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This Chapter is dedicated to "aerialajv" thank you so much for being the first person to comment on my story, I hope you continue to enjoy it :)

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Sylver’s Point of View:

As I ran out of his office, I could feel three pair of eyes on me but I ignore them, even though I could feel their stares, HIS more than the others, I was so embarrassed to the point where I wanted to hide and never come back out, I could not believe I acted like that; like a street whore or rather a slut moaning, groaning and practically begging to get Fuck.

I was so happy that I did not run into anyone other than “Steps” as I hurried frantically to the employees locker room, he looked at me weirdly and tried to talk but I ignored him also, I was not in the mood to give explanations, I really just wanted to be by myself I needed to get to my corner, as I got there and sat down I try to forget everything that happened in his office, if that is even remotely possible, it mortify’s me to think about what he would have said if he had taken off my clothes and saw my body.

 I knew all of the desire he had would have gone out the windows, (how do you know that, ask the internal me) I just do I answer back, you know what happen last time, I did not even want to think about how James made me feel in that club, as he started screaming saying how my fat body did not turn him on and that I should have been grateful he wanted to be with me I felt like the lowest of low.

And I really did not want to feel like that again, I wear lots of clothes so I know that he could not see anything, but I could bet everything I have (which is not much mind you) that if he had seen the stretch marks on my thighs and on my stomach he would have been disgusted with me, and I really would not have been able to look at him again if I see a look of disgust on his face.

Also as I said before my ass is really big, I don’t know why me as a guy has such a big butt, even though “Step” say that the correct term is not big, but bubble, so I guess you can say I have a big bubble butt, and it looked like Santier really liked my ass, from the way he continued to squeeze, and palm it, and I have to admit that I really love when he did that, it felt so good especially when he had me sitting on his lap.

But his monster really did scared me I really have never seen anything as big as that felt against my stomach, and I really do not mean to sound stereotypical by saying this, but they always told me that black men were the ones with the biggest dicks, but I think they will have to meet Santier Alessi and rewrite that statement, because that man had a monster hiding in his pants, and by what happened in his office he wants to put that inside of me, the mere thoughts of it make me tremble in fear and in excitement.

Stop it, stop it Sylver I scold myself, stop thinking about how good it felt, and think about a way for it  to not happen again (as if that will happen said the internal me, you enjoyed every minute you was on his lap squirming and groaning for more it said laughing at me) I know you guys are curious about the Internal Me, well let me introduce you to her, yes its a her, her name is Rogue as in red, the thing is, from the time I was young I always talk to myself internally and it always help me, even more so after I came out and my mom died, so after a while when I decided I was not crazy we gived her a name, and believe me it was hard to agree with her on that subject, but long and last we decided on Rogue and we have been stuck together ever since.

Hey don’t go thinking oh poor Sylver is crazy because I’m not, everyone has and internal voice I just decided to give mine a name (we believe you baby).

Anyway lets get back to the problem at hand, which it how can I avoid that beast and his brothers, gosh can you believe they call me “Chocolate Bunny” I know I’m short and my skin tone is chocolaty but in no way am I a bunny.

But I still can believe that he did that in front of his brothers, also I never thought he was gay, maybe he is Bi, but that is not important right now, what is important is that he said he will train me and make me beg, I still don’t understand what he means when he says he is going to train me, its weird but I am curious.

I told him before there was no need for him to say something like that because I was not a wild animal or a child, but that is what got me in the predicament I was in earlier, (even though it was a predicament you enjoy reminded my internal me). She is right but I will not agree with her.

I have to work, but my little corner was so comfy but enough is enough I need to finish up to go to lunch, I know “Steps” is waiting for me or he has already started looking for me, I know he will be worried because I totally ignore him when I came out of that beast office, I just could not face anyone just then, the meeting lasted so long, then all that happen after with HIM in the his office, it was too overwhelming, I look down at my cel and gasp I did not realized how late it was and that we did not open the store the earlier part of the day, I got up to and went to the bathroom to wash up.

