7 - another melt down

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Justin's POV

I sighed as my dads car pulled up outside of the airport. I sat in the car, waiting for Raegan to get out of it so I could go inside with him. My dad, along with Danny and Damon waited in the car why me and Raegan walked hand in hand into the airport.

We walked in silence until we got to his gate. He froze, standing in front of me, still holding my hand. He smiled widely, lifting my chin up to look him in the eyes.

"Baby, everything will be fine. We will be together again shortly." Raegan's voice tried to reassure me, but voices in my head said different. I faked a smile nodding my head.

"I know, I'm just sad you have to leave so soon," I muttered to him. Raegan sighed, engulfing me into a hug. Being wrapped in his arms didn't have the same affect anymore. The voice interrupted mine and Raegan's hug, causing him to sigh knowing he has to board his flight.

"I gotta go," Raegan whispered putting his hand on my cheek. I smiled weakly as a tear softly glided down my cheek. He looked at me before pressing his lips softly on mine. I put one of my hands on his waist while the other, balled his shirt pulling him closer to me.

Somehow, the closer he got to me,the more alone I felt.

When we pulled away, he smiled before leaving me standing there. I know it's hard for him too, so I didn't get mad at him. I just smiled weakly as I waved him off. He waved back at me with a broken smile.

I walked out of the airport with my hands in my pockets and my head hung low. The world seemed to be crashing down on me again. The universe seemed to be against me once again. Everything was working opposite to how it usually was.

I got into the car, ignoring my father and brothers. Damon slightly tapped Danny's shoulder to tell him to stop asking questions. The drive home was silent.

When we got home, I walked into the house, to see my mom and her friend in the living room talking and laughing.

"Oh Justin, did Raegan get to the airport safely?" My mom asked. I huffed before stomping upstairs, slamming my door shut. The impact was so strong it made the picture on my wall fall off it.

I flopped onto my bed, digging my head into the duvet which obviously fucking smelt like Raegan and his perfect scent. The smell of vanilla and chocolate mixed perfectly somehow. The smell that became like home to me, was just lingering on my bed clothes, making me miss Raegan even more.

Normally if the sheets smelt like something that it wasn't supposed to, I would freak out. But instead of freaking out, I buried my head deeper into the duvet with the white sheets that smelt like my home. The smell of chocolate and vanilla perfectly combined.

Tears prickled my eyes as I stayed in silent. It was almost like my family knew I was having a melt down.

We told you not to get involved with him Justin. But you didn't listen to us.

The voice echoed through the deep dark places of my mind. I held the sheets tighter to my face, trying to be comforted. But nothing seemed to work.

Everything will crash and burn. He will ruin your fucking life. You'll never be loved. You're worthless and weak. No wonder why your a target for bullies. You're weak.

The words rang through my head, making me sob in real life. Tears rapidly spilled from my eyes, making my cheeks damp and red. The tears soaked into the sheets that had Raegan's scent engraved in them.

God, look now your crying. Fucking pathetic.

Their right. I'm pathetic.

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