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Hey my chocolate babies, I hope you all enjoy this chapter :)


Tyler’s Point of View:

What the fuck was that? what the fuck just happen? How the hell did that f*ucking Italian bastard answer me, when I was calling to talk to my sexy boy, how could Sylver alowed that, when he knew I was calling for him, but yet he made that bastard answer, and not happy with interrupting my father son time, he then also had the nerve to threaten me, saying he is going to kill me, and the way he said it I know that he is not joking, it was said so calmly like if he was ordering a plate of food, that calmness it something I don't like at all, cold chills had run over the back of my body and my reaction was to hung up immediately.

I was feeling so good, and I really wanted to hear my boy’s sexy voice but that threat to my life had killed all the joy and  every other sensation I was feeling, I am not even turn on anymore, my body had shut down for a while, suddenly I am not feeling so confident anymore about what I came here for, and that realization makes me very angry, kicking the chair in front of me, I relish in hearing it shatter the glass center table.

I have never been afraid of another person before, but somehow that Italian scares me, I know he is dangerous and I know that if he ever gets the chance I will be drowning in my own blood, its terrifying to think about your own death, but this man is a serious in everything he does, and that very though has me trembling, but he and anyone else will never know that Tyler Reid is scared of another man.

Another thing I don’t know where he gets the nerve threatening me, Sylver was mine long before he ever touched him with his filthy hands, dirtying his pureness, it hurts me deeply to know that he has taken away my sexy boy’s innocence, I was suppose to be the one to take it, it belonged to me, and now that stupid Italian has ruin that experience for me, I really hate that bastard for tainting my sweet Sylver.

I had trained my boy to where I wanted him, I had only needed a little bit more time to fully break him down to my will, he was nearly perfect, he took everything I dished out without complaining and crying, and I enjoyed his stubborness, but when I was about to make him completely mine, he had to mess it all up by running away from me.

I still do not understand how he could have leave me, I am his beloved daddy and he used to say that he loved me with all his heart when he was a child, I loved him too and I showed it to him, I know sometime my hand slipped and I became overly excited and went overboard, but who doesn't go all out when they have their sexy love naked in front of them, after all he never complained when I discipline him, even when there was broken bones as a result of it, he knew I loved him enough to take care of him when that happened so why is it that he hates me.

I know that whenever he is back with me I will have to retrain him to my ways, because he has let them corrupt his mind, I really don't like any of his friends, if he was with me they would have never been able to get close enough to dirty him with their filthiness.

It still shocks me that Sylver made that bastard listen to me on his phone, his sins are pilling up and when I get my hands on him, I will teach him his proper place once again, which is to cater to my every need and desire, even if does not want to do them at the moment, he will get use to them, while pleasing me.

I only wanted to hear his sexy voice, I just had to hear it again after this morning and it would have push me over the edge, but he had to be a spoil child and made that Italian threaten me, I really cannot wait to get my hands on him and punish him thoroughly, beating him until he bleeds for me, but after his punishment I will f*uck him to my hearts content, he is the one for me I could care less what others thinks of it.

I know he is the one for me because no one ever could make my body stir up the way he does, no one can ever tell me that what I feel for him is wrong, because I know it is the right way to go, and if I have to do what I did back then I would do it over and over again with pleasure, enjoying his every scream, the broken bones, the sweet blood and his overall sexy body, he made me this way, now he will take responsibility.
Back then he looked so innocent and I loved it, I could not get enough of it, but now seeing him more grown has sets my body on a permanent fire, burning heat, he looks even more beautiful now, his body the perfect size, his ass it the right fit for grabbing and pounding inside its tightness, that action will surely drive me insane, I know that the Italian has taken him already, and I will punish him severely for that crime.

Looking inside the bag I brought back with me from my shopping trip, I touch the whip in its interior, and I close my eyes to hold the image of him in my mind, just imagining him writhing in pain as that whip caress his skin over and over again as blood pour from all his cuts and gashes has me getting hard all over again, and I know I have to relieve myself.

Slipping my hand once again in my pant I went directly for my hardening c*ock, just as I was about to touch it, the voice of someone interrupts me........................................................................

