze my hand enjoying the feeling of him jerking behind his pants as his heat scorch my palm.

“Sylver that was the first and last warning, if you don’t stop don’t blame me when you can’t face your friends after what I will do, don’t start something because I will surely finish it and that ending may not be too much to your liking after I finish with you” his voice is serious and my hand falters because I know its not an idle threat, plus he only uses my name when I do something wrong.

Looking up into his eyes I see barely control lust and seriousness in their depths and I immediately know that I am going too far and if I push anymore than what I just did I will find myself naked and in full view of the park with his big cock deep inside me.

The mere thought of that happening has excitement slithering all over my body, but I would never be able to look at his family and our friends anymore if that ever happens.

Bowing my head “I am sorry Master, please forgive me” I whisper to him, he smile and kiss me once again.

"I forgive you baby, but you will be punish anytime we get home for being a greedy boy once again, so be prepare for it, now go over to your friends” he continues with the same seriousness, then leaning down he kisses me again heating up my body.

Pushing away the hunger a bit after he stop the kiss I try to move out of the car, before I can even make a move to slide out of the seat an amuse voice wash over both of us,

“Santy leave the poor boy alone, I am pretty sure he can’t even walk properly after all the screaming and moaning that was coming from your office earlier” I froze as the voice of Angelo, to say I am embarrass is an understatement.

My Master just smile at me as he peck my lips then he straighten, turning towards his dad, and when he opens his mouth I can hear a slight amusement as that of his father,

“Dad he is mine so why wont I ravish him anytime I want to? After all it was you who taught us to always see to the need of the hungry, and right now I am still hungry even after the little snack I had in my office” Angelo burst out laughing and my skin heats up more with embarrassment.

“You have a point there son a mere snack is never enough, you should never go hungry, we the Alessis always function better with all our appetites fully met” when Angelo says this I immediately know that these two are very similar, I guess Mama Celia has to deal with a beast just the same way I have to.

“You call hours of nonstop sex a mere snack Santy? No wonder the poor bunny can barely move every time we see him” enters Vitto amusement dripping from his voice too.

“Of course its just a snack Vitto, we are big men and just a few hours are never enough to slake our hunger, do you think if we get our ‘velvety pet’ between us there is going to be rest for him in that night?” comes in Tony ending his speech in a question, and I can’t help but think that they are talking about Stevie.

“You’re right Tony, he wont be able to move for days when we finish with him, I myself will need at least 7 hours of appetizer before I even think about the mean course...........” agrees Vitto in a serious voice.

“Seven hours? That is nothing compare to the time I will have my little cat screaming for more when I finally take him” says Dorian joining the conversation, my mouth is hanging open now.

“Yeah, my pet will have to even give up the  thoughts of him being able to leave my bedroom when I get him there, it has to be days before I get some of the blazing hunger down a bit” this comes from Colin and for the first time I know that my friends and I are in the clutches of hungry wolves.

Pushing myself out of the car, I begin to run away from the danger not even bothering saying ‘hi’, running away from all the Alessi men and their friends, I can’t believe they can talk about things like that so calmly.

Laughter follows me as I hobble my way over the green grass of the park to where Steps, Mop and Velvet are sitting on a picnic blanket with Mama Celia and Miss Jan.

I should probably warn Velvet that the Alessi twins have their eyes set on him, and from experience I know that when that happens they do whatever to get the object of their affections.

And velvet is going to fully get it, one Alessi men is overwhelming so two is downright thermonuclear, I feel deeply for Stevie because they are going to get him.

And the same goes for Steps and Mops, my gosh we have really caught the eyes of dangerous beasts, but I can’t regret meeting my own personal Master and beast.

“Yeah all the screams left serious consequence Cece, did you see the waddling over here like a duck?” Ask Miss Jan laughing and once again my face heats up,

“Yeah we all saw it Jan, it reminds me of when I was left like that when Angelo was finish with me” says Mama Celia and they both burst out laughing, with my friends joining in.

Pouting I point my finger at my friends “Laugh all you want, but you know what the say ‘The last laugh is always the best’ and I can’t wait for the time when your beasts gets you” I say this smiling sweetly at them.

