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Santier’s Point of View:

After I had insisted that my little one tell me about his past, he finally give in, but it is not what I imagine it to be, I had wanted it to be just the two of us, but when he decides to tell me, he only nods his head and murmur softly........................................

“I will tell you Master, just let me sit by myself while I do so ok, also can I please have friends here with me, your friends can stay too if they want to” I did not want anyone else there, but if that makes him feel more comfortable then he will get it.

I nodded at him and went to take him in my arms like he was earlier, but he shift away so fast, that I was shock but I did not show it on my face, he begins walking inside, with all of us following him, his friends and my friends and brothers, have looks of concern on their faces.

We all walk inside behind his robotic figure, I want so much to hold him but he is not even looking at me, its like he does not want to be touch, and that hurts a little, he walks to the far side of the living room sitting in one of the single small sofas, after we all had settle in he just sit there with his head down, it is like that whole world has fell on his shoulders.

After a long pause and silence, sob begins to come from his body, they then becomes loud cries of pain, his body shakes as sobs rack his body, we all runs over to him but when we tries touching him he push our hands away curling more into his self, I look over to everyone motioning them back and I sit as close to him as I can while I sooth him and whisper words of comfort.

It hurts me to see him in so much pain, and I wonder about all that he has been through, I want to tell everyone to leave, but looking at him I can clearly see he will need his friends support as well as he will need mine.

He slowly quite down but it is not a comfortable silence, you can feel the tension in the air, stifling everyone that is there.

He lifts his head and begins talking............................................

“Hello everyone, my name is Sylver Reid and I will tell you all about the sick story of my past” his humorless laugh, squeeze my heart, his voice sounds like a mechanical device, but he did not even notice the it as he continues.

“It all started, when I was 12, I noticed that I was different than the other boys, they were all about girls, me on the other hand was only interested in giving the girls tips on how to dress and how to design their rooms, and I was happy like that, thinking that maybe later when I got older then I would like girls, that was my thoughts until Josh a cute older boy move in next door” pausing for a moment he smile then continue................

“He was older and the most beautiful thing I had seen back then, and for the first time I was in love and interested in someone, he was so friendly to me, we were friends for a whole year, until one day he realized that I was staring at him too much and for too long, from then on the bullying began” he murmurs.

“I guess I deserved it, for what I felt for him, in a way I was dirtying him, he made sure I regreted ever loving him, I became the outcast, the one that no one wanted to be seen with, the ‘fat fag’, and everyone wanted a piece of me and not in the good way, I had a couple of friends who tried to help but they were bullied too”.................

“So I decided to just be a man and take it, I was beat, kick, punch, spit on, shoved into toilets and all the other crazy things that a teenager could think about at that time................... The teachers did not even care” this came out in a sneer.

I look around the room and his friends had sad looks on their faces, my brothers and friends had killer looks on theirs, and I am already holding my temper on a tight f*ucking leash, and he has not even begin the part that I know is coming, I have a feeling that he is talking about this to delay as much as possible, but I don’t care what it is, I will be here for him, whether he likes it or not.

“For 2 whole years I suffered at Josh and his cronies hands, until his parents decided to move away taking him with them, that was the happiest day of my pathetic life............ Finally the torture was going to be over, well that is what I thought, but no, it only got worst, he was gone but his cronies kept up his work, I ended up with bloodied nose and busted lips every day”........................................................

“It was a good thing that I was great with makeup and knew how to fake my smiles and my action to fool my family, until one day they went to far and broke two of my ribs”

“Son of bitch, How the hell was that not seen by the school authority?” this came from Vitto, I could already see him and his twin Antonio already rile up, I was there with them too, but I was staying as calm as I can so my little one can stay calm too.

He looks at Vitto and murmur “They were too busy worrying about other things, further more I had stopped reporting my bullying incidents”

“But why did you stop reporting them?” Stevie ask his face shows hurt.

“Because it did no good velvet, and I got more beatings, so I just took it, but fortunately my mom caught me trying to heal myself and cover the bruises, and like a mama Bear she was, she lost it” I can see the smile on his face as he talks about his mother.

“I ended up telling her everything, even that I was gay, scared out of mind thinking she would have not accepted me, but she was so happy about it, I think that secretly she already knew”...............................................................

“But after she had taken to the emergency room, she went to the school and threaten to sue them for everything they had if I go home again with even a scratch.”

