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A special thanks goes out to @shirohana121 and @aerialajv for all their comments and votes, I'm really happy that you guys enjoy my story, and I hope you continue to enjoy my work, thank you so much, I dedicate this chapter to the both of you :)

Also a special thanks to all my silent readers, please continue to enjoy my work :)

Please Vote and Comment on what you think, I will really appreciate your feedback

Santier’s Point of View:

After that pleasurable incident, I could not stop myself from thinking about my little one, the way he responded to me had nearly drag me over the edge, he does not know how all his moaning and groaning affected me, I am a Dom I never loose control with my subs, but with him its always hanging by a thin thread.

I was so close to plunging inside his sweet tightness, but the one thing that stop me was the fact that we were in the Hospital and I did not want his first time with me be on a hospital bed, or before I explain to him about my life style, when I fully take him it will be in my house on my bed, where I can enjoy making him scream and beg without hesitation or inhibition.

As I went out to get my friends and his friends to come back inside the room, I had to calm myself completely, but I saw the knowing looks of my friends and the concern and surprise on his friends faces, especially the little latin pixie.

As I assume Dorian had him pin against the wall really close to the door, I know he heard most of what happen inside by the telltale blush on his face; I smile internally at the scene; Dorian really wanted him and I’m pretty sure he will get him, just as I will have my baby completely to myself.

They walk inside, my baby was still trying to compose himself, I know he was still sensitive all over his body after his little punishment, but I still wanted to tease him more so I made it my mission to sit next to his bed and touch him every few seconds to feel the shiver vibrate through his body as his eyes hooded with unfulfilled pleasure.

All of my attention was centered on him and I know his ass is very tender from all the spanking, don't blame me I just could not help myself, the sight of his ass was too tempting to stop at a few spanks, from the moment I saw that sweet ass turned a darker chocolate hue I knew he would be in a little pain, but I wanted to tease him to see how he reacts, I leans down and whisper for only him to hear.........

"Is that ass tender baby" I ask and before he can answer I continues...... "That is what you get for being a bad boy baby" I whisper huskily in his ears, his body trembles and he bit his lip to hold back a groan, my little one really enjoys pleasure and pain, but I will not tease him anymore today.

I lean up but still maintain contact, rubbing little circle on his arms and enjoying his shivers.

He apologized to my friends and his with a soft voice and sincerity tears glistening his eyes, his friends reaction to this was to jump on the bed hugging and kissing him, with tears in their own eyes.

They all were talking at the same time until he........

"Ok, ok I got it, you miss me, sorry for leaving a bit without telling all of you how much I love you guys" he said with tears still in his eyes; a possessiveness grip me all of a sudden I wanted to rip them off of him, my hold on his arm tighten, but then I loosen it because I know its not that kind of love, I just want him to say the same to me, I felt his eyes on me but I kept my head straight faking a smile. 

"We love you too" sniffles Steps...... "You don't know how worried we were cuddles, please don't scare us like that again" he said still holding unto my baby’s neck.

"I was ready to go and look for that man, I make him beg sorry to you on his knees" said Bryan in an angry voice but his eyes were watering, my friends were laughing as they look at the scene.

Stevie was just hugging him tightly, sniffling softly, he was such a quiet boy, I always wonder how he became friends with them, my baby is a little quiet too, but is as stubborn as can be some times and I enjoy correcting that little flaw, but I guess Stevie is the voice of reason in the group.

"I cook your favorite" whisper Stevie softly.... "You want to eat some now" he ask.....

"Yes Velvet that will be really nice thank you" my baby whisper back softly.

"What a great scene!! especially with a certain persons ass up in the air", says Dorian, the little pixie stiffen and immediately got up, Dorian laugh teasingly.....
"Why the hurry I was really enjoying myself" he finish smirking looking Stephano body up and down I can see the naked lust in his eyes, the others laugh, Stephano blush and turns away.

"I'm also happy that you are back to your old self bunny" says Vitto walking over to the bed, lifting Stevie from my baby’s body......