They immediately quiet down and look over to where the guys are laughing and talking Simmons just joining them with his arms fill with beers.

I was as if they felt we were all looking and they all turn around looking back at us and the sexual tension blazed, Colin look at Mops hungrily and blow a kiss over at him, Mops hiss,

“I really cannot stand that fucking redhead, my desire to bash someone head in has never been greater than when I met him, can you believe he showed up at my house proclaiming himself to be my boyfriend to my parents, I could have nearly kill the bastard” grits out Mops as he flip the finger at Colin, I really have to admire his courage against that giant of a man.

“At least he just showed up at your house, Dorian has practically moved into my little apartment when he already has a big house and all the money in the world, he does nothing to me, he just stares at me like I am the last meal on earth and that he will like nothing better than to devour me yet he still does nothing, I am very confused by his actions, why would he do such a thing?” Steps grumbles out his question looking at Dorian his mouth in a full pout.

“You all think you guys have it bad? I have two Alessis after me while I don’t want either one of them, I am not stupid enough to take them on, but I will not take what they dish out laying down either, they better don’t mess with me, because I will put them in their place” says Velvet in a serious tune facing the other direction.

He is always very quiet so I am surprise that he is so vocal against the the twins, Vitto and Tony surely has their work cut out for them when they mess with Velvet, because he will not give them what they want so easily.

“Jan this is going to be very interesting, our babies have found their prey lets just watch and see if they catch them” says Mama Celia as she and Miss Jan continues to laugh.

“Its going to be so much fun right Sylver baby? Lets watch all of them squirm, I bought popcorns already to enjoy the show” agrees Miss Jan smiling as she looks from my friends to the group of beautiful evil fiends talking and laughing with ease.

How can men be so handsome, sexy and manly, they are all so handsome that its almost blinding, but my Master stands out of the group being even more mouthwatering and breathtaking, he looks over at me again his eyes blazing and a smile gracing his lips, smiling back at him I enjoy the fluttery feeling of my heart.

“Yes I will join you Miss Jan, they have teased me enough so its my turn now” I say this breaking eye contact with my man as I address Miss Jan, all my friends swing their heads to look at me pouts on full display on their mouths and I burst out laughing.

“You are so bad Cuddles, how can you be mad at us for saying you like a big mammoth cock?” ask Mops in an innocent voice his eyes twinkling with amusement and that seal his fate we are going to rumble.

Getting up with difficulty holding my back, the ladies laugh but I ignore it as I jump on my friends and it was on!!!  For the first time in a long time I feel so carefree with my friends and it is always fun when we wrestle.

We were all rolling around trying to get the upper hand, I am on Mops back holding unto his hair, Steps is trying to stop Velvet from chocking me and Mops is trying to drag Steps and me.

Laughter is heard from Miss Jan and Mama Celia, we are laughing our heads off too as we roll around on the picnic blanket to the grass, all of a sudden I find myself on the bottom of the pile with my crazy friends trying to kill each other.

But just as sudden all the weight is lifted, then I am lift as well into the crook of My Master’s arm, and when I look around and I am shock by what I see.

Colin has a wiggling hissing Mop in his arm restraining his movement by holding unto his curls and hands.

The twins have Velvet held between the two of them refusing to let him go even as he struggles against them in vain.

And Steps is held like a rag doll at Dorian’s side, Dorian has him from his waist, he is hanging on both sides, his feet and hands nearly touching the ground as he struggle to lift his head from that position to look up at Dorian.

“I am glad you and your friends are having so much fun little one, but this is too much, I am already so hard that want to take you behind those bushes and fuck you deep and hard so no more wrestling even though its sexy, I am betting that Dorian, Vitto, Tony and Colin feels the same way and want to do the same thing to their little pets too” he says in my ears in a control husky tune,

“You surely will be punish severely when we return home, you have provoke me long enough today and you will pay the consequence” this warning wash over me and I groan lowly only he can hear and his hands tightens even more.

