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Hey my babies here is the BONUS CHAPTER I promised, its long because it has the ceremony of Sylver and Santier’s Dom/Sub ceremony and their enjoyment after *Squeal*. I hope you all like it and I tell me what you think hehehehe.
Moving on to another subject, I will be editing and possibly rewriting the first 12 chapters of this book for a better read and I will be going over every chapter to correct any spelling mistakes I committed during the course of my writing.
So after I do that, I will begin updating my other two books regularly and working on the sequel of this book, which is.............. You've guest it....... Steps and Dorian’s story; I am really excited about it and I hope you all are too.

Mama Chocolate will have lots to do and I can’t wait to begin, its going too be so much fun ^_^

Santier’s Point of View:

My baby has been secretive with Dorian for the past days, they would be talking and when I walk in he will get really quiet and just make his way over to me with a sweet smile on his face; that smile is the one that alerts me because it tells me he is up to something.

Usually he will be all shy when he sees me and smile shyly at everything I say, but these smiles have been becoming bolder and more teasing.

I have wanted to ask for the longest time what he has been planning, but I wont, not when we have been preparing for the most important step in our relationship, The Collaring Ceremony, which is the most important step a Dominant can take with his Submissive.

We have been planning for the past 2 weeks to get everything set up, well mostly me and Collin, because after a toss up it was Dorian win and was the one to tell my baby everything about the process and to guide him through it, I just can’t wait for it so I can make him completely mine.

So whatever he is hiding or planning, can wait and be put to rest after our ceremony.

This is something I have been wanting to do with him for the longest time, but first I had to protect and take care of his problems before asking him, when I did ask him, we were sitting down on our balcony as usual, him on my lap talking nonstop about his classes and new professors as I just sit there petting his hair while kissing and caressing his body.

Its our ritual, I always sit out there with him, to ask about his day after I come from work.

He was shocked when I asked him, then about a minute later my face and neck was covered in kisses as he bounced up and down on my lap saying ‘yes, yes, yes’ I had placed the engagement collar around his neck which he then proudly showed our family and friends.

The little minx has no problem letting the whole world know that he is in that type of relationship with me, I have known some Subs who refuse to let anyone know and I respect that, but I am overjoy that my baby is proud of our relationship and is not afraid to show it.

Its been a month since the incident with Tyler, I have to admit that I was worried about my baby, he had a sad aura about him after what happened, I thought it was due to that pig, but about a week in his depression, he asked me to take him to his hometown to visit his mother’s grave.

My family and our friends were very happy to go along with us to pay homage to his mother, he was quiet the whole journey there, not saying a word to anyone, he just stayed close to me with his face hidden in the crook of my neck.

When we arrived at the cemetery he completely broke down at his mother’s grave, he cried river of tears sitting on the green grass that surrounded her resting place, he was almost inconsolable and it was unbearable to watch him fall apart like that.

But he said he need to get it out, that he needed to grieve for her, that he needed to tell her that he was sorry for everything, but most of all he wanted to tell her that he loved her and miss her.

It nearly destroyed me seeing my baby like that and I wanted to once again rip Tyler apart for all the damage he did, but I kept my anger in checked, as I just hugged him through it all, taking some of his pain into myself as I rocked his body from side to side until he calm down.

He really loved his mother you could see it by the way he was looking at her grave with a lost expression on his face, so much devotion made me wish I could have meet her before her life was cut short, I am sure I would have loved her like a mother.

It was an emotional day for him, after that visit he stayed in our hotel room all day not wanting to eat, tho he manage to hold down a sandwich after I scold him.

The next day we visited his childhood house, the place looked like a prison, the windows all barred up, with metal bars just a mere inch away from each other, there was even bars on the door of the place.

He had hesitated a while before he made a move to go in, it took him so long to make that decision that I told him he did not have to, but he answered with a,

“I really have to do this Master, or I wont ever get over it” then he walked inside with his head held high with me and the others behind us.

When we stepped inside that place it was like stepping into the mind of a twisted, repulsive person, shock and disgust went through us as we went deeper inside that place.

There were picture all over the walls of my baby depicting every single one of his torture.

Looking at those pictures made everything he said, sound like child play to what my eyes our were seeing, the depravity of those pictures and the torture that was displayed in them made my heart bleed for my baby.

I really don’t know how he manage to stay sane, the pain I know he went through would have driven anyone to the brink of insanity where they would loose their minds and themselves.

But there he was with me in the house that brought him so much pain standing tall, his head held high, looking at the picture with an expressionless mask, replicating the ones in most of the pictures.

