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Please Vote and Comment, Mama Chocolate will really appreciate my babies :D

This chapter is dedicated to another of my special chocolate baby, I love all your great comments and encouraging words, sending lots of chocolate love to you @FatoomBM, thank you so much hun :D

Sylver’s Point of View:

After a while in the kitchen with Mama Celia and Miss Jan, I became very antsy and I want to see My Master, its not like I am curious about all they are talking about, its just that I feel better when I am with him.

I feel so protected when he wraps his big arms around me, and I love the feeling of his body against mine, I may sound like a whore saying this, but I get heated anytime he touch me, and I cannot help whimpering and moaning like a slut.

Moving around on the stool I am struck with a little bit of pain in my back, but I ignore it, as far as I am concern, the pain is worth all the pleasure I receive in the end, just remembering it has brought heat to my, especially in between my legs, and my ass.

I never knew that once you had sex you would crave it constantly, before it was not something I would have worry about, and if I got the feeling I use to take care of it myself and was satisfied.

But now, me touching myself could never satisfy me, my ass itches for him, and I get this insatiable craving to have him inside me, fulling me up the way only he knows how.

I do believe now that I am the wanton slut he calls me when we are having sex or making love, because I become so lost in pleasure that I beg like a whore, for even kisses from his sweet lips, and whenever I see his beautiful c*ock I go crazy.

The strange thing is that when its all over, I am back to my old self and I feel so embarrass of all the things I said during the incredible sex, he enjoys it though, he loves making me beg, and plead for him, and if he is happy I am happy.

But its no longer just sex with us, every day when he comes back he would take me in his arms, after our shower, walking out on the balcony, sitting down with me on his lap his arms wrap around me, me due to my nervousness, will start talking nonstop.

One time I stop talking believing he was sick of hearing me, because he was so quiet only saying something every now and again, as he would rub my back and play with my hair, so when I stop talking he pinch me saying to continue because he loved the sound of my voice.

Basically it has become a routine for us, and I love it, and am glad he enjoys it, though sometimes he does thing that really embarrass me, even though I secretly likes them.

He bought g-strings for me in all different colors, he also bought me, booty shorts, leather shorts, leather panties, and other panties in general, it was so embarrassing when he had presented some of them to me, that all I could do then was run into the bathroom to hide, then as I put my ears to the door, I would hear him laughing softly.

I love him, and no longer would I let that man stand in my way, I will be happy with My Master until he no longer wants me, but as long as he wants me I will be his completely giving him my entire trust, because I know he will protect me.

Whenever he becomes territorial and possessive of me, it makes me feel so good that my body shakes from it, and my hearts beats so fast, that I sometimes I feel as if I will fall over from all the giddy happiness.

I am so deep in my thoughts that I was not aware that Miss Jan has been calling my name for the last minute, I did not react until she touch my arms, and I nearly fell of the stool,

“Hun we know you are in love, but damn, you are in pretty deep” she says jokingly, feeling very shy I try hiding my face,

“Bambino, you don’t have to hide, I am really happy that you are part of my Santy’s life, he smiles a lot more now, and I love seeing my son like that, I know he is happy with you” she says in a soft voice, smiling at me,

“You think so Mama Celia?” I ask her skeptically,

“I know so mio bambino” kissing me on my cheek she ruffle my hair then walk over to the refrigerator, I smile at the way she call me her small child,

“Of course he loves you hun, do you see the way he acts around you” this comes from Miss Jan, and my inside is nearly mush, just imagining My Master in love with me has me on cloud nine, and I cannot stop smiling like a fool.

I am suddenly startle when Mama Celia place a tray in front of me, fill with drinks,

“Take these to all the boys, and hurry back so we can continue talking, I really want to know what color you think will looks best in a weeding” she says sweetly, I wonder who is getting married, but I will leave that for when I come back from the office, I am excited about the prospect of helping someone on their wedding.

Nodding I take the try and slowly walk out of the kitchen to My Masters office, I hear talking, I knock, but no one answers, so I open it and went inside but what I hear has me standing completely still and my body becoming cold and numb, I am not even aware that I drop the tray of drink, but all I can hear ringing in my ears are Velvets words,

“The death of Cuddles mom, was no accident, or a hit, it was premeditated cold blooded murder”, there was a pause in Velvets voice then “That man and his old partners were the ones that shot her to death at the grocery store, and according to his dairy it was to finally get her out of the way so he could get his filthy hands on Cuddles”

It felt as if my world was ending, just hearing that revelation, had me still like a statue, everything is moving in slow motion, even my breathing slow down, it felt as if I was looking back at my past, the way he would come and tell me that the police had not found anything.

