13 - tokyo

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Raegan brought me back to his apartment him, Ren and Travis shared. He was more over protective of me, which I understood. When we got into the apartment, he began to question me. I wouldn't of expected less from Raegan.

"When did he come after you?" He asked me as I sat down. Ren, Travis and Kana looked at me and him.

"Over a year ago," I sighed telling Raegan, making him sigh and cover his mouth in frustration.

"Linden, why the fuck didn't you not tell me?!" He yelled. I stood up, balling his shirt with my hands making him look at me.

"This is no time to get angry at me Raegan, he's out there, and he's still going to kill me unless we do something!" I yelled back at him, making the three gasp.

"What is happening?!" Travis yelled as Raegan took my hands down and went to the kitchen and came back with two handguns.

"Raegan! What the fuck?!" Ren and Travis yelled at him as Kana looked faint as Raegan threw me the gun.

"This isn't going to do Raegan! This is a fucking genius psycho! Not a pip squeak!" I complained, putting the bullets in the gun. I began to check the rooms for the other guy. 

"Where is he?" I asked Raegan as I held the gun in my hand before putting it on safety and putting it in the back of my pants.

"Where's who?" Raegan asked confused as I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Yah know, the dude with the black hair, your boyfriend or ex boyfriend, Jayden or something?" Raegan gulped and looked at me. I stared at him before becoming angry.

"Raegan Alexander Beast, where the fuck is he?" I asked sternly, scaring Ren, Travis and Kana.

"Ehh, Ireland."

"You allowed him to go to fucking Ireland alone and unarmed?!" I screamed at Raegan, who just stood there and took it.

"It's not my fault, he broke up with me!" Raegan complained, I got my gun and placed it beside his head.

"You do realise that he is the bosses son, the bosses pride and joy, and if you had had left him fucking go he'd be here!" I yelled as the others looked at me in shock with the gun pressed against Raegan's temple, but he just shrugged.

"I don't own Justin, Linden. Plus, him, Danny and Damon have no idea what their father is in, they don't know about them, especially him." Raegan informed me. I hit his temple with the gun before huffing.

"Your lucky I brought these ain't you?" I asked, pulling out a few pistols and bombs.

"How the fuck did security not think you were a terriost?" Kana asked quietly.


After about an hour, me and Raegan were standing in front of the Blake household. I knocked on the door, then after a moment, a young boy around mine and Raegan's age answered the door.

"Raegan? What are you doing here?" The boy asked before I put my hand up, catching his attention.

"We need to speak with your father," I said and he looked at me confused.


"Just tell him that L. Beast is here and it's an emergency, quickly," I told him. He looked confused before going to talk to his father. After a moment, he was back. He brought me and Raegan to his fathers office. I walked in and David looked at me.

"Danny, shut the door please," he asked his son, who nodded and shut the door.

"What's after happening?" He asked as I sat down. Him and Raegan looked at me.

"My idiotic brother let your son slip through his hands, and now Jayden is in Ireland."

"Justin." Both corrected me.

"Jayden, Justin, same thing," I shrugged as David looked at me.

"I got a call from Justin this morning. Him and two of his Irish friends are traveling to Tokyo tomorrow night. We have to get the two of you on a plane there," David said and I nodded.

"What about school?" Raegan asked and I looked at him as David booked the flights.

"Raegan, this is so much bigger than school. The lives of not only Justin, but also Kana, Ren, Travis, Danny, Damon and much more are on the line here. This man is a fricking genius but could also kill you from half way across the world, we have to save them, school isn't important." Raegan looked at me, nodding telling me he understood.

"Your flights are booked for tomorrow morning, so you'll arrive earlier than Justin, find him and protect him." David warned handing us another gun. I gladly took it and so did Raegan.

"What about Kana, Ren and Travis?" Raegan asked, both me and him looked at David.

"I'll keep them safe, I won't allow them to die. But you have to protect my son," I nodded shaking David's hand then Justin did the same.

We walked out, to see David's wife and two sons sitting in the kitchen. They looked at us, so I smirked looking at them. I knew Raegan felt awkward as David walked us to the door.

"Be safe, and for the love of god, don't have the same faith as your parents and family," David told us and I smiled with a nod.

"They won't die in vane, I'll make sure of it," I told David, who smiled. With that, me and Raegan were on the way home, seeing what we have to get to go Tokyo.



- lots of love, b x

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