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Hey guys this chapter is going to have a series of different points of view, for you to enjoy.

Stevie’s Point of View:

I still cannot calm down, I have not been to work from the time Cuddles told us about his past, I was so fucking piss that night, but now I am seething with anger, how can that animal call himself a father, after all of the sick things he put his son through, and I can understand why Cuddles was afraid to tell us about it.

I know this because most rape victims always thinks that its their fault that the sick perverted person attacked them; and those bastard mostly wash their hands off like Pontius Pilote and go on with their revolting lives, leaving others lives in shambles, if only he knew that sick perverts don’t need and excuse to do disgusting things.

They just do them for fun, in the name of suppose love or obsession. 

Right now I am here in my home office trying everything I can to find that bastard, I am a hacker after all, and there is nothing I can’t find when I want to, and what I have found out so far is not good at all, I have to contact Santier or one of his brother’s to warn them and give them everything I have find.

Yes I am an editor by day, but I was and still is a hacker, even though I seldom do it now because of my IT Company, but I have never lost touch with my calling, that bastard is going down if its the last thing I do.

When you touch my family you have touch the very core of my soul, because that is what Bryan, Sylver and Stephano are to me, Family, I never had parents I raised up on the streets alone and by myself so I had to be self sufficient to survive, but nothing I ever went through on the streets can even compare to what has happened to Sylver, and it makes me sick to my stomach, that I was not there for him.

When I first meet them, I was the one that never trust anyone, and they changed me, each has their own uniqueness that makes them special, and I will bury anyone that ever tries to steal their light, they had slowly but surely brought me out of my shell never given up on me, sticking with me every step of the way, even when I did not want them there, they still force themselves into my life, and I am glad and grateful that they did.

They make me feel alive and whole again, and now I know that I can’t live without them.

Picking up my phone, I call a number that I had not used in years, and was answer immediately by a groggy voice.

“Who the fuck died for you to be calling at this ungodly hour?” The voice of Jon Jon vibrate through the phone.

“Its me Jon Jon, I have call to ask a favor” I hear shuffling in the background then...........................................

“Boss, whatever you need is going to be done” he answers without hesitation, smiling I pull up my screen.

“I need you to smoke out a rat” he laugh.

“What has this rat done to you boss?” he ask.

“He has touch my family, and he needs to be put down” I answer in a serious tune.

“Send me the information and it will be done” he assures me, and I hung up, I know I can trust Jon Jon to do what I need, he is after all the best in my IT company, after sending him the information, I call another number.

“Hello, this is Santier Alessi speaking, who is it?” answers a deep voice.

“Hello Mr. Alessi, it me Stevie, I have some information that is going to be very useful, and I think you need to see it” I answer him respectfully.

“Come over, I will be home in ten minute” he says then hangs up, smiling I got up and walk out to my car with a smile on my face, I maybe small and quiet but I am also very deadly.

Santier’s Point of View:

I am in my office with my brothers and friends, getting everything I need ready for my hunt, we were talking about all that has been done to find that bastard, everyone has their input, and we are not rushing anything, everything is plan and coldly calculated, even though he is still hidden like a rat he is we are going to find him, but the more I wait to get my hands on him, the more my anger grows.

I never knew that I would have want to kill  someone as much as I want to kill Tyler Reid, I will be doing the human race a favor if he is extermanated,  and I will take pleasure in it.

THE BEAST AND HIS LOVE FOR CHOCOLATE (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now