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Hey fangirls and guys, thank you so much for enjoying the story so far, I hope you all continue to love it :)

Santier’s Point of View:

I got to my house in six minutes flat, pulling up into the driveway, getting out of my car in a haste, wanting to see my little one and get him into my arms quickly, I don’t know why, but I just have this overwhelming need to hold him in my arms right now, while I caress his delectable body all over, noises interrupts my hasty journey towards my front door, looking over my shoulder I can see four other cars and two motorcycles pulling up behind my car, with their occupants moving just as quickly to get inside the house, I smile because it looks like everyone was in a hurry to get here just as much as I was.

Everyone begins jumping out of their respective mode of transportation, then walking quickly towards the entrance of my home, they all have serious looks on their faces, I can see that they mean business; nodding at them I continue to my door and open it, and is greeted with a loud chilling scream.

I know who its from, and from the sound of it I will have to kill somebody for making him scream like that, not wasting any time, I am running towards the source of that terrible scream as if my life depends on it, I can vaguely hear the others running behind me, but all I can think about is getting to him.

Running towards the patio, I turn the corner and burst out into the open space, and I come face to face with my little one covering in the corner with my father in the other corner trying to calm him down.

“I am sorry I scared you little guy, I really did not know that you were so jumpy” my dad explains, trying to walk towards him and my baby cover all the more trembling; breathing a sigh of relief, thankful that he is not hurt, I walk towards them slowly calling to him softly.

“Little one, lift your head for me and come here” he is still shaking but slowly begins to lift his head, to look at me, his face is ashen and I know that something happen for him to be covering like that.

“Master” he croak out.

“Yeas baby it is me, come here” I say placing a little bit more of a command in my voice knowing that he will respond, and I am rewarded with a small shiver that went through his body, he slowly begins to get up on shaking legs and starts to slowly walk towards me, making a circle around his phone that is laying on the floor.

I look at my him walking quickly towards me but the he stops in front of my dad, looking at him for about a minute then he bow his head, I can feel the other behind me watching the scene.

“I am so very sorry Mr. Alessi for screaming like that, please don’t think that I am a crazy person, you just startle me that’s all” he apologize and pleads in the same tune, my dad nods, reaching out his hand to ruffle his hair, my baby stay still, but you can see that he is a little uncomfortable with the touch, however my dad did not notice this.

“You don’t have to apologize Sylver, it was my fault for scaring you like that, I always do that to my wife and the kids and I did not think twice before I did it to you, I promise I will be careful next time ok” my dad voice is neutral but I can see the question in his eyes, as if asking why did my little one screamed so hard and also why was he covering, and he voice it.

“But why did you screamed so loud?” my baby stiffen and begins shifting uncomfortably not answering, so I step in because I do not want him crying and scared again.

“Little one, I want you to tell me why you screamed so loudly” I say this looking directly into his eyes, he fidget a bit the in a small scared voice.................................

“He called, and said that I cannot get away from him because he can still find me, and that you can’t protect me.................. Just after he said that your dad came out and wrap his hands around my face, I thought it was him, I got very scared and screamed.”

I punch the other half of the door so hard, that every piece of glass in it shatter and sprinkle on the floor, my baby squeak and jump back away, I even hear gasp and whisper from the others, I look at my father and he is looking at me with a questioning look, but right now I am not caring.

F*uck I should have not loose my temper like that, but I am pass my breaking point, how dare he call and scare my little one to that extend.

“Who called?” my dad ask, with a perplex look on his face.

“The person I am suppose to refer to as father” answer my little one tightly, the confusion on my father’s face start to clear up, but I guess he is not even close to guessing why my little one is so scared of his own father.

“But the relationship can’t be so bad between you two, that you can be that scared of him, I am sure you guys can resolve this issue” my dad push on, he is a big believer in the love between parents and their children.

“Dad, just lea.............” but I am interrupted by a small voice.

“Mr. Alessi if my father was like you then I would have not been scared of him, and what he has done to me cannot be resolve................ There is no way that sexual abuse can be resolve, especially when your own father is obsess with you and want you for himself, to quench his sick pleasures, so no I don’t think the issue between us can ever be resolve” my dad is just looking at him with a shock expression on his face.

“Oh my God! I am so sorry Sylver, I would have never imagine, something like that” my dad face is apologetic, but my baby just shrug and responds.

“Of course you wont have Mr. Alessi, I said before and I will say it again my father is not like you, he unfortunately skip the class of fatherhood 101” he laughs dryly, then walk towards me, being careful with all the glass on the floor, my dad is slowly coming out of his shock and anger is radiating from him, my baby does not notice this and continue walking towards me.

When he is in front of me he stops “I am so sorry Master, for embarrassing your father like that, when its not his fault, but I really got scared for a bit thinking that it was 'him', it just that he has never called me before” he whisper this nervously, pulling his face up towards me I lean down and kiss his soft inviting lips.