“I like your mom, cutie” Dorian laugh.

“I love her too, she was the best”, he responds in kind

“She was very serious with that threat towards my school, being a lawyer and all, I was checked every day for bruises when I got home, it was like a strip search........ Lots of time I use to tell her that she needed to pay for the privilege of seeing me naked, all she would do is laugh” he became quite as if he was back at that time with his mother.

I lean down and kiss him on the top of his head wanting to feel him in my arms again, but when he stiffens I slowly went back to my position, while still staying near, his face has a happy glow as he talks about his mother and I know that loved her and still do.

Everyone around the room was intune with him trying not to interrupt as much as possible, I can see that they are bursting to ask, I am bursting to ask but I know we have to let him talk about this before we hounds him, I will let him take as much time as he needs; after all we have all night, and I will not push my baby no further than he can go; his sweet voice interrupts my thoughts as he continues................................................

“My mom was really happy that I had decided to come out to her, we even told my dad, he did not talk to me for 2 days, but when he did start talking again, I assumed his quietness was because he needed the time to process the information and changes, and I was happy that he still loved me”..............

“For 2 years I was spoiled completely, my mom always taking me out shopping and on trips, my dad supportive all the way; I really had everything, good grades, great friends and parents that loved me, I was on cloud nine” laughing rawly he wipe his eyes of straying tears.

“But you know happiness don’t last forever, everything was just too perfect, and shortly after my 17 birthday I found that out the hard way” there is a long pause in the air, he is crying again, I have to stop this I can’t hear him cry again, wrapping my arms around his stiff resisting body, and whispering softly in his ear.

“Little one, lets leave it here for tonight ok? I should have never ask you to tell me so soon...... We can calmly talk about it later” he is sniffling and rubbing his eyes, I have a fear that I have open a pandora box and that he will be hurt from it, I really have to stop this, his friends are already coming over so I made the decision then and there.

"Guys, I have to take care of my little one tonight, we need some time alone, we can do this another time, but for now......” but I am interrupted by a cracking voice “No Master, I want to tell everyone, just give me time, I will be fine.”

“Are you sure baby?” he nods while wiping his eyes again.

“I am fine Master, I am fine everyone, its just a little hard to talk about my mom” he voice this looking around the room.

“Are you sure Cuddles?” Ask Bryan as he runs his fingers through his hair.

“Yes you guys I am fine................ Lets continue shall we” he pause and when he begins talking, his voice is fill with hurt.

“My mom was grocery shopping one evening after work, when she came out of the Super Market, 2 guys stopped her with guns asking for everything she had, the worst of it was that she gived them everything they ask for, but they still shot her down like a piece of trash”........................................................

“When we were called, she was in surgery, but did not make it, she bled out” his voice cracks even more, and my arms tightens around his body, me trying to give him as much comfort as possible.

“Did the police apprehend those bastards?” This comes from Colin, I know why he ask, I can already see his mind reeling, and I know he wants to find out just as much as I do about what exactly happened too my baby’s Mom.

“No, they were never caught, if was as if they had disappear from the face of the earth, and the police classified it as a hit, she was a lawyer and she defended her clients from dangerous people.”

“Did your dad press the police, so could have continue looking?” he becomes still for a moment, then relax.

“He did for a while, well at least he told me he was doing it, but said that they police still did not find anything, but I guess what happened 2 weeks after my mom’s death, made me think that he was lying” his voice came out so softly at the end that everyone had to come closer.

“Why did you thought he was lying little bunny? Did he not show you papers?” Tony ask in a clip tune.

My little one got up and begins pacing, I can see the impatiences written on my brothers and friends faces; after about a minute he turn to us with a disgusted look on his face........................... 

“Because he did the sickest thing someone could do to another; he tore my trust to pieces when he put his hands on me.”

“Did he beat you Cuddles?” Stephano ask, but what he answer had shock faces around the room.

“I wish is was just beating Steps, I could have lived with that, but that bastard abused me sexually” he is laughing now, but there is no amusement in it, all that can be heard is dryness, and my anger is on full blast now, I am holding unto the sofa with everything in me to maintain calm.

“What the fuck, cutie you are kidding right?” Dorian has disbelief in his voice, my baby still laughing for a while, the he stands still, looking down at the floor.

