8 - just his luck.

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Justin's POV

A month has past since Raegan left, and ever since, I have been living my life according to the wicked voices in my head. Mostly they told me to ignore my parents, Danny, Damon and Raegan, they demanded me if I was ever annoyed or upset, to be violent. To break things, but also to break myself. 

In the past month, I broke my knuckles as I punched a wall repeatedly until you could see the bone in my fist, I cut my arms with glass because I wanted to see what would happen, believe me, it was messy. But today is possibly the worst. 

My parents are forcing me to go to a mental hospital for two days to see if they can help me, but if that think I need more time there, I will be there for six whole months. 

"We just want you to get better hunny," My mom cried as she cupped my cheeks as we stood outside the mental asylum. I sighed, slapping her hands away from my face with my good hand. 

"You just want me to suffer more," my voice was hoarse as I refused to speak for a month. Danny looked at me and slapped me. 

"You really think we want you to suffer Justin?! Fine, think that, but this is to help you!" He yelled as my cheek stung from his hand. I looked at him, as Damon grabbed Danny's arm trying to make him calm down. 

"I don't need help, especially from you," I hissed. I wanted to run, the voices were telling me to stay and fight, so thats what I am doing. 

"Justin, you need help." A voice came from behind me. I slowly turned around, recognising the voice. Raegan was standing there with his hands in his pockets and tears staining his red puffy cheeks. 

Oh great, The faggot is back.

Instantly, I punched myself in the head trying to shut the voices up. Raegan caught me before I fell to the ground. 

He's back trying to play hero. But he can't help you now Justin, no one can.

As Raegan sat me on the ground, I began punching my head with both my hands, despite the fact of having a broken wrist. 

Justin, you belong to us now, not them. You should come and visit us, all you have to do is walk out into traffic or to cut your wrists open again. 

"Shut up, shut up," I whispered to myself as a few doctors came out and picked me up. The voices echoed through my mind as they began to bring me inside. My family watching me trying to escape from their grip, and I was yelling at the voices to shut up. But it was like everything was finally giving up.


Its been a day since I was put into the asylum, and its nothing like I thought. I have a room, and a roommate with the same problem as me, but he's been here for a while, so his voices ain't as bad as mine now. 

Everyday, they make us go to a group meeting where we talk about our problems, and that is where I am sitting now, listening to a girl who has an eating disorder. She finished and the counsellor looked at me. 

"Justin, would you like to share?" I shook my head, not wanting to share, she didn't push me to share, thats a good thing about this place. Being here, everyone has problems, so it doesn't matter if you share or not because people will find out eventually. 

After group, it was lunch. The canteen was full of people with mental problems. When you walk in a first, its obvious there are depressed people, people with eating disorders, people who tried to kill theirselves, and so much more. I just grabbed my food, and sat alone. But I wasn't alone for long. A young girl sat across from me. Neither of us spoke, we just ate the food, then leaving the room.

After lunch, people who have past the two day mark, friends and family visit them. But if you were in that category, you could go back to your room, or go to the library. I decided to go to the library so I could try and get the voices to calm down, but even being drawn in on the world or Harry Potter or the Maze Runner, the voices would not shut up. My mind wondered to some traumatizing stuff, but like usual, I ignored it. 

After that, it was lights out. You would have to be in your room, with your light off, they didn't care if you were awake or asleep, it was the schedule, and we obeyed it. 

For the next day, it was the same until I was brought to the doctor to get a check up and to find out if I could leave or have to stay. My mom and dad were sitting there waiting for me. Obviously, I had told the truth about my illness and waited with my parents in silence until the doctor came back.

"Justin, we think its best if you stay here for the next few weeks, or possibly the next few months." 

Just my luck.   

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