“You should never relieve yourself, that is why we have f*uck trash here for” this comes from Norman, he is one of my internet friend that has been loving his 14 year old son Ian for years, and his son enjoys all of the attention he receives from his daddy, even though he cries, begging Norman to stop.

But Norman has him under his complete control, using him every way he can think off, by the time Norman is done with him, he is bloody all over and it excites me to see it, I cannot wait for the day when I have my little boy like that again.

Looking over to Norman, I cannot help but be impress with him, he is beautiful man, standing at 6’2, lean body, flawless white skin, black raven hair, and an angelic face with a dangerous aura, a dangerous combination, his beauty is unreal to look at, he is like a china doll with his perfection, but his beauty is just skin deep, because his beauty on the outside cannot rival the evilness that boils in his insides.

I knew from the moment we met that we were kindred spirits, and it feels good to know that I am not the only one, smiling at him I answer...................

“I don’t want any of those sluts, the one I want is going to soon be here to take care of his daddy’s every need” I say this still looking at his face.

“I cannot wait to see the show, I am really impatient waiting to see your beauty standing here, will you share him?” hopefulness is dripping from his voice, and I know he is hungry to have a taste of Sylver from the moment he saw his picture, but I do not share, the only hands that will caress Sylver’s skin is going to be mine, and my body will be the only one that will take his over and over again.

“He is not to be shared Norman, he is only mine to use and abuse as I see fit” my voice is dripping sweetness but he can tell that I am serious.

Backing up he smile again, this time it is not reaching his eyes “Ok I know where you are coming from, I don’t like sharing Ian either, but it does not mean that I don’t enjoy others” I know this, because we f*uck the life out of one little prey we caught last night, I guess the police have already found his lifeless body, but I don’t care about that, all that is on my mind is my sweet sexy boy and I cannot wait anymore for him.

But first I will take Norman up on his offer, I need to relieve some of my stress.

“I can use a stress reliever though, so why don’t we get a new toy and break it to our hearts content” I voice out already feeling my blood pumping.

“No need to get up and look for fun my friend, I already have a very young one just for what we both have in mind” I look at him and I know something is wrong.

“Why do you need to relieve stress Norman?” I ask.

“Ian’s bitch of a mother has him for the week and there is nothing I can do about it, I know my boy is missing me, but knowing that bitch I know she is not going to let him come back sooner” he snarls out, I can only admire Norman, I did not have the guts to penetrate Sylver when he was the youngness of Ian, but I should have and I would have not be in this problem now, Norman made sure that Ian became completely his at the sweet age of twelve.

Many would say that what Norman is doing is disgusting, but I don’t, I feel like a fool for not doing the same back when I had the chance, Sylver would have been completely mine, after all when he was 13, I use to give him and his mother sleeping pills and then later go inside his room to touch, kiss and caress his full body, the sweet taste of his little c*ock back then was so sweet, I used to need a taste nearly every night, and I enjoyed it every time I could, his innocence used to call out to me and I could never say no, I was addicted and I still am I wonder what his c*ock taste like now.

But all of it was later stopped, when his mother began checking his body everyday for bruises of his bullying, so then I had to become even more careful with where I placed the marks on his body, I know he doesn't know this, but it will be one more thing I can hold unto him with, he will not want anyone to know about his past, and this part even worst, so I know he will stay quiet for the shame he will feel, while I on the other hand will take advantage of it, and enjoy him in my arms once more.

With that thought in mind I get up from the sofa smiling “Don’t worry Norman, he will be back soon for your enjoyment, but first lets break this filthy slut” I say this motioning to the trembling teenager who is trying his best to get away from Norman, he does not look a day over 15 so I know its going to be good.

“Don’t be so scared son......... After all we are only going to break you just a bit............ So be good to your daddies while we enjoy” I whisper to the little guy and he begins to cry really loud, Norman immediately strikes him in the face and blood pour out of his mouth, the little guy scream and begins to beg.

“Please let me go, I will never tell anyone, please just let me go” he screech.

“Shut up slut, you are here for us to use all we want” Norman says sweetly to him as he looks at me smiling evilly as he lick his lips.

“Please I swear I will not tell anyone, I just want to go home” he begs once again.

Getting down on my kness to his level I pull his face up so I can look into his frighten eyes, and my excitement is pumping up again, and I cannot wait to begin, licking at the blood that is pouring from his mouth I pull his head back sharply, feeling some of it coming undone in my hand, he cry out again and I smile at him again.