"Maybe you should share the food" he suggested to Stevie; Stevie step away immediately from him and went for the food with Bryan helping him.

I turn my attention back to my little one, looking him in the eyes, I know he is not over what happen with his father, and after I saw all the scars on his body I was more certain that his father put those there.

And I was containing my anger so one could see the depths of my rage, my baby had whip marks all over his back and legs, and there was some cuts and more scars on his stomach, I just did not say anything because I don’t want him to feel more self conscious than he already is around me; I will not force him to talk about it, but I will be there when he does.

All I know is that when I get my hands on his father it will not be pretty, my baby was quiet for a while then he turn around and started talking, laughing and enjoying the food his friends brought for everyone, I have to admit his little friend Stevie can cook, it was a delicious meal and I was happy he ate all because he had not eating properly in days.

As he talk and laugh with everyone he avoided looking at me but I knew he was aware of my every move, because I made sure to touch him at all times, after hours of talking my friends and his friends decided it was time to go it was around 8:30 pm, his friends pack all his thing then they said their good byes and left, I know my baby was already tired, but he still turn on the TV to watch a crime series.

I pulled out my laptop and did some work, then I did some online shopping for a lot of clothes, some toys and accessories for him, I was so into the shopping that I did not realized until after an hour that I had spend almost $6000 dollars in things just for him, it made me happy that I can pamper him fully, showering him with anything I want and he desire.

He was looking at me and after a while his eyes started to droop, he looks so cute fighting sleep, I got sorry for him even though I would have love to see how long he would have fought.

I get up, and leans over and kissing him softly on his lips ......

“Sleep now baby, I will be right here if you need anything ok”, I whisper softly in my ear.

“Yes Master” he whisper back yawning, that stop me in my tracks my cock immediately hardening, he was playing with fire and he was going to get burn.

I looked at him for a while until sleep grab a hold of me, instead of sleeping with him on the bed I slept on the huge sofa in the room, because I know if I lay next to him, sleep will be the furthest from my mind.

I woke up to the ringing of my phone, it is one of the guys I had hired to guard the place, what he inform me off made me extremely angry, I was about to go and take care of it myself, but I looked at the bed and decided it would have to be later because there was no way, I was leaving my little one alone, with his father lurking around.

He may think I am playing with him, but I will make him disappear without a trace and I’m sure my baby would not ask where he is at or miss him for that matter, I told them to leave him but keep an eye on his activities and that I will resolve it later, I would have let my baby sleep more, but now I want him as quick as possible in my territory, under my roof where he will be safe, I’m even more sure of the decision I made to move all his things into my house, including his big black cat Kuro.

I got up shower and dress, then I went over to his bed, looking at his cute face, and those small pouty lips; I shook him awake and he look at me with an adorable confuse stare my body immediately tightens, why does he affects me so much........

“Get up baby, we are leaving soon” he open his eyes and and stared at me with such affection that I was taken aback, but then it was gone, I wanted to ask him about it but he just looked away greeting me lowly........
“Good morning baby”........ I said kissing him on the lips.....
I shook myself out of the stupor, and told him to get up, take a shower and get ready to leave, but I had to get a taste of him, so I bite his neck and then run my tongue over the area to sooth it, I really don’t know why I always bites him, but I can’t seem to stop myself. I was fully ready to have him in my house

"You smell delicious as always baby" I whisper in his neck as I inhale his delicious scent, I had to leave the room, because I’m sure he would not be taking a shower until I had my fill of him; besides I was anxious to have him in my house, I could not wait for it .........

As he shower I went out to talk to my guys and told them to keep me inform of all Tyler Reid’s movements, I have to be prepare at all times to take care of my baby; I ran over some details with the guys and then I was back at the room walking in to him pulling on his shoes, he was dress so cutely, in his jeans, a black and white tee, and a sweeter jacket.