But soon he is placing me on my feet as if nothing, when I look up his expression is completely calm as if he just did not say all he just said.

“Boys leave them be!! Such kill joy, they were only having fun, stop being jealous” says Miss Jan, everyone begin letting us down yet Colin refuses to let go of Mops.

“Get your hands off of me!! Let me go!” exclaims Mop whipping his head from side to side to loosen Colin’s grip on his hair, then Colin surprise us all as he drops Mop unceremoniously on the ground.

Mop is up in an instant and is swinging his fist towards the big man, before he can even connect Velvet unbalancing him by pulling his shirt, and they both collide with Velvet whispering something in Mops ear which calms him down immediately, then he gets up smiling at everyone as if nothing happened.

Colin also lean over whispering something into his ear, his eyes widen in fright as he pulls away from the big man soon he is calm as if nothing, but I can see that whatever Colin whispered to him had shaken him up pretty bad.

Everyone is silent then,

“So............ Now that these jealous kill joys have ruin the fun, anyone wants food?” ask Miss Jan as she begins to unpack the food out of the baskets and just like that everything went back to normal.

After that small little hitch everything went smoothly, we talked about all sorts of things in a relaxed way, the guys played football with us as the target because they all ganged up on us smaller one yet it was still a lot of fun.

Tired of being tackle by My Master at every minute I give up and my friends follows suit, we went back to our blanket to lay out for a while as the guys continue to play.

Today indeed has been a fun day and I cannot wait for it to repeat itself, smiling I immerse myself into the feeling of everything surrounding us.

The laughter of the people and children in the park, the barkings of the dogs, the green of the trees in full bloom, the chirping of the birds and the other activity of the other small animals resident to the park.

Its so great to be surrounded by the people you love and the sweet sound of nature.

Soon I am shaken out of my little bubble by Steps “Cuddles lets go to the public bathroom over there, I really need to pee” he says this looking desperately at me, nodding I take my aching abuse body up to accompany him.

“Master” I call out to my sexy beast, he comes over running,

“What is it baby? Are you ok? Do you have any pain?” he fire question after question at me, smiling him I shake my head no,

“No Master I am fine, well after today I think I will need a rest for days to ease the aches and pain from my body but for now I am fine, I only call you to ask if I can go to the bathroom with Steps?” I ask him, nodding he smiles at me, leaning down kissing me on the lips and I walk away with Steps towards to the bathrooms.

“He really loves you Cuddles, you can see it from the way he acts around you” Steps says smiling at me,

“I love him too Steps, I never thought that this was ever going to happen to me, but now living and enjoying with him these feelings I can’t help but thank God for bringing him to my life, even if it does not last forever I will enjoy and indulge myself in every aspect of our relationship to the very end” I say this to Steps with full sincerity and confidence.

We walk into the bathroom Steps going in first, and then I hear a thud running in I see Steps on the floor rushing towards him I begin shaking his shoulder to wake him up when he was not opening his eyes I get up to rush outside to get help.

And I am stop in my tracks as I come face to face with a beautiful man, his beauty is angel like in perfection yet just by looking into his eyes I know that his souls is evil and dirty and it has my skin crawling.

Stepping back away from him I try to get away from his cold facade, backing up I come to a stop when I hit up against the chest of another person.

I immediately knows who it is, I scream and make to run for the door when those sick hands wrap around me stoping me in my tracks one hand going up to my face covering my nose and mouth cutting of my breathing, trying desperately to breath I suck in a lung full of a very strong scent that immediately begins to dull my senses.

And the last thing I hear before darkness take over my body was,

“You have been such a bad boy, running away from daddy when he misses his little boy so much Sylver, did you miss daddy Sylver?” at those words disgusting words blackness swallows me up and all I can think is

That My Master helps me before this man ruins my life again.

Hey my babies I hope you enjoyed this Chapter, I know you all will want to kill me right about now, but this is part of the story so give Mama Chocolate a pass for this time ‘kay’.
Tell me all that you think, as you know the story is on its road to finish so I will appreciate all the feedback.

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THE BEAST AND HIS LOVE FOR CHOCOLATE (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now