“I wish I was, believe me, I wish it with all in my head, I prayed  that I had gone temporarily crazy, I still could not even believed it when it happen”..................................

“That night after he had cook my favorite dinner, and I played around with it for a bit before I had excused myself, went up to my room, took a shower, listen to some music and cried myself to sleep, but guess what I woke up to........................Well guys it was nothing less than Daddy’s c*ock in my face,” no one is moving, but he is not with us anymore, he just continue talking.

“Do you know that I asked what he was doing, but his answer was to manhandle me and shoved that disgusting thing in my mouth, I had never see a c*ock before, much less take one in my mouth..................... But he did not even care about that, he tied me up even as I was asking all confused about what he was doing, he just finished what he was doing then said to me something a father should never say to his own child.......................

“Pushing his c*ock towards my mouth he said “Suck daddy’s c*ock Sylver.” his voice was fill with disgust, and his body is shuddering, I have long vacate the sofa, my body moving around like a tiger un a prowl, but we still did not interrupt him.

“I could not believe that it was happening, I tried fighting him off, I even bit him, but got slap and punch in the face for my troubles, he then crawled up over my body sitting on my chest, and rammed his disgusting C*ock to the hilt into my throat, tearing my mouth at the sides I could taste blood from the tear and from the inside off my mouth where he had punch me” he made a distress sound, but then shakes his head as if he wants the image gone.

“I had tried fighting again and was choked until I nearly passed out, but he was too busy enjoying himself, mouth raping me to care” he is laughing again, and his friends have horror written on their faces, my brother and friends had murderous looks and stance and I am the same, but everyone is quiet, you can only hear breathings.

“That night I looked up at the man I called daddy and pleaded for him to stop, but he just continue enjoying himself, moaning and groaning giving me a sick twisted look of lust, while I was chocking and crying for him to have mercy on me, but he showed none”.........................

“The more I pleaded, the more he relished in it as he hammered himself fulled force inside my mouth, to the point where he sickly peed inside, it was so disgusting, that all I could do was throw up, I really thought I was going to die that night, I ended up swallowing my blood, his precum, his pee and my vomit.”

A gasp and a distress sounds can be heard around the room, I know that they are from his friend, but all my attention is on him, and my mind is already working over time, on all I am going to do to that twisted F*uck.

“I only threw up all the more, it even was coming out of my nose, but dear old daddy did not stop, until he pump my mouth full of his Cum, I made a messed of my self; I heaved up everything on my room floor...................

“Even though he was the one that did wrong, he acted as if I had committed a crime when I vomit everything up, I was threaten and called a slut as he walked out of my room like it was nothing....................................... I thought is was over, but it only got worse” he is moving about all the more, I walk over to him touching him on the shoulder, I don’t know how much more of this I can take quietly before exploding.

“Little one” he pulls away shaking his head, “You wanted to know, now you will hear all of it, I know that after you hear everything, you are going to be disgusted with me, but I will still tell all” his mouth is quivering but his back is straight and a determine look is in his eyes, I feel a hand on my shoulder, looking around its my friend Dorian shoving support, sympathy and murderous look in his eyes, stepping away from my little one I let him continue.

“I was still in shock after, but I had refuse to believe that my father had did what he did willingly, I thought of all type of excuse, mainly he must have been missing my mom, or that he was drunk, so the other day I woke up and acted normal as if it had never happened; I had use makeup to cover everything on my face and went to school”

“You should have report his sick ass” scream Stephano, tears running down his face.

“Believe it or not Steps, I still saw him as the loving daddy back then, and I looked for anything to justify what he did that night, it hard to hate someone from one day to the other when you had love them so much” he pause wiping the stray tears that are falling.

“But after that things only got worst, when I came back from school I was told to get naked, I pleaded with him again and again, but this time I really had to face the fact that my father had gone crazy or he was just sick”.............................................................

“Turns out that he was not crazy, he was just a sick twisted f*uck, he told me that he had loved me for a long time, and that when I came out, it was sign that I was for him” sighing and rubbing his hand over his tired looking face he continue to talk.

“I fought against him, God knows I fought, but he was bigger and stronger, the first time I got a beating from him, I could not move for days, I could not go to school for nearly two weeks, not even makeup could have help me.................................................