“Little one you have nothing to apologize for, I understand, and I assure you that my dad understands too, so don’t worry about that, I am just very glad that you are safe................... You have no idea what I felt when I heard you screamed like that” he looks at me with tear gloss eyes and I know that he is about to apologize again, so I stop it in its bud.

“No baby you will not apologize again for what happen, it was perfectly understandable and no one is blaming you ok” I assure smiling down at him, he smile back at me then he shifts his gaze to the inside of the house then towards the others, his eyes widens as if he had not realized that they were there, they have been very quiet throughout the whole incident, so that is why I guess he miss them.

Smiling towards them sheepishly he greets them “Hey guys, I hope you are having a good day, sorry if I scare you all before screaming like a crazy person” chuckles came from the back and I turn towards them too.

“No problem cutie, I am pretty use to hearing screaming’s by now, especially from a certain someone” responds Dorian teasingly to lighten the mood looking at Stephano, who begins squirming uncomfortably, the rest begins to laugh.

“No wonder he could not keep his eyes open in the car ride up here” snickers Bryan loudly and the mood lightens even more as everyone laughs all the more, sliding my eyes to the side I can see a smile on my baby’s face, but I really would love to hear him laugh.

All the other continue to tease Stephano until he got tired of them and with a “Fuck off” to everyone he walks back inside with Dorian hot on his trail; “I bet we are going to here some screaming pretty soon” whisper Bryan conspiratorially, Colin leans over and says something into his ear and he is instantly quiet and walking away too inside the house, every one slowly follow suit and I know that I will have to in soon to see the information that Stevie has for me.

Suddenly my baby grabs my hand examining it with a grimace on his face, he touch it gently then bring it up to his lips gently placing kisses over my wounds, that is so f*ucking hot I want to drag him off like a cave man and ravish him over and over again, pulling me out of my daze he looks up at me............................................................................

“Thank you Master for getting so angry on my behalf, it makes me very happy that you are my Master, but please don’t hurt yourself like this again, please” this come out in pleadingly, gods when he pleads like that to me I can give him anything.

“I am glad that you love being my sub baby, but I have to let you know that we have not gone into all that entails being in a Master Sub relationship” I inform his this to see how he is going to react, and my little one surprise me yet again.

“I know Master, and I cannot wait until you show me all that there is to know, but I also know that you are waiting until I am ready and that is why I am so very happy to call you My Master, no matter where I am and in whoever presence..................... I want you to know that I am proud to be you Sub” he says the last part very quickly, but I clearly heard what he said, and now I can only think of one thing, and that is making him mine, taking him right here this very minute.

“Little one you have to know when and where to say things like that, because it is very arousing to hear such words coming out of your mouth, and even tho I want to give you what you so desperately is asking for, we cannot do anything about it with all the guest waiting, but you will be punish later for stirring me up.”

I warn leaning towards his neck, bitting down really hard, hard enough to earn a groan of pleasure from his parted lips, pulling away from him, I can see the desperate hunger in his eyes, I smile down at him and I back up a bit before I do something that he would regret later, like me striping him naked and f*ucking him into oblivion right here on my patio for all to see.

He is slowly calming down, and his attention goes back to my hand “Please let me clean it for you Master” after I nod, he motions for me to follow him inside, I look down at my hand I can see blood, albeit not much but still some, the wounds are small and are nothing, but according to my little one’s action it is a big deal, I can feel a little swelling but that is the consequences of punching a wall after all.

After we are inside one of the many bathrooms in the house “Master please sit down so I can attend to your hand” he say this pushing me down gently on the one of the chairs next to the basin, the little wounds are nothing to worry about, but he is frantic about getting them clean so there is no infection later, I let him do it because it feels good to have him fuss over me, it heats my skin to have him touching me, and I am enjoying all his attention.

He then quickly runs over to the cabinet pulling out the first aid kit and a small clean white towel, he hastily comes back laying everything out, then gently grab my hand while he turn on the water in the basin, after it was the desire temperature he place my hand under the water to wash of the dry blood, after the blood was gone he lay my hand on the towel, then begins the routine of drying, disinfecting and bandaging the little wounds.

Looking at his face, his lips are purse in concentration as he attends to my hand, it has my body reacting, those lips looks so succulent and kissable right about now, and the wanting from earlier has return ten folds, his body looks so delectable and it has been days since I last had him writhing under me, and God did it feel good to have him moaning and screaming for more, who would think that my little one can become such a wanton in bed.

He is finish with my hand, and was calling me for about a minutes before I snap back out of my passion induce haze, smiling I pull him towards me, whispering into his ear I ask........................................

“What would you do if I tell you that I have a sudden craven for chocolate, my little sub?” he shiver and I know that he is craving for me just as much as I am craving for him.

“I will give My Master whatever he wants” he whisper back pushing himself closer and my hands tightens around his waists as he continue................................................................................................

THE BEAST AND HIS LOVE FOR CHOCOLATE (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now