In those picture he looked like a broken doll, a complete shell without emotions or a soul, it was as if he did not feel what was happening to his body, it was as if he blocked everything out, his body was bloodied, bruise and broken all over, yet there was not a single picture with an expression of pain.

The utter cruelty of those pictures had made all of us froze on the spot, no one moved as we all looked around the room, I could only hear sharp gasp from his friends and slight growls from mine and my brothers.

Thankfully my parents, Miss Jan and Simmons stayed back at the hotel, he would have not wanted then to see him that way, yet he was comfortable enough with our friends.

Every sick detail of his torture was depicted on the walls of that living room, in my mind that house turn from the loving home he once knew to his personal hell.

Yet my baby had the courage to walk back inside of that place, I wanted to drag him out and burn the place down to the ground and was about to do it, when he begin talking to himself, or rather to Rouge, then and there I knew she was the reason he stayed sane.

I don’t know much about her, but if she was the reason my baby was strong enough to hold unto his sanity, not breaking down and giving into what he confessed to me he wanted to do, she is a hero in my book.

He had stopped talking about her for a while, yet as soon as he got into that house it was like he forgotten all about us and it was only him and her there, I had wrapped my arms around him to show him I was there for him too, as he had repeatedly said to her ‘I’m fine’.

Immediately I begin pulling him from that hell hole, wanting to take him away from all the filth, he refused saying he needed to face this, to destroy all the unpleasant memories lurking in its depths.

First he went up the stairs with me following his calm ascend, he walked into a a dusty colonial styled room where everything was covered with white sheets, after about 20 minutes of moving around the different objects and furniture in the room he had all of his mother’s belongings in a box.

Then calmly he walked out of the room and down the stairs to that sickly decorated family room, all you could hear was the ripping of photo material, as he tore them all from the walls, his face not changing from its calm facade, as he rip those picture to shred.

He was quiet through the whole thing, our friends and I helped until every single picture of his was destroyed, after that was done he walked over to a wall that was a hidden bookcase, when it swung opened and I saw lines after lines of video tapes stacked from floor to ceiling, I immediately knew what they were.

They all were in unassuming covers of different movies, but by the way his face had scrunched up in disgust I know they were of him.

The sick twisted trophies of that bastard.

He took one down, turned on the TV an VCR and stuck it in to play, immediately the room was filled with screams of terror and pain, he had looked at the screen for while with his head cock to the side, then he looked at me saying dispassionately,

“It was my first torture, such pathetic screams don’t you think? But I got better at managing the pain after about a week of screaming, when I found out that it did no good to me doing so, you wanna see Master?” he asked that question like a robot as he grab another tape to place into the VCR.

And sure enough on that tape he was silent, his eyes glazed over as if he was in another world, while that unhuman filth torture his body.

All the blood and gashes on his body, his broken bones sticking out in different places, yet through that all he was quiet just looking at that sick disgusting swine with no emotion whatsoever in his beautiful brown eyes.

I could hear our friends talking angrily behind us, but my anger had boiled over to the point where I was not processing the meaning of their words, I ended up kicking the TV over, smashing and destroying it.

Soon we had all of the tapes outside with the remains of those picture in a nice blazing fire I lite in the backyard.

Our friends were quiet but they were looking at him with respect in their eyes.

Who wouldn't look at him with respect after all the things he had been through and survive? My little one is a survivor, I am so glad he fought and got out or I would have never met someone as beautiful, loving and caring as him.

As the fire blazed up burning all the dark evidence of his past, he walked over and hugged me, saying,

“Thank you Master for bringing me here, I needed to do this to get over my past and love you with my everything, no holding back” then and there I decided to do what I have been wanting to do from the very moment I set my eyes on him.

The trip was a 4 days affair, because he wanted to clean his mother’s house from top to bottom, he had even asked about his “dad” and received answers like “Your dad moved from here a while back, saying he was not going to return” he took it in a stride and just continued doing what he had went there to do.

After everything was cleaned spotless, he decided to donate the home to a foundation for abused boys, the house title was in his name so he just sign over the whole thing to them, saying that the good use the house was going to be put to, was going to override every dirty, dark secret from the place.

After he did that he returned to his normal self, laughing and talking as he usually do and the relief I felt at that moment nearly brought me to my knees.

My baby is truly one of a kind, he is so strong and I can’t thank God enough for placing him in my path.

He has become so important to me that I cannot wait to make him complete and utterly mine.

