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Hey my babies as you all know Mama Chocolate is about spreading the love and looking for reasons to laugh, but someone really brought out the monster inside of Mama Chocolate today, can you all believe that a person wrote to me criticizing the fact that I am writing interracial ManxMan books stating that they are not realistic, I wonder where the fuck have they been living for the past years, this is 2014 if they don’t know, also interracial couples *Gay and Straight* have been in the world for a long long time and have been steadily growing, and if you have a problem with that you should move to Uranus.

But what really made my rage blazed was the fact that that person had the nerves to say I should not write about “fat” people like Sylver because other people that has weight problems will think that is ok to be overweight and obese and have false hope about the future O.o *Excuse me?!* so basically you are saying that only thin people deserves happiness and that curvy or “fat” people should just wallow in self hate and pity.

You hateful person!! I don’t know who you are and I don’t really care, but you should check yourself before criticizing others.

Everyone should feel good about themselves be they naturally thin or naturally curvy, this world is fill with different colors, shape and size of people that deserves to feel beautiful and happy no matter what, everyone just have to focus on being healthy and happy no matter the size.

Sorry for the rant my babies, but I had to get it out of my system, needless to say that I send that person to the darkest pit of hell for being so nasty.

This world is beautiful because its fill with variety of people and not carbon copy robots.

Tyler’s Point of View:

“Tyler this boy is a good slut right?” ask Norman’s excited voice as he looks down at latin sluts pose on the sofa in the living room,

“I told you already that he is a slut who has actually destroy the trust and love my son had for me, he is one of the principal suspects along with others, also lots of people knows him to be a tease and he is always wiggling his ass in offering” I say this to Norman in a voice fill with hatred.

“So that means he is going to be very good at what I want him to do?” he ask again,

“He is a slut remember, of course he is going to be good, I think he will enjoy you stretching and f*ucking his hole, so whatever you want” I urge him on, wanting him to destroy and demolish the slut.

To the point where he bleeding so much that he wont be able to move.

I just can’t stand that latino, just thinking about him and the other of his friends corrupting my Sylver has my blood boiling, I look at Norman and see him smiling as he looks down at that slut hungrily need written all over his face.

I know he wants to feast and enjoy some mind blowing sex since we have been deprive from it while in hiding, we made do with each other but it was just for convenience, we needed release and the touch of another’s skin so we used each other in that capacity.

But now I don’t need to touch Norman anymore, because I have my son here to take care of all my needs.

Stripping him, I take off all his clothes slowly, removing piece by pice torturing myself as his skin is slowly reveal, I am shock when I get down to his underwear and found them to be panties, and the other shock is to see he has a fully diamond studded c*ock ring around his member.

I trail it gently with my hands, but I pull away in anger as I imagine just who placed it there and how it got unto his body, my mind flash on that sick Italian bastard.

Blushing that aside I focus on the thought that he is here with me and this time its going to be for good as I strung him up into my favorite position on the ropes and restraint, with arms high in the air and his toes barely touching the floor, I step back to admire my work and lust takes over.

I feel so good right now, I just can’s believe I pull it off, after all the endless waiting and troubles I went through, I finally got what I came to Boston for. Daddy’s little boy. Looking into his sleeping face, so peaceful as if he is now where he belongs. With me. I knew when he ran away, it was just to grab my attention and focus.

He always use to do outrageous things so he could get my full attention, no one knows my son the way I do, only I know how spoil he can become when I neglect him.

But I don’t understand why he got so angry with me, I only left him by himself for just a few hours and he ran away because daddy was not home to attend to his needs.

Well now I am here and I have finally caught you my sweet boy, and daddy will shower you with all the attention you want and need.

My eyes are traveling slowly over his face and they stops at his mouth, those pouty lips calls out to me and a surge of lust takes over my body, I can’t wait to taste them and my cock is hardening at the thought of being once again buried in their depths.

Palming my cock I begin rubbing myself frantically through my pants wanting it to be is mouth or hands doing the job, I have a mind to just strip him of his clothes and fuck him into the bed to slake this need that I have.

But calming myself just a bit I still the movements of my hand, I don’t want to cum in my hand again, when I cum I want it to be deep inside his mouth or ass where I can fill to my hearts content.

But I want him to be awake when I thrust inside his body, I want him to be looking into my eyes when I fill him up to the brim, I want him to know that its his daddy that will give him pleasure from now on and not that Italian bastard.

And I can’t wait for it to begin.

After that incident with that damn demon kid Norman and I had been in hiding to recover from our injuries and to plot, I could not walk for days after what that kid did to me.

Just thinking about it again make my anger blaze, I so want to find him and watch him withered away right before my eyes as I take his life.

Norman had to restitch my scrotum from the terrible ripping it suffered from his teeth because it had open again after the chase and running, but we had gotten to safety without those bastards detecting us.

When I could finally walk around without limping and wincing in pain I had set out to finds ways to get my son back, I had discreetly followed him anytime he leave the house waiting for a chance to grab him.