“I was bruised and batter all over, I ended up with 3 broken ribs and cuts all over my body, he loved that type of sick twisted play, so much so that he would stop during the beatings to lick my bloody wounds, then he would masturbate and cum all over my body, but that was not enough, he use to make me eat it too” he shudder, revulsion clearly written on his face; a loud crash is heard throughout the room, and that is when I realize that Stevie had flip over the glass center table, my brothers and the others rush over to him but he push them away, I cannot believe the little quiet guy has that much anger, he and the others are just as piss off at everything.

It’s like my little one cannot even hear the chaos that is going on around him, he is just standing still with a disgusted look on his face as if he is reliving every moment, I can’t move, if I do, I will be doing something drastic and for no reason do I want to scare my little one, he has been through a lot already I don’t want him scare of me too.

My head is pounding, my blood is rushing and boiling, but most importantly I want blood, lots of it, I will relish every moment of my draining that poor excuse of a human being in the most torturous ways I can think off, I know my baby’s past was bad, but this is way beyond what I thought, this is something I would have never thought possible especially from a father to his son, I am sick to my stomach.

I know that as a Dominant we use pleasure and pain on our partners and subs for both to reach the extreme level of satisfaction, but this has to be mutual, there has to an agreement, and there has to be trust between the two for the Sub to give up total control to his Dominant, trusting that his Dominant will take care of him and all his needs.

If there is too much pain involve the Sub can always stop it by signaling or using a safe word, also the Dominant as the controller needs to know the tolerance level of his partner, you can always push the boundaries, but as a Dominant you need to know how far you can push those boundaries before your Sub cracks, and experience just pain instead of pleasure. 

There is a thin line between ‘pleasure pain’ and just pain, and what my baby has experience has been pure pain, and the pain he is feeling now reliving it, is crippling me, I can feel tightening inside my body and all I want to do is take him to our room and make everything better, if I could I will just erase everything from his mind and let him know only the beauties of the world.

“But, that was not the only thing he made me eat, he use to starve me for days where I use to become so weak and could’tn move, then he would come and force feed me until I threw up, then he made me eat that too, the starving got so bad that I use to eat anything he give me, he made me eat cat food, dog food, even spoiled food was on the menu”.............................

“He even went so far as to force feed me my own s*hit, and his piss to wash it down; that day I lost it, and fought with him like a mad person, but in the end I still ended up with it in my stomach.” his pauses are for him to catch his breath, he is talking in a way that think that he is a robot, but the tears and the taunt stance of his body tells a story of its own. 

“I could never understand how disgusting things like that turned him on,yet it did in the most nasty way, the sicker the action the more turned on he use to become, he had even convinced himself that I had a problem, because I never got an erection, he used to give me enough Viagra that could have kill a horse” he is laughing and crying at the same time now, I pull him in my arms crushing his face into my chest.

“Baby enough, no more, you have no idea what this is doing to me”, he made a strangle cry jerking away from me.

“You wanted to know, well you will know everything, please let me talk about this, I have to take it out of my system, if not I will choke on it, I can’t stop it now, it all has to come out.”

The pleading in his voice had me nodding my head at him, even tho I want to stop all of this, but if he needs release, I will surely let him have it, looking around the room again, I am shock that even my tough friends and my brothers have hurt looks on their faces, its as they are sharing in his and my pain.

“I also had one condition that was always in effected, I had to be naked by the time he came back from work, his dinner had to be made if I touched it, well lets just say that I was not able to move for another 3 to 4 days” he is looking into the distance but I know he is not seeing his surroundings.
“It came to a point where I was use to the beaten and all the sick things he did to me, but I still maintain the image of the perfect family to the outside world”.................

“To them we were the family struggling to cope with the lost of the most important woman in their lives, he on the other hand was occupied of finding more ways to torture me.”

“Don’t tell me it got worse” whisper Bryan hoarsely.

“It did get worse, he barred up all the windows of the house, and he monitored me like disease and I was always perfect, until one day I messed up and hang out with a friend a little bit to long, and that is when I got the whip”...............................

“I had gotten to the point where I took and handled everything he dished out without making a sound or pleading, it did not work anyway, so I did not waste my breath anymore.”

“I had become a robot for pain, a broken bone was no problem, I had even learned to put them back in place, the cut, burns and gashes I took care of them too hahahahahaha” the laughing is rusty and his body is trembling.

“But that whip and that hanging device was my breaking point, when he hook up to the ceiling with my toes barely touching the floor, and when I use to see that whip my blood use to run cold”....................