“Of course you will never tell anyone son, because after we are done with you, I am sure you wont be able to move or breath” his face becomes pale and he looks as if he is about to pass out, just seeing that has me to the point where I am ready to burst.

I cannot wait to enjoy this temporary fix until I can get the real thing.

And when I do, no one will save him from all I have plan.

Sylver’s Point of View:

I cannot take this anymore I feel like I am going crazy, I don’t have peace, that sick man is not relenting and I know he is going to get me, if he ever put his filthy hands on me, it will drive me to the brink of insanity and I would never survive it again if that ever happens, I wont ever be able to look at my friends in the eyes anymore, and I certainly wont me able to call Santier Alessi My Master, just the mere thought of loosing all the people that means everything to me has me hyperventilating, fear is eating at me taking full control of my body and mind.

My breath is speeding up and my head feels light like I am about to pass out, and I am fighting against it with all my might, I did not know it was really happening until My Master begins to rub my back placing me on my own feet as he whisper softly to me.

“Little one calm down, I am right here, there is nothing for you to be scared of, that man will never touch a hair on your head, I would not permit him to get that close to you........ do you believe me?” He ask this softly, I did not answer as I try to catch my breath.

“Sylver do you trust me as your Man to protect you from any harm?” his voice is louder and full of command, and I know he is serious, because he rarely use my name.

I slowly nods at him, he grab my chin pulling my face up to his “Answer me little one, do you trust me to protect you?” the is an unidentifiable quality to his voice, and his eyes hold so much power and gentleness, that I immediately begins to calm down.

“Yes Master I trust you, I know you will protect me, but....” he interrupts me.

“There is no ‘but’ in what I am saying, I will say this one more time for you to understand, so look at me when I am talking to you” he growls, my eyes immediately went to his face.

“Listen to me Sylver Reid, you belong to an Alessi, Santier Alessi to be exact, I never give up what belongs to me, you are mine and only mine, I don’t share and I don’t take kindly to people who wants what belongs to me, so listen and listen well hold this tightly inside your mind and heart whenever you have doubts ..................................

Even if you want to run away from me I will not alow it, even if I have to tie you to my bed and lock you up inside my room for the rest of yours and my life I will do it because I am never going to let you go, letting you go has never been an option, because it will never happen.” he growls territorially, pulling me towards him wrapping his big arms around me.

All I can do is snuggle against him, my body is trembling from all his words and I cannot even form a sentence if it was to save my life, his possessiveness is so strong that I feel that I will be suck in completely by him, his stance is so territorial, that its downright overwhelming, but I feel so protected in his arms and my fear slowly ebbs away.

“Do you understand me Sylver Reid?” He ask again, and this time I did not hesitate to answer.

“Yes Master I understand, I will trust you with my everything.” I say this loudly so everyone in the room knows that I am putting my complete trust into this beautiful possessive man, that I silently call mine, he pull back smiling down at me.

“We all will protect you little bunny, no one messes with and Alessi” say Tony with so much rage in his voice, I have to look at him, because I never seen him angry before.

“Damn straight; we protect all the family, and from what I have seen today I am sure that you will be an Alessi pretty soon, so rest assure, anyone that goes against my future son in law will be destroy indiscriminately” this comes from Angelo, and I can see anger radiating from his body, all the others are nodding their heads, with killer looks on their faces.
And I know for the first time in my life, what it feels like to have the full support of others, and that makes my heart swell in my chest, and all I can do is thank God for giving all of them to me, after today I can say with ceartainty that.................................................................................................

I no longer feel this crippling fear.

I no longer feel alone.

And most importantly I no longer feel unlove.

But one thing is sure, is that I want that man to disappear from my life.

I wonder if it is wrong of me to wish on him a horrible death, but after all he has done to me, I would buy VIP ticket to see him rip to pieces.

Hey my chocolate beauties, I know this chapter was a little hard to read, but I tried to not go into much details of the incidents with the minors, and the younger Sylver, but I hope you give me feedback letting me know what you think about the story so far, it will be great to hear all you have to say :D

THE BEAST AND HIS LOVE FOR CHOCOLATE (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now