I even remember the way he cried with me in the hospital, and all the crying at the funeral, just thinking about the way he use my mom to do all those sick nasty things to me has me feeling and intense anger that I have never felt before, it was fierce, deep and very deadly.

I could see My Master looking at me with a worried expression on his face, he is shaking me and moving his mouth, but I am not hearing anything that he is saying.

The ringing is so loud in my head that I cannot hear or think, I want to reach out and tell My Master that I am going to be fine, that everything is going to be ok, but somehow I can’t open my mouth.

My anger only build all the more, and for the first time in my life I feel consume with hate, its hot and molten, its like a burning lava, and its burning all my insides, and I want to lash out and destroy the one who dared give me this feeling.

I want to rip him to pieces, I put up with all his sickness because he used my mom to threaten and make me do all he wished, well I will show him how wonderful his son has turned out to be, focusing all my attention on My Master’s voice, I am pull out of my haze, but the burning hate still remains potent in my heart,

“Kill him” I say to My Master, I know everyone might be shock, but I want him dead, I want to see him die, he will pay for all the things he did to my mom and to me.

And I will not rest until he is chocking in his own blood at my feet, the very image of him that way, makes my body shake with thrill and excitement, and I cannot wait for the kill,

No more crying Sylver.

No more Fear.

No more humiliation.

This time the hunted will become the hunter, and I will destroy my prey, this puts a smile on my face as I walk up the stairs to our room.

Tyler Reid’s Point of View:

We are running, Norman and I have been discovered and we are running for our lives, it cannot end like this it will not end like this, all of this happened, because that boy who we thought was a weakling, turn out to be a strong willed teen, who fought and got away, leaving Norman with a broken wrist, two broken ribs, and a swollen eye.

Me on the other hand the damage is a lot worse, he bit and tear the flesh from my leg, he kick me so hard in my balls that they are still swollen, then he bit them too, ripping my scrotum.

He broke my hand and tear his way through my chest ripping at every flesh he could get his mouth on, that little bugger had the sharpest teeth I have ever feel in my life.

And did not show any mercy to us, we just wanted to have some fun with him, and that was the way he reacted, the fucking bastard, Norman had to sew my scrotum without anesthesia, it had hurt so much, I can barely move.

I thought we was going to have fun, because he look so scared and frighten, but he turned out to be a demon in disguise of an angel, if I could get my hands on him, I would just wring his neck to take him out of his misery.

That little bastard really did a number on us, turns out that little 15 year old is a contortionist, and we thought we could have handle him with out restrain, big mistake on our part, because now Norman and I are really hurt and can barely move, especially me with swollen balls.

Fuck I should have waited until I had my boy in my arms, but I had to let Norman tempt me with that young boy, it had been so long since I had a young morsel in my arms that I fall for it, we was so excited that we forgot the basic rules of the game, and that is to tie your prey when you catch them.

But that little bastard is the least of our worries now, there are bigger fish chasing us, and they are not relenting, they ae going to tear us apart, but I will not alow it, I am Tyler Reid and I always come out on top,

“Tyler hurry the fuck up!!” scream Norman who is about 6 feet ahead of me,

“What the fuck do you think I am doing princess” I huff back at him, as we continue to run, I can feel blood running down my leg from the wound on my scrotum, that fucking kid.

Dammit he remind me of Sylver, he had broken 4 of my ribs one time with just a kick, and he had tear through my skin too just like that ungrateful brat.

Of course I had hidden it well from Sylver, but almost all the time I went man to man against him, he would always break something, so I had to always restrain him, because I knew that one day he was going to go into a fit of rage and wont be able to stop him.

That is why I had to constantly beat him to show him his place, so he never get the idea of ever standing up to me, but he is a fighter, and I had to be strong to subdue him every time, the only time I completely had him under my control was when I had the whip.

I should not be thinking about that right now, I need to get to somewhere and rest then, I will come up with another plan, but first we have to find a safe place, I am only following Norman because I don’t know this place so well, if it was not for that I would have killed him a long time ago, but now I need him so he is safe,

For now anyway.

I can still hear boots running after us, but as we get deeper into the woods, everything slowly becomes quiet, after twenty minutes of silent we decide to come out, heading towards, Norman grandma’s abandon house.

After we get there I will decide if Norman is still useful to me, and if not,

Well lets just say, grandma will have a lot of mess to clean up when she gets back.

Hey my babies I hope you all enjoyed this Chapter, especially the part about Tyler and Norman getting their asses kick by a 15 year old, yay for the 15 year old, he beat them down old school style.

My grandma always use to say, stop screaming, use your head and your teeth, they are a lethal weapon, I bet that kid show them just how lethal his little weapons were lol

Miss my grandma so much, Sending chocolate love to you up in heaven Grammy :D

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