“The first time I got a taste of that whip, the pain was so excruciating that I thought I was in one of hells torture chamber, the way it tore into my skin ripping my flesh and curling around my body makes me even now scare of it” his friends are outright crying now, Colin is on his phone and I know that he is getting everything ready for our hunt.

“He knew that I was scared of it, and he got so much more out of me by using it, the sick part was that he took care of my wounds, buying creams to fade away the scars, but they are still there”.......................

“Reminding me everyday of that time, it was constant, I had no rest, I had no help, and I was scared out of my mind, I knew that it was only a matter of time before I never woke up from his many beatings.” all my mind is screaming is kill, kill kill, and I will do just that.

“After 3 months of his sick twisted game of self pleasure, he wanted to go further, and penetrate me, I could not fathom that, one night he left to play poker forgetting to lock me in and I grab what little I needed and I ran, I ran for my life, I did everything to not be found”......................................

“But now he is here and that look in his eyes I know it too well he has come for me, he wants me, and I am scared out of my mind” his next action has my heart bleeding, and the cries in the room intensified; he kneel down crawling towards me stopping at my feet, then he began kissing my shoes looking up at me with the most terror stricken expression I have ever seen.

“Please Master don’t let him take me, I know you are disgusted with me right now, but please don’t let him take me, I will do anything, even if you don’t want me anymore, please don’t let him have me, this time I know I wont be able to survive it.”

I kneel down and pick him up in my arms comforting him the only way I know have, kissing his beautiful face, then going toward his sweet mouth taking all his painful sobs into myself.

“I am not disgusted with you little one, I could never be disgusted, what happened was not your fault, and no one is going to take you away from me, you are mine and I will protect you with everything I have”...................................

“Remember this baby, your man is Santier Alessi and I will never let go of what is mine, and I will destroy anyone who dares to try.”

“Really Master you don’t hate me?” he hiccups.

“No baby, I can never hate my little chocolate treat, you are too delicious to hate baby, don’t you dare think that I will let go of my tasty treat.” he smile crookedly at me, burying his face in my next his body still trembling, I know he is tired, these past days has been so ram pack with emotions, that I know he needs a vacation.

“Baby your friends are worried” he stiffens in my arms, refusing to look at them.

“They may not like me anymore Master” this came out brokenly, when his friends heard this the rush over.

“Cuddles how can you think that?” cries Bryan with a sorrowful look on his face.

“That was not your fault, it is that sick bastards fault” sniffles Stephano, his face blotchy from all his crying.

“You will never get rid of us Cuddles, we are here to stay” assures Stevie, and I can only smile as I look at my baby and his best friends, and I know that he will be fine, it will take some time, but slowly he will get better.

He begins to wiggle in my arms, and I know he wants to go to his friends, and for the first time I was willing to share him, kissing his head, I let him down, as soon as his feet hit the floor, they created a dog pile of blabbering mush on the floor, there is hugging, kissing, and whispering as the all stay together.

Looking up I can see the look in my brothers and friends faces, and it is bloody thirsty just as mine, walking over to them and what I say to them has them smiling evilly.

“Find him, he has challenge the wrong man, he loves pain....................well I will show him what exactly is pain.”

“I know how you feel my friend, and I am with you a hundred percent, you don’t want to go for the hunt?” inquires Colin, shaking my head looking over to where my baby is still on the floor with his friends.

“He needs me, and I have to set up everything here, I will also talk to Simmons and dad so they can keep an eye on the house”

“Yeah the little cutie, will need lots of attention and no wonder too with that sick f*uck as his father, I never thought that someone could do that to their child, but I will enjoy helping you rip him apart, you do what need to be done to make cutie feel better and we will take care of him” whisper Dorian harshly.

“Yeah lets get that disease trash, and show him why he should have never cross our path” Tony says, his twin Vitto is nodding showing his full support of that claim.

You wanted attention Tyler Reid, well now you have got it and not in the best way, you have manage to piss off 5 very dangerous mens, that don’t take kindly to be challenge.

But his worry is not them, his worry has to be me, because I have something special just for him, and with all he put my little one through, It will be all the more special.

I will show him, just why they call me a Beast.

Hey guys, Please tell me what you think about this chapter, I will appreciate the feed back :D

THE BEAST AND HIS LOVE FOR CHOCOLATE (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now