11 - living their lives.

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Mika sat across from me in the where I first brought her when she got out of the asylum. She was holding her coffee cup with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Justin, I don't want to leave," She muttered as she began to sob. I sighed, getting up and sitting beside her, bringing her into a side hug. She cried into my shoulder as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"It's your family Mika, you can't leave them," I muttered to her and she shook her head.

"You're my family, you, Jackson, Mikey, Bryce, and even Tyler, even though I hate him so much," chuckled at the part of Tyler before I lifted her head to make her look at me. I wiped away her tears while I looked at her.

"But no one knows who you are in the new place, you can be so much better than you are now,"

"Justin, I'm going to South Korea, the only good thing about that is I get to see my grandparents, but I want to stay here," she sobbed and I shook my head.

"Go to Korea, and when the time is right, come back here and hopefully you'll have a better boyfriend than the jerk you have now," Yes Mika is pansexual, just a useful piece of information for you.

"I want you to come back here so new that I barely recognize you Mika," I whispered to her. "I want you to come back here and be proud as fuck of who you truly are, and that is Park Mika, the person who will go by her surname then her first, like Koreans, the person who will come back here and be with a person so much better than your boyfriend, but most importantly, you'll come back here happy," I told her as a small tear glided down my left cheek. Mika smiled, wiping it away.

"I really do love you Joostin," she whispered with a smile, while she looked at me. I chuckled and looked at her.

"And I love you Milo."


The next morning, me, Jackson, Mikey, Bryce and Tyler stood in the airport saying our goodbyes to Mika and the Park family. When Mika got to me, she bursted out in tears.

"I'll come back happier than ever, but Justin, promise me something," she whispered as I hugged her tighter, telling her I was listening.

"Get out of this town, go have travel, like you planned. In five years, we will come back here, and we will be the happiest versions of ourselves, okay?" She whispered with a smile as she placed her hands on my shoulders. I smiled and nodded.

"I promise Mika," I promised as I smiled wider as the tears left her eyes and face, and was now just a happy Mika.

"I'll see you in five years," She waved at me as she rejoined her family.

"Don't kill yourself now Joostin!" Mika smiled, throwing a peace sign in the air, while I laughed. Our friends looked at us as if we were crazy, Mika's family were speaking in Korean, possibly about how mental we are.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" I yelled back at her throwing a peace sign up.

"You'd do everything." Her laughed echoed the crowded airport.

"Exactly!" With that, the last time I saw of Mika was her peace sign before she disappeared behind a door, and going to her new home in Korea.

"I'm gonna miss that Korean shit," Bryce shook his head as I looked at him.

"But she'll be happy when she comes back," All I could do was smile. Even though my best friend was leaving me, I couldn't help but smile at the fact she will come back happier than everything. Jackson looked at me as his boyfriend Dylan came up with my suitcases.

"You didn't tell Mika we were leaving did you?" Jackson asked as Dylan handed me my backpack and suitcase.

"She was crying her eyes out all day and night yesterday Jackson, and plus, Mika wanted me to go out an travel, thats what I am doing," I told my friends with a smile.

"I ain't only losing one friend, but two! What has this world come to?!" Mikey asked, hugging me in a way that he pretended he was going to die.

"Oh come on Mike, its only a year I'll be travelling," I smiled, as Bryce looked at me.

"Yeah, a ear of travelling then two years of backpacking, then another two trying to find the love of your life," He stated as I shrugged.

"I'm 18, and I can do what I want, and thats what I'm planning on doing," with that my flight was called out.

"Just be careful and come back in one piece, please," Jackson sighed as I began to walk away.

"Sure thing mom!" I yelled as a small laugh came from my lips. I waved at my friends before I got on to my flight.

Bye America, hello Ireland!


After a long flight, I landed in Dublin, the capital of Ireland. I smiled as I walked on Irish soil for the first time. Everything here was different but amazing at the same time.

I got into a taxi, before they drove me to a hotel in the heart of the city. I checked in before I decided to explore Dublin city more. So I walked along Grafton Street, hearing buskers, and people talk. The town was more alive than I had thought.

"Hey, watch where your going!" A young girl hissed as I bumped into her. Her thick accent made it hard to understand but I got what she was saying.

"I am so sorry, I'll buy the flowers I damaged." She shook her head as she looked up at me, fixing her glasses.

"Huh, you're American?" She asked standing behind her stall. I nodded with a small smile.

"And you're all alone in Dublin city?" She asked and I nodded again. A smile creeped onto her face, as she plucked a red rose from her stand before handing me it.

"Well, welcome to Ireland, I'm Róisin, but if its easier for you, call me Rosie," she smiled. I thanked her before looking at her.

"I'm Justin," I replied as she shook my hand, before a thought came into Rosie's head.

"Well considering you're alone in Dublin, how would you like to come clubbing with me and my friends?"

"I don't have ID-"

"Oh Justin, we can get you a fake one, obviously you have a passport, so my friend, Cathal can whip on up in no time." Rosie smiled and I smiled back, agreeing to go.

Might as well live my life.

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