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Hi everyone, I just had to write Sylver's punishment from Santier's aka "The Beast" point of view.
Don't blame me I just could not help myself from doing it, blame it on the fan girl in me hihihihihihi.
Also I wanted you guys to know his thoughts as he punish his little "Chocolate Treat".

Hey guys when I write I tend to explain every little detail, so some events drag on, I hope this chapter is not too long, please tell me what you think.

Hope you enjoy this chapter too!!!!

Santier's Point of View:

After the incident with with my "Little One" father, I did not visit him for two days as I and my brother's conducted an investigation on that man, I had to know what to protect Sylver from, my baby did not act scared out of his mind just because.

We all saw genuine fear that day, I thought only I had seen it, but it turns out that my brothers Vitto and Tony and my two close friends Dorian and Colin had seen it too, even his friends knew he was scared of his father.

But everything showed up clean from the investigation, with the loss of temper here and there but nothing with flashing red lights, throughout the investigation we found that he was a Road Constructor and his peers got along well with him, also that he go to Church every time he could, we found out he was dating a woman for 6 months, lots of people from his Community was happy to see him dating again because they said he had become a sad man after his wife died, and most of them said he has suffered the leaving of his son.........

So my question is, if this man is such a paragon in his community, why did his son ran away from home at the age of eighteen, even though most of the people that knew him said he accepted Sylver's sexuality.

But even with all the good answer from that investigation on "Tyler Reid" (SYLVER'S FATHER), I knew there was something wrong and I will get to the bottom of it, by the looks of things it will take a while for my baby to open and talk about it, but I will be here when he wants to do so, for now I will keep my eyes on that man watching his every move whenever he tries to come around my little one.

Everyone is worried about Sylver, even my friends and brothers who just met him are worried; and they understand my overprotectiveness of him, they know that I protect what is mine and I will tear down anything that dare threatens.

As we arrive at the Hospital I meet up with the guys I had left keeping their eyes on my baby and his friends, to check to see if there was any suspicious movements while we were gone, the report was good, I knew these guys were professional, so they would have inform me if anything was amiss.

We got to the nurses station where she told me that my baby was free to leave the next day, I nodded and thanked her as I continue on to his room, he will be very happy to go to his little apartment and see his cat Kuro, but from what I heard in his friends conversation was that he had barely say anything to them after his fathers visit, they said he always looks like he is deep in thoughts, and any time they try to make him talk to about it, they receives a fake a smile and a shrugs.

My brother and friends really likes him so today as the other days of their visit they brought him gifts, as well as food from Miss Jan, they tried everything to get to get him into the conversation, but all he did was ignore them.

Every few seconds I could see shudders ran over his body, as if he was reliving a bad experience, I wonder what was going on in his head, but I was getting a little frustrated at his lack of respect for everyone in the room, even if my face remain impassive.

I looked around the room, and his friends were feeling his pain too I could see it written all over their faces; Stephano look as if he was going to cry at any minute, Stevie was as quiet as always but he was fidgeting and sighing every few second and Bryan even though he talks a lot he was quiet just looking at my baby with confusion written all over his face.

I know they wants to know what happen between him and his father, but I am sure he is not ready to talk about it; by the look on his face it seems he just want to forget the whole thing, the whole situation was frustrating due to the fact that I could not make everything alright for him.

My baby would sigh every few minutes, and I wonders what is going on in his mind, as I look at him I can see that all his bruises are almost gone, even all the hickeys that I had placed on his neck were gone and I did not like it, the dominant in me wanted him to be marked as mine.

Suddenly he got up from the bed...... "Where are you going?" I ask grabbing his shoulder..... "To the bathroom, can't I" he responded rudely jerking his hand away stumbling, with the attempt to get away, this made me angry.

"Oh and next time someone wants to visit please verify with me first before you decides its ok to send them in my room" he continues nearly screaming, I tried to calmly think about the situation and I know that my face reflected that calm but I was far from feeling.

He needs to know that I will not tolerate disrespect.......

"Sylver you better check you tune with me" I said as calmly as I could.

"Or what? he challenge looking up at me, I have to applaud his boldness......

You Mr. Alessi are nothing to me, so stop telling what to do", I heard gasp from the room I assume it came from his friend Stephano, I was so close to showing him that he was all mine but I held back holding onto my control, the others are in the room and Sylver was not ready to see that side of me yet; but as he continued all that control started to crumble down.....
"I have only met you for a few days and now you think you have a say in my life", he was screaming at me as he finished.

"Sylver calm down or you will not like the consequences" I clips out my  accent thick, I have to admit I was turn on by his boldness, but I will show him who he has to submit to, that's why I was still holding onto the little control I had left, but it seems that my little spitfire wanted to push me over the edge........

"Consequences? He sneered at me, his lips looks so delicious when he curl them like that.....I'll have you know that I have lived my life for the past 3 years without you and I will continue to do so without your help"

That's its there is only so much a man can take and I have reach my limits, I will have to refresh his memory and show him that Sylver Amati Reid belongs completely to Santier Alexander Alessi, every inch of him is mine, from the top of his curly hair to the bottom of his small feet, all of that sexy chocolate body is mine. 

"Remember what I said to you 3 days ago?" I ask getting closer to his smaller frame, his breath hitch as he stared up hungrily at my mouth.
I ran my tongue over my lips and watch as his eyes lustfully follow the movement, he does not know what he is asking for looking at me like that.

THE BEAST AND HIS LOVE FOR CHOCOLATE (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now