What I saw when I look in the mirror nearly made me scream out in fright, I had hickeys all over my neck, I did not even know how he manage to leave such visible marks with my skin being dark, but he did, there was marks darker a lot darker than my skin tone all over my neck and when I move my shirt I gasp, I had never seen such a big hickey before, it covers nearly all the upper part of my collar, what the fuck!!!! How did I got that one; oh now I remember, this is the result of the fucking bites he gived me all over my neck.

I could not go anywhere like this, everyone would know that something happen or they will think that I’m a slut and makes anyone mark me like that, shit now I have to think of a way to get out of here without anyone seeing me leave, this is just one of those fucking bad days, for fun lets just see if its going to get worse, I finish watching my face, I fixed my curls and was about to go out when Bob from the accounting department came in the bathroom, and I saw that familiar glint in his eyes, so yes the day can get worse, why the fuck did I have to open my mouth.

I looked at him as he approached, I nodded my head his way and was about to leave when he pulled me back and slammed me into the wall, I gasp out because it hurt, I knew he was always saying things to me but I know he has a partner already so what is it he wants me; I looked up at him he was a good looking guy, about 6’1 with brown hair and brown eyes, he just had something about him that made me want to always avoid him.

What do you want I ask him angrily.

Sylver I think you already know what I want he said rubbing his nose against my neck, a shiver of disgust run through my body.

I tried to push him of, but he pushed me further into the wall and started to run his tongue against my neck, I frantically started struggling, he chuckled and said with a sickening sweet voice, why are you fighting me little Sylver when I can make you feel good.

I don’t need you to make me feel good I said to him pushing off; as I was about to run to the door he grab me again and push me harder into the wall, with my back to him.

I love a little fight he whisper in my ears, I shudder in disgust it felt so different with Santier, Bob must have mistaken my shudder because he groan and started rubbing himself against me, I could feel his dick on my ass, I started to get nervous and started fighting in earnest to get away.

He squeeze my ass saying damn I love your bubble butt, I started to get queazy and wanted to throw up, but I started to feel a lot worse, when he started to loose the belt on my pants my panic mode went from 100% to 1000% I started pushing against him trying everything to get away from him, as I was about to scream he put his hand over my mouth and nose almost suffocating me because of how frantic I had become.

I don’t know why you are fighting me when you should be use to getting dicks in your hole, I know you lure guys with this ass always shaking it so just stay still while I have my fun he said evilly, this man really made my skin crawl even though he was handsome, I bit his hands but as I turn around he slap me so hard in my face that I tasted blood in my mouth.

I spit in his face and said it none of your business who I sleep with just that I don’t want to sleep with you.

He grab my neck and started to squeeze and I knew what he wanted to do, I have  heard about this from "Steps" already that is why he tells me if I ever go to a club by myself I have to be careful, he says they squeeze your neck and cut of your air until you pass out and then rape you and leave you there for anyone else; God I can’t believe I will be rape in my work place bathroom and no one will know.

No, no, no I don’t accept it I just can’t loose my virginity like this, to someone that don’t even turn me on, someone that does not even deserve it, so I punch him in the face and tried to run, but forgot my pants was undone so I fell smack on the floor and he was immediately on top grabbing my head and smacking my face into the floor, I could taste the blood in my mouth I knew he had busted up my mouth, he then started ripping my boxer off, and caressing my ass, I heard zipper open and then I felt his cock slap against my ass check and I cringe I wanted to vomit, this day had to be the worse ever.

God please don’t let me get rape on a bathroom floor please, please, please I prayed over and over again, as I felt his cock slipping in between my ass cheeks going where it should not go, as I struggle more and more, he was talking to me but I completely blocked him out not wanting to know what he deemed important to say to me; as I tried one more time to get away he grab me from my curls pull my head back and slam my face back onto the floor again, I knew then I was going to pass out but I continue to struggle, so he grab my head again and was about to slam it down again, when I saw shoes in the line of my blurry vision and I felt someone pulled him roughly off me and I passed out saying thank you God for sending that guardian angel for me.      

THE BEAST AND HIS LOVE FOR CHOCOLATE (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now