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Warning: boyxboy action, if you don’t like it please don’t read.

Sylver’s point of View:

I breath in then out rapidly, as I approached "The Beast" office, I was so nervous my palms were sweating, but I had to get this over with as quickly as possible, but deep down inside I had this nagging feeling that everything was not going to sail as smoothly as I would love to believe, I was worried that I was going to be fired, after our little encounter in the hallway before the meeting.

 I really could not get fired, I need this job, but if I was going to get fired I will face like a man (then cry later, said the internal me) sigh; but I don’t need to loose this job ( you may say find another one but its not easy people), after my mom died, I had to take care of myself financially from the time I was 15 I don’t have anyone else, I do have a father but dear old daddy did not want to help his gay son (I will tell you all about it later). I get so tired sometimes but I have to do it, so it will really be a big problem to start looking for a job right now if I loose this one.

Anyway I decided to get it over with so I knock, I heard his voice and shivered when he said “Come In”
I walked in stiffly with my eyes on the floor, I really did not want him to see me cry when he tells me that I was fired.

Come and sit down I heard him said; I nodded my head and walked over, and sat down with my hands in my lap still not looking at him.

Its very impolite to not look at a person when you are about to speak with them, he said.

I continue to look at my lap, trying to build up the courage to look at him.(Sylver snap out of it and be a man I screamed at myself)

Sylver, look at me, he commanded.

I continue to stare at my lap.

Sylver ,I will not tell you again to look at me, he said savagely.

I immediately looked up saying s s sorry Sir in a whisper.
Once again he sucked in his breath the same way he did, when I called him Sir in our earlier encounter, I could see his eyes get darker, as he continued to stared at me.
My breathing got a little shallow, I was so scared (be a man Sylver the inner me said, well why don’t you come out and face him then, I responded to the annoying internal me).

He got up and walk around the desk to my side I got so nervous, but I stood my ground, or rather I sat my ground.
He is a lot bigger and taller than I thought (didn't I said already that he is a beast) I am short but I am also a man, so with courage I shall faced my doom.
He sat at the edge of the desk still just staring at me, I waited patiently for him to begin saying whatever needed to be said.

What did I say to you when you was in the conference room? he asked with that sexy accent of his.

You said that you do not share, and that you wanted to train me Sir, I stammered in confusion (what the hell does that conversation has to do with my current predicament?, rolled eyes internally).

He leaned forward, so why didn't you obey? He ask sweetly but his eyes told a different story.

I really dont know what you are talking about Sir, I said starting to loose my fear, (if I was going out it will not be a shivering nervous boy; I will go out with a bang).

First of all who gives you the right to say that you are going to train me? Huh? I ask, do I look like an animal to you?or a misbehaving kid?

Dont test my patients Sylver, or you will regret it, I can only take so much, he said darkly getting closer to my face.

So what!! I said, you are going to fire me anyway, are’tn you? I ask, I will not beg if that’s what you’re looking for, I said jutting up my head.

That is when he smiled evilly and said Really!!

Yes, I said standing.

We should put that to the test then, he said huskily getting closer to me, his scent started to invade my senses, I wanted to move away but his eyes were keeping me put.(gosh was he sexy). What do you say? he ask.

Do whatever you want Mister Alessi, I will not beg I said.
He moved so fast I was not expecting what happen next.

He pulled me towards him and crash his lips to mine, immediately pulling my lower lip in his mouth nipping and sucking it at the same time, it not like I have never been kissed before, but they have been minimum, seeing that I don’t enjoy them much, he pulled me out of my thoughts when he tried to put his tongue inside my mouth, I gasp and tried to object, but he took it as his opportunity and got what he wanted by slipping his tongue in and invading my mouth, it felt strange at first but a fire started spreading throughout me, my body reacted instantly, I got so hot, it felt like he was taking over my mouth, it felt so good I thought I was going to melt.

His tongue dominated my mouth and my knees give out, he had to grab me by my waist and set me on his desk while he slide between my legs, he continue to kiss me, pulling, sucking, biting and tasting mouth all at the same time, this kiss was not like to ones you read about, where everything is soft and gentle no, he was aggressive and dominant, taking what he wanted without asking, I have never felt like this before as if someone was taking me over completely.

He grabbed my curls pulling my head back as he trail with his tongue to my ears biting and sucking it into his mouth, my hands pulled on his shirt as I squirm on the desk trying to ease the discomfort in my pants, any little experience I had in kissing before paled in comparison.
But what he did after had me bucking my hips and groaning like a common whore, he growled and bit my neck so hard, I gasp and cry out, then he soothe it by running his tongue over the area, this made delicious little shudders rock my body.

I didn't know a kiss could feel this good and make you want to loose yourself, he started whispering roughly in Italian and grinding against me and I nearly lost it whimpering, that’s is “il mio cioccolato bambino”(My chocolate babe) moan for me he said.
 I had never gotten so hard before, it was so erotic he had me gasping for air, I am pretty sure I will have to change my underwear later, he was so good I was afraid he made me cum just by just kissing.

I arch my back when he bit on the area between my neck and shoulder, he then licked it and blow cool air on my heated skin I felt my nipples got hard I wanted him to touch them, but he grab my ass instead squeezing and palming it.

Fuck he groaned it feels better than I imagine, so round and soft, a perfect fit for my hands, they were made just for me he growled, and I felt my cock leaking, all I could do was moan and whimper.

He grab me and took me to a sofa in the room I did not even notice it before(when I'm around him I never notice anything else), he sat down and had me straddle his hips, I immediately started to squirm because I know I am heavy but he kept me in place, grabbing my hip and pulling me down further, as he then thrust up against me, fuck it felt so good his body rubbing against mine making me groan and moan, he pushed into me some more and what I felt, left me gasping for air in excitement and fear.

It was huge. .....I know it was because I could feel it moving against my stomach, (gosh what type of monster does he have in his pants) but it felt so good as he moved  pulling me downwards to meet his every thrust, I did not care anymore I was beyond my breaking point, I was about to start begging....... when I heard a cough and a voice said.......

Fuck Santier you could not wait before you had the boy in your lap, I know that voice its Vittorio.

Then I heard someone else said I knew he could not wait to take the chocolate bunny, we had to come in and save him from your wolfish claws (wait a fucking minute did he just called me a chocolate bunny, the internal me laugh and said, is that all you heard from all he just said) I know the other voice is Antonio.

I froze, I could not believe I let myself got carried away like that, we was practically fucking, me on top and he pulling hair and gripping my hips, I’m pretty sure my ass was sticking out, I felt a heat go up my cheeks and tried to scramble of Santier’s lap but he growled and held me down, even though I wriggled I could not move.

Sir...... please let me down I practically squeak.

No, he growled moving his hands to grip my ass.
I was at the point where I thought i was going to combust, my face got so hot, and I continue to wriggled.

If you don’t want to be fucked right here, stopped moving he said savagely, I stop moving immediately.

Santier please leave the the little bunny alone, said Vitorrio.

Please.....Sir...please I pleaded so embarrassed that his brothers found me in that state moaning and grinding on him, and this beast does not even take pity on me.

Please...please....please I begged, his gripped on me became tighter and I felt that his cock got bigger and he thrust up again against me, I gasp and grabbed unto his shirt for support.

I’m not finish with you yet, he growls in my ear...... I was about to start crying..... but I will let you go just for today, he finished, his grip lessen and I immediately scrambled of his lap and ran to the door without even looking at Vittorio and Antonio, my embarrassment was so great.

THE BEAST AND HIS LOVE FOR CHOCOLATE (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now