3 - like lydia and Stiles

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Justin's POV

It's been two days since the retreat started and today, I actually have to get involved.

My mind has been pretty numb for the past few days, but I believe that's because Raegan has been with me constantly and has been making me happy.

But now, as we step into the lobby full of kids my age, and adults my dads age, that's feeling of being safe after Raegan, his dad and my dad, slowly vanished as kids came up to me and Raegan.

Obviously, Raegan knew every single kid as he's been here before but it's my first time here. My anxiety was slowly creeping up as my dad left me alone with a group of people I did not know.

I stayed quiet, trying to calm my breathing and try to calm myself because I was mentally and physically not ready to have a panic attack.


Raegan's POV

I looked over at Justin to see that he was trying to calm himself down. His dad had warned me about his anxiety and depression, so him trying to calm his breathing is a massive red flag.

"Justin, are you okay?" I asked him, walking closer to him. He nodded, as he began to wheeze and chock on his breath. I grabbed his arm, leading him into the bathroom.

Instantly, Justin fell to the floor, holding onto it as a source of comfort. I kneeled down, trying to help him but my mind completely went blank.

I stared at him, as he was trying to calm himself down.

"Control your breathing," Justin looked at me, in a weird way and shook his head.

"I-I-I'm t-trying," he stuttered out. I just couldn't remember anything or anything to do.

"Eh, just think happy things," Justin stared at me, holding his chest.

"L-Like wh-hat?" He asked in between breaths.

"Family, puppies, people-" I stared at him as he rolled his eyes, while his breathing quickened.

"Fuck it," I said, as I held Justin's face in my hands and just smashed my lips onto his.

Honestly, the second Justin's lips were on mine, the world slowed down, the sound disappeared and everything in the world just vanished and it was just me and him in this moment.

Our moment.

Once mine and Justin's lips detached, he stared at me, his breathing back to normal. He stared at me confused.

"How did you do that?" He asked in a whisper. I stared at him with a smile as I sat cross legged in front of him.

"From Teen Wolf, Lydia kissed Stiles when he was having a panic attack, thought it might have the same affect on you," actually, I didn't think that. I just wanted to kiss him.

"Well it worked," Justin told me and I laughed with a nod.

"Looks like it," I smiled as we just got lost in conversation.


Justin's POV

Me and Raegan spent like two hours in the bathroom talking. But he said the that the day of the retreat would be boring so, me and him just talked in the bathroom, in the position we were in while I was having my panic attack.

When we got back to our rooms, our dads weren't there, so Raegan decided to make me a younow account.

We did and decided to go live. Raegan said it on his snapchat and Instagram stories that he would be on my younow, and instantly, people came rolling in, commenting 'JAEGAN' or 'OMG ARE THEY DATING?'.

"Guys, me and Justin ain't dating," Raegan smirked, as he stared at me. I rolled my eyes and continued to talk and interact with the people.

After an hour, our dads were back so we ended the live. I had gained literally over a thousand followers on both Instagram and twitter.

"What did you guys do?" Dad asked me and Raegan. I stared at him, while a blush creeped onto my cheeks.

"I had a panic attack," my dad froze and stared at me.

"Seriously? How did you stop it?" He asked me as Raegan's dad went into the bathroom. Raegan sighed and answered my dad.

"I helped him stop it, I just helped control his breath and everything." My dad thanked Raegan. I stare at him, while he smirked and winked. I blushed and shook my head.

"Me and David will be going out tonight, but you guys will be staying here," Raegan's dad informed us. We just nodded, while they left.

"Raegan?" I asked, and Raegan looked up from his phone while I said cross legged beside him on the couch.

"Did you kiss me to stop the panic attack or because you actually wanted to?" I asked, a little nervous. Raegan stared at me and sighed.

"Honestly Justin," he froze, putting his phone on the coffee table and looked at me.

"I've wanted to kiss you since I met you." Damn, that makes the two of us then.

"So kiss me again," I told him and he shook his head.

"I have to tell you something first," he sighed, I thought he was in a relationship so I stared at him with a shocked expression, but waited for him to continue.

"I don't want this to make you think of me any different, but I'm transgender," he told me and I stared at me.

"Basically I'm female-to-male-" I cut him off by smashing my lips onto his, causing him to fall back, bringing me with him.

He pulled away and looked at me. "So me being trans doesn't bother you?" I laughed and shook my head.

"Raegan, I'm trans too, it doesn't bother me," he smiled widely, before connecting our lips together.

I swear, I've never felt so alive. Raegan literally brought me back from the dead, but he created me to be someone so much better. And kissing him, kissing him was like being on cloud 9, but multiple that by ten million.

Honestly, I'm falling hard for this damn boy.

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