“Are you ready” I ask, he nods.... “Talk to me when I ask you question Sylver” I commanded just because I wanted to hear more of his voice..... “Yes Sir I am ready” he answer..... “Good boy” I smile while I ruffle his hair........  “Now lets go baby” I said grabbing all his things walking out he follows me, then he gets to the nurse's station and said thanks to all the nurses that are there, then we were out to the car.

I know that bastard was out there somewhere, because I could feel it, and it looks like Sylver feels it two, because he started to look around as if looking for someone, but I place my hand around his body and help him into the waiting car.

We got in and Simmons my driver and one of the oldest friend I have greeted us morning, my baby immediately smile back saying his morning greeting, I always wonder why he don’t smile for me like that.

I could see that Simmons likes him because he smile and looks at me approvingly, Simmons is Miss Jan’s husband and my father’s best friend, he really don’t need to be my driver, being himself a rich man, but he likes to keep his eyes on the Rascals as he call my brothers and I, when he is not driving me around he is taking care of his business, or playing golf with my dad.

“Are we heading home Sir” Simmons ask looking at me with a knowing glint in his eyes.

“Yes” I answer not falling for his tricks, I know he said it to see if my baby catch unto his meaning, but it seems he didn't, because he got comfortable and in a few minutes drifted of to sleep.

Simmons and I talk about everything, some personal stuff and some business, then my parents and brothers all in all we talk until we were at my house, I waited about 15 minutes then I shook him awake again.......

“Sylver we are here, wake up baby” this was whisper softly to not startle him, he slowly open his eyes and when he was fully awake he slid out of the car, and I could not help myself from feeling possessive of having him here in my domain, I love the awed look on his face as he admire my home, soon to be his from now on, if evrything works out the way I want it to.

But then a frown edged on his face and I know what was coming next.......

“Why I we here Mr. Alessi, and Who’s house is it?” ask his small voice.

“This is my house baby, and this is where your going to be living from now on” looking at him waiting for his reaction, I did not wait long for it......... “But I already have a place, so please take me to it” I step closer to him........... “What is wrong with my house” I push....... “There is nothing wrong with your house Mr. Alessi, in fact its one of the most beautiful home I have seen; but it doesn't matter, because I want to go to my own place” it irritated me.

“Well your not going back so get use to the idea”  only he knows to bring out my dark possessive side............

“Mr. Alessi please don’t tell me what to do” turning his back to me, he started walking down my long driveway, as I said before only he knows what to say and do to push me.

“Sylver” he continue walking ignoring me.......

“If you take another step, I will rip your clothes off, and fuck you here on my front lawn” I was angry and he will be punish for that later, he pause but did not look at me........
“Turn around” he did but still did not look at me...... “Come here” using my Dom voice, I could see the shivers run over his body and his feet immediately move him forward until he was in front of me. 

Grabbing his chin, pulling him to look me in the eyes........ “You will be staying here with me; you are MINE don’t you ever forget it” his eyes darken with a lust that was answering mine........

"Don’t think for a second that I will not do what I say, had it come down to it, I would have fuck you with pleasure, for all the world to see who you belong to” he shivers and and his eyes dilated, he knew I was not kidding when I said I would have fuck him on my front lawn, but what surprise me was the way his body react, as if he wanted me to do it.

Before I could change my mind and take him mercilessly then and there, I walk up to my house and let us in, and the look on his face was worth it, he admire and touch everything appreciating all my art and all the decor, I could tell he was enjoying this tour, his interior designer was taking in every single detail and I was happy to see the relax and excited look on his face.

“I see you like my house” I whisper teasingly, he gasp and spin around, looking into my eyes I had to smile at his cute face, he brought a real smile to my face and I like it.

But I wanted to get him into my room so I guided him there, and he as he look around and with more excitement I knew right there and then that I will not be able to let him go, this thought was in my mind as I gesture to one of the sofa in the little sitting area in my room, he sat down hesitantly looking at me as if he wanted to read my mind.

So I went straight to the point............

