12 - the mysterious man

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R A E G A N 

Its been a whole year since the thing with Justin, obviously my mental health went back to normal as I put all my pain in songs, music videos and other things. Now here I am, standing in New York City, going to college to maintain my perfect GPA and to just gain all the musical knowledge the world knows. 

My manager and parents where shocked when I decided to go to college, but honestly, its the best decision I ever made. I walked up to two bickering boys standing in central park, I sighed shaking my head as I put one of my hands on their shoulders. 

"God sake, you two haven't been out for five minutes and you're already about to kill each other," I chuckled as they looked at me. 

"Well its Ren's fault I look like a lunatic!"  

"No, I didn't make you look like a lunatic, you've been like that since birth Travis!" They yelled at one another and I playfully slapped their cheeks, shutting them up. 

"Its like your a married couple, just come on, we haven't got all day," I told them as they began to follow me. 

"Why are we going to the airport Raegan?" Travis asked as I told the taxi driver where to go. 

"I already told you, my twin sister, Linden is visiting."(IF YOU DONT KNOW WHO LINDEN IS THEN I SUGGEST YOU TO READ SILENCE AND A TINDER LOVE STORY)

"Don't make any moves on her Ren," Travis warned and Ren smirked crossing his arms. 

"You two ain't her type anyway," I chuckled a small bit as the two looked at me. 

"I'm everyone's type," Ren gloated and I shook my head. 

"Girls find me attractive too," Travis said with a small smile. 

"Good, cause so does my sister," They both looked at me confused as the taxi driver tutted, laughing at Ren and Travis's confusion. 

"He means his sister likes girls, not guys," he informed them and they made an 'oh' sound, as I laughed a small bit. 

Its been a year since I seen Linden, she just fell off the radar and now all of a sudden she's coming to New York, I just don't know why.


Ren and Travis bickered all the way to the gate I was collect Linden at. I was getting annoyed at them, so I had to stand in between them as we waited. 

"Hey Linn! I found him!" A voice yelled. I looked up to see my brunette sister standing there, with a girl with snow white hair. Linden looked at me, and I looked at her with wide eyes. 

"Oh god Linden, what happened?" I asked walking over to her. Underneath her left eye was a large scar from the side of her nose to her ear. It looked healed, but it was still pink. Her bottom lip also had a scar on it. I put my hand up to the scar under her eye. She flinched but allowed me to touch it. 

"He came back didn't he?" I asked and she nodded with glossy eyes. 

"Raegan, he killed them all, our parents, siblings, all of them, gone," she said through tears. The white haired girl, Ren and Travis where confused of who we were talking about, but right now it doesn't matter what they think. 

"Does he know where you are Linden? Did he follow you?" I asked, instantly worried. It was like I didn't care that my family were murdered, I just cared about Linden and her safety. 

"He didn't follow me, but he'll find me soon Raegan,he did the last time," She chocked. "I can't keep running, I g-give up Raegan." She sobbed. I shook my head at Linden, pulling her into a tight hug. 

"He's not going to get you ever again Linden, I promise you, even if I have to die in the possess."


- lots of love, b x

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