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Sylver’s Point of View:

I shoot up from the bed and gasp because all I feel is pain, and all consuming pain all over my body, I think even my hairs hurt sigh, my mind went back to Bob and I really hope he was rotting somewhere for all he did to me, I’m guessing its another day because outside is bright and sunny and the clock on the wall says 7:55, and I know when that happened it was around lunch time; so I can officially say that yesterday was the second worse day of my life, the first being the death of my mom.

I look around the room and realized I was not in my room but in a Hospital, shit how badly was I damage to end up in a Hospital, gosh if I wasn't feeling like crap I would have find a gun and hunt that bastard Bob down, and shoot him in the balls; I just wonder who found me and helped me, because I would give him a medal for being my hero.

I feel movements and I look down and see hairs sticking all over the place and I know that its Steps, and was happy someone is here with me.

The door opens and HE was standing there staring at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

He walks in, and my heart speed up, he looks so delicious, so masterful as if he was lord of all he sees, even though my eyes were probably a bit swollen as my face I could see him clearly, and I had to admit that this Beast made me hot all over, I shiver as his eyes rakes over my body.

He came directly over to the bed, he leans down, I stiffen up, but what he did surprise me and tears came to my eyes as he kiss me on my forehead tenderly.

“Morning” he whispers huskily; wiping the little tears, I tried to answer but my throat was so dry and sore.
He place his finger on my lips; don’t say anything, the doctor told us that you will have a little difficulty talking for a few days he says gently.
I will get you some ice chips for you to sooth your throat, he said as he ruffles my curl gently, I can’t even be worried about my appearance right now, so I nodded my head.

He walks out, I could not believe he was the same domineering man of yesterday, today he was so gentle with me I was confuse.

Steps started moving and then I saw hazel eyes peek at me sleepily until he realized I was awake and he jumps up screaming, cuddles you’re finally awake after two days, thank God, thank God; I could see he wanted to jump and hug me but I guess my appearance stopped him.

Two days I crooks out.

Yeah, and I was so worried he answers; even Kuro misses you he continues, Willow was here  Bryan and Stevie too, you don’t know how worried we were, I want to kill Bob, but Bryan and I could not find him, I asked Willow if he was still there at the department store but she says he has not been back after the beating the Alessi’s and their friend Dorian gived him.
Even though that Dorian guy keeps insisting that I call him Sir, can you believe it he says pouting.

What are you talking about I ask confused more than I already was.
When did the Alessi’s beat Bob? Who the hell is Dorian? And why are they  insisting on us calling them Sir or Master? Is it a secret club I ask in a scratchy voice, after I was done talking my throat felt like it was on fire.

As Steps was going to answer, HE walks back in with my ice chips, with his brothers and two handsome strangers in tow; are all the people associated with him gorgeous, maybe its the water they drink or the food they eat, damn I’m in gay boys heaven because everywhere I look is a beautiful hunk of a man.

Steps immediately said he was going to the bathroom and he hurried in the private one that was in my room.

Santier walks over sat down and place an ice cube on my lips, I open my mouth he slips it in rubbing his fingers on my tongue I shivered and he smirks, with the ice there was instant relief, the coldness feels so good going down my throat, I nearly moan but contain myself; he was not saying anything just looking at me intently with a hungry look in his eyes.

Hey little Sylver are you feeling better ask Antonio; I nodded, I’m glad you are little man he smiles.

You will soon be ready to kick some ass Vittorio stated; looking at Santier, also our second mom Miss Jan has send breakfast, he said showing me a basket.

Thank you very much and thank you all for the visit I crook to all of them, getting a little uncomfortable as they all were looking at me.

It was not enough said Santier, startling me; enough of what I wonder.

No it was not stated one of the stranger, looking suddenly piss.

He deserved more than he got, continue the other stranger, and I thought I was in an alternate universe, were they saying that I deserve more than what Bob did to me.

Please leave I said in a small voice, all of you; I did not need them to see me crying.

Santier immediately touch my face tenderly, they are not talking about you baby he says.

Then who I whisper.

That bastard Bob he growls, his face going from soft to a hard mask in minus 2 seconds.

Is Bob in jail I asked.

I bet he wish he was after last night, said Santier, they way he said it made shivers run down my back, and I wonder what happen to Bob.

What happen to him I ask.

Lets just say he will be in need of medical attention for the next few months said Antonio laughing evilly.
Who the hell are these brother, I ask myself.

What do you mean.

THE BEAST AND HIS LOVE FOR CHOCOLATE (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now