18 - first mission

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Justin felt like his entire world changed as he walked down the street in Japan as Harley. Raegan, Linden and the BTS members were also using different names and different clothes.

They were all talking amounts themselves, but Justin's only thought was how they could function after killing so much people?

Even though Justin was always surrounded by people, he couldn't help but feel so alone since he figured out what Raegan had truly been doing behind his back.

Justin felt like the loneliness person in the room, actually he felt like the loneliness person in the world with this secret on his shoulders. But he just dealt with it.

His eyes scanned the people in front of him. They were goofing off like a family would, smiles on their faces as Jin ruffled Reagan's hair and Linden was on Jungkook's back. Justin couldn't help but wonder if the people around them noticed that it was all an act. A completely different persona.

"Brighten up Justin! We're in Japan for crying out loud!" The bright and happy Jimin came over to Justin and threw his arm around Justin's shoulders.

Even if they did kill people, Justin would be lying if he said that they weren't happy people. Being around them caused Justin so much happiness, only because they were always smiling and laughing.

One thought ran through Justin's head as the BTS members, Linden and Raegan stared at him with wide smiles, almost as a way of accepting him into their cult.

One thought.

"No turning back now."

And with that one thought, Justin plastered a smile, a real one, as he put his arm around Jimin's shoulders so they were linked.

"You're right Jimin, we're in Japan!" Justin excitedly said as everyone laughed, knowing damn well that Justin decided to make the decision of being one of them. And to be happy about it too.

When the ten of them were safely back in the hotel room, wigs went flying, clothes were discarded and everyone flopped down on the bed or a chair while Linden andNamjoon stared at them all.

"Okay, so tonight." Namjoon began, catching everyone's attention.

"Here's the plan." Linden's smirk widened across her face. The BTS members sat up and looked at Linden while Raegan stared at Justin to see if he was committed. When he seen Justin staring at Linden, he knew it was to late to drag Justin back out. So he just sighed and looked at his twin sister.


That night, everyone had specific roles to play. When they arrived at the casino, they nodded at one another before separating.

Linden and Namjoon, we're working inside as waiters to blend in. Jin and Jungkook, they were doing their specialty which was breaking into the main office to switch off the cameras. Yoongi and Hoseok were chatting up the guards, which were surprisingly women so it made their jobs easier considering the two are quiet attractive.

So it left Taehyung, Jimin, Raegan and Justin to play the games while cheating. This wasn't a big crime for the BTS members, but Namjoon and Linden agreed that it was a safe way to see what Justin can do.

An hour later, people surrounded the table that Jimin, Taehyung, Raegan and Justin were playing at. There were four other older men playing there too. But everyone's eyes were on Justin, who was making most of the money.

Namjoon and Linden stared at one another, now knowing what Justin is capable of after he won one million dollars from gambling.

They knew that Justin would be completely dangerous.

Maybe even too dangerous for BTS and they were the best assassin group, and feared by everyone.

They knew that whatever happened, Justin will most likely be the cause of it. And that scared them. Very much.


This is all over the place so I apologise. But yeah, I updated. Wooo

- b x

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