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Call me crazy, but I want to sink my teeth into that beast, I wonder what he has in store for our little Sylver, I bet its going to be good mmmmmm, hehehehehehe ^_^

Sylver's Point of View:

Ladies and gentlemen what I lift my eyes to, was a vision, a perfect vision of a  god, I say perfect because he is perfect, I have never in my life seen someone as beautiful as him before. This god is about 6’4 or 6'5, with a big muscle body, but not too much muscle, just the right amount to make your mouth water.

I know he is muscle from the way that black suit fits his body, not many people can carry a suit the way he does, so that in itself is attention worthy, but his perfection does'nt end there, he has a chisell face, arch brows over gray eyes, a straight nose, red lips, strong jaw and chin, framing all that perfection is the blackest hair you can lay your eyes on.

And I was staring, for how long I was staring at this sexy beast? I seriously dont know, but I guess it was a long time, because a cough pull me out of my ogling, Oh my gosh, I should be ashame of myself, looking at someone for so long like that, he must think I am some type of weirdo.

At the cough my gazed rush to his deep gray eyes, eyes that holds such power in their depths and such dominance, that my knees begin to shake slightly, I had an overwhelming desire to get down on my knees in front of him, right then and there and do whatever he wanted or order me to do.

What, the f*ck?!! Am I stupid, where in the world did that thought come from?

I scream at myself internally as I moved my eyes to the floor, I am acting like this is the first time I have seen a man, well I can cut myself some slack, because I have never seen a man that looks like him, my heart begins to beat fast and my body started to feel heated, a heat that is running through my whole system.

Stop it Sylver!!! I scream at myself again, I must be loosing my mind, thinking about stupid things like that, when I know this guy would never even give me the time of day, much less look at me twice, he may not even be gay, but even of he was I know he would never look at me.

I hear a snicker and my eyes flew back to his face and that when I see he has an sexy evil smirk on his face, I immediately step back and apologized, not wanting to get insulted in my place of work, I can take all the mean words out on the street, but here where everyone knows me would be terrible, I will be so humiliated if he attack me.

"I'm very sorry for running into you, I was not looking where I was going and I did not see you, so once again I'm very sorry" I say this praying he leaves it as that.

But he just continue looking at me with those deep eyes, my heart quickens and I became more nervous than I already was.

"I know you are sorry, but what are you going to do to make it better?" he asked me in a husky accented voice that made my body shiver from the sheer deliciousness of it, the accent is sexy as hell.

But pulling myself back from those thoughts, I gawk at him,

"I apologized already, so what more could you want?" I ask glaring at him; seriously did he just ask that?

His eyes immediately got hard and I stepped back, not wanting to be close to him if he loose his temper, I had too many encounters with the temper of someone bigger than me and I never want to face it again.

"You should always give something in return to compensate for the damage you cause another person, its only logical" he say with a high handed attitude.

Hold the fuck up!!!!! Is he talking about my weight? He thinks I damage something on his suit just because I am fat? What a douche bag.

I want to scream at him for making me feel insecure, but I smiled brightly at him, like I always do when people try to make me feel bad about myself, I don't care how handsome he is, I will not show him any inkling that he hurt me with those words.

"Sir......" he suck in his breath when I said that, but I continue,

THE BEAST AND HIS LOVE FOR CHOCOLATE (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now