But he would always be in the company of that Italian dog and the house was always heavily guarded leaving me no possible way to get inside.

I had nearly giving up on ever getting my goals accomplished, my hopes of that Italian messing up and being careless about my Sylver’s safety had slowly dwindle down to nothing as everyday I failed to get him in my arms where he belongs.

But today that dog finally messed up in a big way and I was awarded greatly for being there and I can’t be more happier by the turn abouts of the event.

I had watched them from the moment they came to the park, I had followed the latino slut and I am glad I did, because like that I knew he was going to be there, I had almost loosed hope that he was ever going to show up until I saw that dog’s car.

I even saw him kissing my toy, I guess I can call him what I use to call him before, he is my ‘Toy’ and I did not appreciate what that dog was doing to him, but I held unto my rage and waited.

And I got what I went there for, my ‘Pleasure Toy’.

Getting out was surprisingly easy also, Norman had walked out the bathroom first after we had drugged, gag and tied them up, he went to the back of the little building waiting as I push each of them out through a window that we had broken out.

After that I had come out calmly and walked to the back were we then hightailed out of there to the hidden car and speed off, the plan had work out perfectly for it being something of the moment.

There was only one miscalculation in the plan and its that latino slut, whom we had to take with us so he did not alert anyone, we took him because Norman wanted the slut and I give in to it because of his help and because he needed someone to let off steam with after his ex wife disappear with his son.

He should have gotten rid of the bitch a long time ago the same way I got rd of mine.

So due to his special circumstance I give in for him to do whatever he wanted to the slut, maybe after he is finish with him I will not need to do anything he will be too messed up to even walk, much less call for help.

It can be a lot better to just let him bleed out.

But if Norman refuse to do anything about him, I can always get rid of him quickly just as soon as Norman finishes with him, I can already imagine what Norman has planned for the whore and my excitement builds.

Norman has been a great help so far, he was the one that got all the things we needed to accomplish the mission so I let him have a prize, to placate his need to want my toy because under no circumstances was I going to let him near it; maybe after a weeks of brutal training I will share him with others.

Sylver is my toy mine alone, I will rather kill Norman that share with him at the moment.

I might still kill him, after all, he will not be of any use to me when I leave, also he may want to open his mouth like my last partner, so before that happen I will end him, leaving no loose ends behind.

I will not let anyone jeopardize the life of pleasure I have plan, I already know where we are going to live, the cabin has been bought years ago in a quiet place in the mountains where we will be away from prying eyes and nosy neighbors, he will have no whare else to turn but to me.

Smiling I look once again into his face and my heart swell with joy, because I got what I want and have been craving for 3 years and in the process I thwarted that disgusting Italian dog and all his goons. 

My toy is finally with me where he belongs and that bastard does not even has a clue as to where we are, Norman and I changed locations after what happened last time so I have all the time in the world to torture him to my hearts content.

I can’t wait caress his skin with my whip once again and enjoy his reaction as he tries to fight the pain and tears that will spilling as I mar his skin over and over again with each strike to him my cock is hard thinking about his screams.

I want to see his body jerk in pain as he remember who owns him; he should have never ran away from me back the now I will make him greatly regret it.

Once I finish with him he will beg for his daddy’s forgiveness on his hands ans knees doing whatever I order him without questioning or denying.

His beggings of forgiveness will be granted whenever I see it fit to do so, I will reduce him once more to the toy of my pleasure.

One think I know he will not be forgiven easily, this time I will not hold back I will give him everything.

Sliding my eyes down the length of his body I admire his curvaceousness, he has become so much more beautiful now, he is just perfect in every way. A groan slip past my lips as image of his bleeding broken body fill my head.

I want that desperately, I want him desperately, I can already imagine the way his inside is going to strangle my cock as I ram it inside of him over and over again while tearing at his skin with my whip, a delicious shiver runs over my body that has be standing up going to the other room to prepare.

Walking back inside all prepare with the many treats I have for him, yet I stop once again to admire his body, filling my eyes with his hanging naked form awaiting my pleasure.

His punishment is long overdue, I am extremely angry that he give himself to that Alessi bastard, I love him but he will receive a severe punishment for his betrayal and giving away the gift that was rightfully mine.

I should have been the one to take away his innocence and virginity, but he deprive me of it by giving it away carelessly so he will receive the blaze of my wrath until my anger is appease.

Slapping his face hard, I shout in his ear “Its time to wake up sleeping beauty pleasure awaits” and just as his eyes begin to flutter so does body in responds.

I am so going to enjoy my way around and inside his body, but first its punishment which will be dealt out to its full extend, then after all the punishment that is when I will ravish his boy.

Hey my babies I am really sorry for the big rant but I just could not stop myself from voicing it so I hope you all understand Mama Chocolate a bit :D

I am so mad at this chapter right now, I can’t even express how furious I am right now at that Bastard Tyler, but his time is so near, like literally around the corner, so I hope he enjoy his last days, before I commit the perfect crime hahahahahahahahah

Anyway my babies please don’t forget to Vote, Comment, share and recommend if you all love the book :)


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