“Baby what I said outside earlier is true, I want you to stay here with me, I want every inch of your delicious chocolate body to be mine and only mine”; he was looking at me with widen eyes as if he could not belive what I was saying.......

“From the moment I saw you I wanted you, your delicious body calls out to me, I want all off you; I want you in my bed, in my house and in my life” he sucks in his breath still looking at me with a shock expression, I don’t know why he is so surprise after all we did together, I just hold myself from taking him in the hospital because I wanted his first time with me to be in my bed.

He regain his voice and then.........

“Why me”. “Why would you want me, when you can have anyone you desire” he whisper not looking at me.

“ Why you? Because I desire you, I want you to be mine, I want you to give yourself over to me, so I can support and take care of you” he frowns “And to answer your question of why I want you the simple answer is”......

“You wake up every fiber of my being, and I want only you to quench it”

He shiver and his eyes hooded “My body is not perfect Mr. Alessi, and I don’t think I can please you, besides you don’t know everything about me” he paused “And I don’t think I can talk about it” he finish looking at me pleadingly.

“Come here Sylver”, he hesitated a bit then he came over, I pulled him on my lap “Baby, why would you say that your body is not perfect, don’t ever say that again, I love every inch of you and I’m going to show you as soon as you give me your answer” running my hand over his body enjoying his squirming.

"You need to know that you are mine, but I am still giving you the choice of deciding if you want to be with me or not"

“But I have to tell you something about me, I’m a Dom, so if you decide you want to be mine you will become my boyfriend and Submissive” he frowns up at me “Do you what is BDSM?” he shook his head no.

“It’s you giving me absolute control over yourself, over your sex life, over you financial life, and your overall care; it means you will give your everything over to me trusting that I will take care of you” he seems to be absorbing what I am saying.....

“I will have the ultimate control, there will be some intense sex where pain and pleasure will meet, but you will have a safe word just in case anything gets too intense for your liking, I like total submission, as I said before it can become intensely physical, where I will inflict a certain type of pain to you or a little humiliation, but it will only be enjoyable if you like it, and if you don't you will have the safe word to use” he was in deep thoughts, I don’t want to scare him but he needs to know this about me, because if he decides to say yes I will not be letting him go..........

“We will discuss things, but ultimately I will have the last say, I will train you fully in the way of a submissive and will go easy on you at first until you are use too it” I stop talking for him to maul this over.

“What will my job be as a submissive” he ask in breathless voice.

“You will address me as Master at all time when we are alone, also in the presence of your friends and mine, if we are in a different setting such as work you will address me as Sir”
“You will not question the decisions I make regarding our relationship, you will not hide anything from me, always tell me the truth, you will wear what I want you to wear, you will eat what I want you to eat, you will cook when I ask it of you, and will always keep our room tidy, and your body has to always be clean.”

“If you fail to comply with what I ask, you will be punish, depending on the gravity of your offense that will decide how far and severe your punishment will be” he bites his lip but says anything “It can go from spanking, to whipping, to not being able to cum, to not having dinner and so on, but as I said you will be train in the ways of a submissive”

He squirm on my lap but never said anything, he was in deep thoughts and I wanted him to think seriously about it before he decide, if he says no I will have to let him go even if it kills me, but I will never force him, so I’m waiting to see what his decision will be..............

Then he surprise me by turning into my body and kiss my neck, then run his tongue over it “ Sylver don’t play with me" I grit out, he ignores and continue while squirming more “Baby if you don’t stop I will not be responsible for my actions” gosh he was making it very hard, I pull him from my neck and look into his eyes “Stop teasing me, our you will find yourself naked in the next minute”

But my little spitfire don't take warnings as per usual, he licks his lips and the two words he said had me standing up and walking towards my bed..........

“Do it” he purrs while arching his back.

Oh Fuck!!! today he was going to get what he has been so desperately begging for...........

THE BEAST AND HIS LOVE FOR CHOCOLATE (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now