I will bind him to me in a way that he would never be free again, no one else will hurt him and if they ever try, Tyler’s ghost should come back from hell and tell them,

‘Do not mess with what belongs to an Alessi’.

It will not end well with them as it did not end well with him, people would say I should feel remorse for what I did to him, but I don’t, I told him I was going to rip him to pieces if he ever layed his hands on my little one again, he did not heed my warning, so now he is roasting in the darkest pit of hell for his stupidity.

He should have never crossed me.

One should not kill another human being, but Tyler give up his right to be consider a human when he torture and sexually abuse his own son, killed his wife and torture and killed 27 other boys for his sick twisted pleasures.

So if I have to ask for forgiveness, it will be between me and God.

Anyone who is dumb enough to try humiliating, hurting or disrespecting my baby will have me to deal with, his ex-boyfriend was one of the poor sucker that found out the hard way when he tried to humiliate my baby while we visited one of Dorian’s club.

He dared to hit on my baby and when he was refused he became violent and slap my baby’s face, he was punched so much that I think his face will need reconstruction after that stunt he pulled.

After I had finished with him, Bryan stepped in and gave him another beating of a lifetime, that little dude is violent when provoked, no wonder I have seen several bruises on Collin’s pale skin, he will surely have his hand full with that little hellion.

All our friends have taken it upon themselves to guard my baby and I am really grateful to them for it, my family adores him, Miss Jan and my mother worships the ground he walks on, my dad and Simmons treat him as the baby of the family and Stevie is always bringing him treats and new designs edition magazines.

The little latin pixie has practically moved in with us, keeping my baby’s company and hiding away from Dorian who is slowly loosing his patience, I feel somewhat sorry for the little guy, because when Dorian get his hands on him, he will be in deep shit and the result would be him not able to move for weeks.

The tension between all our friends is slowly boiling to the point of explosion and when it explodes my baby and I will just sit back with Kuro in our laps and watch the show as it plays out.

I understand his friends fears of my brother’s and friends, Dorian is in a way just like me yet he wont tolerate the pixies defiance and will not hesitate to punish him as he see fit.

Collin on the other hand enjoys Bryan temper and violent behaviour because he can and will use it against him in a way that would have most submissive’s either begging for it to stop or begging for more. His methods are reserved for the ones that wants to go to a really deep side of BDSM.

By the looks of it, Bryan would be one of those submissive that will definitely be begging for more, personally I think they are a great match, but I will wait to see how it plays out.

In a way I understand Stevie’s hesitance of accepting my brother’s pursuit, we Alessi have the tendency of devouring our preys relentlessly without giving quarters and he having the interest of the twins spells trouble for him, especially when he has to satisfy them both.

I really don’t know if his body will be able to keep up with them, hopefully they don’t overdo it and bed bound the little guy.

But I will not interfere with them at all, let them all figure it out as I leisurely enjoy every single minute with my little one.

He has been settling in nicely, his actions are free, he talk and laugh constantly, he even tease me every opportunity he has, some of those teasing sessions has earned him some punishment, which I give him now without hesitation, tho they always end with me deep inside of his tight body.

We have gone deeper into our relationship, our lifestyle also going deeper where we have complete scenes of different plays in our playroom, he has lost a lot of his inhibitions and no longer try to hide himself from me, while enjoying and unleashing his desire nakedly for me to enjoy.

He knows I own every single inch of his body and heart so he no longer needs to hide part of himself from me, he trust me and shares everything with me, we even attend his therapy session together, it thrills me to know that he trust me so much to want to share his innermost thoughts with me.

This is a big step in our relationship and it shows his utter trust in me, all the little things he does only make me want him even more and my love for him has grown out of proportion, there is nothing too great for my baby, he can have anything he wants, he never ask for material things, but I still spoil him beyond belief with everything I can buy and my affection.
Yes he is my submissive, yet he is beyond that level with me, so much so that I sometime wonder if I am the same person I was before I met him.

I love him too much for him to be a mere sub, the little tease is the love of my life and there is noway I will ever let go off him.

That is why tonight I will bind him completely to me, in the way only a Dom binds his Sub to him for life.

Dom’s rarely ever do this ceremony, yes we have partners, yet we change them after the contracts ends or whenever we get bored, but when we find that special one, there is no letting go, we trap the person we want with everything we have making them completely ours.

And tonight will be the night I do that with my little one.

There is only one thought in my head as I smile looking out the window of my study.

I can’t wait to finally collar my little Chocolate Treat.

THE BEAST AND HIS LOVE FOR CHOCOLATE (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now