2 -he is like an escape to me

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Justin's POV

The day finally came of the retreat. Me and my dad left Minnesota and are now in Maryland at the hotel, we will be staying at.

When we got to the room, I noticed two sets of bunk beds in the room and I looked over to my dad.

"We have to share with another family, this is why we would only bring one child," dad told me and I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Dad, you know I might have a massive panic attack at anytime or won't be able to get out of bed because I won't want to live, right?" I asked him, and he sighed.

"Yes Justin, I understand that, that's why Damon made sure I packed two packs of your pills." Dad said passing me the two tubes of pills. I sighed and took them as two other people came in.

A man around my dads age and a boy around the age of myself. It looks like my dad and the other man knew one another.

"David, this is my son, Raegan," the man said pointing to his son. He smiled and shook my dads hand. This Raegan person, he looked like Justin Bieber back in 2009, but he was still cute.

"And this is my son, Justin," I smiled shaking the mans hand. Me and Raegan looked at one another as our dads began talking.

"I'm Raegan Beast," he smiled, holding his hand out. I shook it with a smile.

"Justin Blake," I told him and he nodded with a small half smile. My dad and his dad looked at the pair of us. 

"We have to go down to the lobby for the start of the retreat, you guys don't have to be there," my dad informed both me and Raegan. I nodded at my father, as both of them told us not to get into trouble and left. 

I went to one of the four beds, and took the bottom bunk of one, before my phone rang. I picked it up to see that Danny was facetiming me. I slid my finger across the answer button, and both him and Damon came up on my screen. 

"Justin!" The pair yelled, and I laughed while I sat on the bed, and Raegan went into the bathroom. 

"How's the retreat so far?" Danny asked me and I sighed, laying back onto the bed. 

"It's okay, we have to share a room with another family," I  told them, while they listened to every word I spoke. 

"Maybe it will do you good," Damon spoke up. He was always concerned for me, and thats literally why my parents willingly adopted him, because he is, and always has been, protective of both me and Danny. 

"Yeah, I hope so," I told them with traces of hope in my voice. 

"Just take the meds if you need to Jay, there is no need to be ashamed of being depressed or have anxiety, just take them if you feel anything coming up," Danny told me, I nodded thanking Damon for giving them to my father. 

"We have to go to Walmart with mom, but we will check up on you daily," Damon told me, along with Danny giving a hell yeah, causing me to laugh. 

"And don't forget to take your testosterone shot too!" My mom yelled in the background. I rolled my eyes as the three of us laughed. 

"Mom, I won't forget, I'll talk to you guys later," I told them, sitting up. 

"We love you Justin!" Damon yelled along with Danny and my mom. I smiled widely. 

"I love you guys too," I told them, waving then hanging up. I remained staring at the wooden planks holding up the bed above me, while I heard the toilet flush. 


I completely forgot Raegan was here with me. I really hope he didn't hear anything about my depression, or anxiety, or about the fact I am transgender. 

"Hey Justin?" Raegan asked coming out. I lifted my head to look at him, as if it was a sign to tell him to continue. 

"I have to broadcast, do you mind if I go live?" He asked me, pulling his computer out. I sat up, raising my eyebrow at him.

"Broadcast?" I asked confused. He nodded. 

"On YouNow," I shrugged telling him I didn't care but also telling him not to show my face in the broadcast. 

"Thanks," He smiled, pressing the green circular app on his computer, and went live. I sat beside him, curious of what it is, but not showing my face. Raegan didn't seem to mind me looking at it. 

"Hey guys!" Instantly after Raegan started live streaming, roughly 1,000 people came in and asked him questions. I was so engaged with the comment section, I never knew Raegan was saying my name repeatedly. I shake my head and look at him.

"Yeah?" I questioned as he laughed handing me my phone, which was blown up with text messages from both Danny and Damon. I scrolled through them to see that they both are watching Raegan's live stream. 

"My brothers are watching," I told Raegan showing him my phone with the messages up on the screen. He laughed and looked up at me. 

"What are their names?" He asked me, I looked at the camera to see that I was visible on the screen, so I stared back up at Raegan. 

"Danny and Damon," I told him and he nodded, looking back at the computer. 

"Hi Danny and Damon, your brother is pretty awesome." Raegan smiled as comments saying that I was also cute. The door opened to reveal our fathers looking very tired. 

"Hey dad," I said to my dad as he got on top bunk of the bed where I was sleeping. He waved at me as Raegan's dad got into bed too. I stared at Raegan when we heard both of them snore. We quietly laughed, and for some reason, around Raegan, I was the happiest I have ever been. He is like an escape for me, and he doesn't even know it. 

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