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Please Vote, Comment and Share if you enjoyed the story of our baby Sylver and his Beast Santier.

Hey my babies, a great big THANK YOU goes out to all of my fans who sticked with me through this journey, especially the ones who always gave me feedbacks on every single chapter, whether it was in comments or in messages, I was always happy and eager to read them; I am super grateful to them because their words were the ones that always pushed me forward to continue writing and to make each and every chapter better than the last. This is the first book that I had the guts to write for others to read, it sure did not start of on a perfect note, but as I advance on the chapters, it got better and better, my writing style is nowhere near perfect like some of the great authors here on Wattpad, but I will continue to write until I reach the level of perfection so my readers can enjoy my stories a lot more.

Sylver’s Point of View:

Its been three months after that incident, I never thought that there was going to be a day, I was going to be happy to see the person I once loved and called a father, ripped to pieces in front of my own eyes and I would be happy about it, yet as bad as it may seems or sounds to others, I was really happy to see him gone from my life and this earth.

Him and his disgusting friend.

He did terrible things to me that nearly destroyed me, leaving me scarred deeply for a long time.

Those scars are slowly fading away, but are in no means gone, tho I can certainly say that they are healing, now that he is not here to bother me anymore.

I still cry the loss of my mom, I don’t think I can ever think about her without crying, especially knowing the way she died and knowing that it was for someones selfish lust and sick desires. Of course I remember the really great time with her, but I still mourn her death, because I know she would have been happy for me and my life.

She would have even join forces with Mama Celia and Mama Jan to pamper and spoil all us boys rotten they same way she with me before she died, she would have also love My Master a lot too.

The relationship with My Master has grown, we have gone further into the world of Dom/Sub and I have to say I am loving every minute of it, even the pain from my punishments I enjoy, tho I don’t get much of them.

My Master seems to always end up making passionate rough love to me, instead of punishment, yet he knows how to punish me most of the time without using the whip, cane or his hand on my ass for that matter.

All he has to do is give me the silent treatment and I would feel as if I will loose my mind.

I hate it when he do that and I always ends up begging for his forgiveness and he always bargains with me, asking in a whisper “What are you going to give me if I forgive you little one?”

At that question things always gets heated and we end up in bed for two or three days and I end up unable to move for two days later.

Everything is not perfect, we had our first fight about two weeks ago, about him being jealous of a classmate of mine that was talking to me when he came to pick me up from the University.

After everything had calm down with the sperm donor out of the picture and out of our lives, I had begin attending my classes again and I have to say that its been great so far and I am really loving it, I had really miss the design world.

I have also begin to work again, tho now I am the General Manager of the home designs and decoration department at “Alessi’s Department Store”.

He fired Sindy about a month ago because she had the nerves to walk into his office unannounced and tried to seduce him and when he refused her advances, she begin screaming like a crazy person, he had been so pissed at the scandal that the very day she was payed and escorted out of the building.

So now I have her job, its a lot of responsibility, I thank God I have Steps, Willow and Mama Celia to help me with everything.

Willow had finally stepped back into the picture after all the drama was over, she too was having a really hard time in her life, with her family and her boyfriend, but now everything is better and once again she is back with us, helping me a lot with the things in the office.

But getting back to our fight, he did not like the fact at all that I talked to that classmate because he said that the guy wanted me, I did not believe it until four days later the guy hit on me and tried to forced himself on me.

That day My Master got there and did not see me outside where I usually waits, so he went to the study room that I always use when I am on the campus and found me trying to fight off the guy, he snapped and completely lost it.

And went against the guy with everything beating him to a pulp, lets just say the guy will be black and blue for months, with abroken arm and jaw after the whopping My Master dealt him.

I was then taken home and fucked within and inch of my life, I could not move for days when he got through with me, he was really mad at me because he had warned me about it and I had not listen.

I just don’t get why guys always try to do those things to me, I never offer them anything, I don’t invite them or even try to get their attention, but somehow I always ends up in a situation where I have to fight of a horny guy, so now I have to attend school with two bodyguard of my age that fits in and go to class as well, one is Joshua and the other Dillon.

That fight was short lived though, I ended up begging for his forgiveness again because I had messed up by trying to defend that guy that later turned out to be a creep just as My Master said he was.

So now I never go anywhere without him, our friends and family or my bodyguards, he feels better that way and I do everything to please him.

I cannot be more happier by the way things are going now, things are not perfect as I said before, but they are perfect enough for me, I have great friends, a wonderful Family and my sexy beast of a man whom I love with my everything.

I call his family my family because they treat as such I could not asked for better mothers than Mama Celia and Mama Jan, better fathers than Angelo and Simmons, or even better brothers than the twins.

The same goes for Dorian and Collin, they treat me like a baby brother, while they all persue and torture my friends, poor Steps always ends up hiding out at our home from Dorian, tho in the past two months things has gotten pretty heated between them.

Bryan and Collin are always fighting, but I know something deeper is going on that he is not yet ready to talk about, Stevie on the other hand just avoids the twins like a plague, while they just pursue him even more.

When I ask him why he runs from them so much, he says, that there is no possible way he is going to take on two Alessi beasts,but I always tell him that the two of them will always be with him and take care of him, but most of all they will love him.

Yet he always responds with a “Just watching how your beast leaves you unable to move for days after sex tells me I should not mess with them, only he leaves you that way, imagine how they will leave me, I wont be able to move ever if I have to please them both, so no, I will not give in”

And he really means it, he is stubborn like that, he just avoids them and I can see it is pushing them over the edge, I just hope they don’t incapacitate him when they get their hands on him.

That is my same fear for Steps, because he is always hiding in our house and Dorian’s patience is running thin, or its non-existent by now, because yesterday he said he had enough and had then  proceed to carry a kicking and wiggling Steps out of our home, I have a feeling that I wont be seeing Steps for a long while, maybe days or weeks.

They all blame me, saying that if I had not caught the eye of a beast, then they would have been safe, I just laugh and tell them, if I had known my life was going to be this good with my beast, I would have personally go look for him a long time before we met.

I know our friends is just beginning their stories and we will be the ones to guide them through the journey as the go on to make a life like My Master and I did.

THE BEAST AND HIS LOVE FOR CHOCOLATE (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now