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Santier’s Point of View:

I woke from the minute he moved in my arms, he began gasping out in pain, I know he is hurting, but I want to continue holding him a little longer, God he feels good in my arm, so delicious and so warm, I had never felt satisfied with a partner before, but the way I feel with him is amazing so fulfilling, my brothers and friends will laugh at me when they finds out that a little bunny took me down, but I don't care, you know that feeling of contentment you get when you have that someone you want, well that's how I feel right now completely satisfied.

I really want to hold him longer, before getting up to give him something to eat and some pills for the pain, which I know is in full effect by now, I had pounded into his tight ass a lot earlier, I know I should have had 'Vanilla Sex' with him, on his  first time, but the way he had moan and scream out in pleasure begging me for more, I could not stop myself from hammering roughly into his sweet tight hole, so I know he is in mayor pain right now, I can't say I regret it though.

I am still enjoying the afterglow of the pleasurable events that took place, in my house, in my room and on my bed, but most importantly with him 'My sexy Chocolate Treat', just remembering the way he was screaming and begging for more has me getting hard all over again, but I know he is beyond sore so I will have him rest today and tomorrow we start his training, I close my eyes thinking how decadent its going to be as I dress him in the clothes I want on his sexy body, I bought them for the ocassion, I felt a slight movement next to me.

I open my eyes just to slightest to see what was going on, and what I saw had me loosening my arms and sucking in my breath which I think he did not even notice, as he run his hands over his body, slipping one of them under the cover towards his already aroused c*ock, I can see it thrusting up against the sheets a wet spot already appearing showing just how turn on he already was.F*uck.

Surprise took over me as I watch my innocent little one enjoy himself like that wantonly, his face is screwed up in ecstasy as he thrust his hips slowly up and down gently as if he did not want to disturb my sleep, if only he knew I am already awake and my body is fully awake too, and I wanted to join in to give him what he obviously still wanted.

My initial thoughts were to feed him, give him some pain pills, then have him a soak in the hot tub to sooth his abused ass, I know its abuse from all the pounding, I clean lots of blood from his puckered entrance and on his ass cheeks hours earlier, but clearly the pain was all in the past for him, his mind is surely not on that at this moment, as he is sliding his hands all over his sexy body thrusting up his hips pumping his c*ock rhythmically as small pants slips past his pouty lips.

My body is answering his sexy call, I really was going to give him a rest today, but I’m not sure I can do it after what I woke up to, this is like laying out a full feast in front of a aggressively hungry man, and believe me I am hungry.
His head turn from side to side on the pillow as sweet little pants leaves his succulent lips, his hands started moving faster while his hips bucks on the bed; f*uck the sight decadent, but my heart nearly stop when he threw the covers off his body, giving me the complete view of this deliciouly sinful picture.

He seems to be remembering something and that made him moan out louder without even realizing it, his body shivering, my body is ready, my c*ock has already started leaking but I was too transfix by him to do anything about myself, I did not want to miss a single second of his pleasure filled moment, even though he will be punish for it. 

My baby has surprise me twice in one day, who would have thought that my innocent boy was hiding such a sexy side of himself, or was it me that woke it up; if that is so I will thoroughly enjoy reaping the rewards.

I watch his face and his body, his face is contorted in pleasure and his body is straining, his feet digging into the bed, every part of him is taunt, he move his other hand down from his nipple to join the other wrapping both of them around his leaking c*ock pumping furiously, its twitching in his hands the tip swollen from all the movement, even though I am turn on by this, who wont be turn on, its f*ucking hot, but he needs to be punish, he already knows his climaxes belongs to me.

Everything became more intense as he pumps his c*ock harder, his body coming up of the bed, whimpering my name, I’m sure he don’t know he is doing this, but this is telling me he is practically begging for me to take him again, even though I will give him what he wants, he will be punish.

THE BEAST AND HIS LOVE FOR CHOCOLATE (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now