5 - again?

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Justin's POV

It's been two weeks since I left the retreat. A lot of things changed, things I never imagined having this feeling of emptiness without Raegan. We have been facetiming everyday, and have went live together on younow.

"Hey Justin, are you okay?" Damon asked me, coming into my room. I looked up at him and shook my head. He sat beside me, putting his arm around my shoulder. 

"Tell me what's wrong," Damon softly spoke, reassuring me that I could always trust him. I sighed resting my head on his shoulder. 

"I miss Raegan," I whispered. Damon chuckled a little, looking down at me. 

"That's not funny Damon," I said taking my head up from his shoulder. 

"It's not, but," Damon froze with a smile. "Its just nice to hear that you miss someone instead of telling me two hours of crap that a monster is saying in your head," I looked at him a little taken back. 

"Raegan must put your mind at ease," Danny smiled, coming in and sitting down on the other side of me. 

"I guess," I shrugged and the two looked at one another. 

"Justin, you've changed completely since you met Raegan," Danny stated. Damon nodded in agreement.

"It's like he was the trigger to your mind and he stopped it all," Damon added. I just looked at the both of them confused. 

"I am the same person," I told them, they laughed shaking your head. 

"Instead of having you depressed all the time, Raegan literally puts the biggest smile on your face," Damon said, Danny nodded in agreement before he continued. 

"Anytime he rings you, its like a completely different person rips from your body and talks to him," I stared at both of them before my dad and mom came in. 

"What's going on?" Dad asked with a smile, putting his arm around mom's shoulder, she was also smiling. 

"We are just talking to Justin about how much Raegan changed him," mom chuckled at Damon, and nodded in agreement. 

"Raegan has helped you, baby," Mom said coming over to me, kneeling down and smiled at me while holding my hands. 

"And even seeing you smile now, its not something I would have to wait once or twice a year to see, I see you smiling everyday," Mom said with glossy eyes. 

"I think its time to stop being mushy now," Dad chuckled and everyone agreed, including myself as they were all making it seem like I was on my death bed or something. 

"Justin, can you help me get something out of the car?" Dad asked and I nodded. I followed him downstairs, along with my mom, Danny and Damon. 

"Is it seriously that big that we all need to come?" I asked my dad, as we got to the door.

"Well," Dad paused and shrugged, "yeah and heavy," I sighed opening the front door. I furrowed my eyebrows when my dad and the rest of them stopped at the porch. I walked down off the step and froze. 

"Hey Justin," I looked over to see Raegan, along with Jack and Kale. Raegan had his arms opened, so I ran and jumped into his arms, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck, as Jack and Kale were filming. 

"You're here," I whispered, causing Raegan to chuckle. 

"I'm here baby."

this is really short, but yeah :)

- b x

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