9 - stars are like humans. humans are like stars.

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I looked at my ceiling in the private room the mental asylum gave me. I sighed sitting up, crossing my legs and looked out the bared up window. The dark sky was dancing with twinkling stars, who seemed to be happy.

"Huh, stars are just like humans, I get it," I muttered to myself as I laid down. One of my friend I had when I was younger told me that 'stars are exactly like humans, but it takes a really bad time in your life to realise it', I always thought he was crazy, but he isn't.

I guess stars show no emotions, just like a human. If we don't want to show emotions, we won't, we fake it. I guess the stars do the same. Some stars shine brighter than the others, just like how some people are. Some are more important that the other.

"I finally understand Tae, I finally understand," I muttered before rolling over my side, allowing sleep to drown me.


The next morning, the same old routine happened again. I sighed, going along with it. But I noticed a new face in the cafeteria, and she was sitting at my table. I sighed, sitting in my place,  making her look up at me.

I noticed the dark circles around her eyes, the bandages around her wrists, bicep and neck.

"I'm Mika," she muttered in a soft tone. She didn't seem to be freaking out, so I looked at her as I bit into my bread.

"Justin," I replied after a few moments.

"Why are you trapped in here?" She asked me worriedly. I shrugged looking at her as the voices laughed in my head, telling me to tell her the reason, so I leaned forward gesturing for her to lean in.

"I hear voices," I whispered and her eyes widened.

"They ask me to kill myself so I can be with them, or if not, they'll control my body to kill my boyfriend," I informed her, slightly terrified of myself. She looked at me with widened eyes.

"Why are you here?" I asked her, going back to eating my bread.

"My girlfriend made me go psycho on her by mocking me and beating me, so I almost killed her then tried to kill myself," she shrugged like it wasn't a big deal.

I know I'm here for the next six months, but I think this place won't be as bad as I thought. At least people don't pretend to be someone they are not.

S I X   M O N T H S  L A T E R

I hugged Mika as she smiled at me with tears in her eyes. I chuckled wiping them away from her eyes before putting my forehead on her forehead.

"When you get out of here next month, contact me, okay Mika?" I told her and she nodded with a smile before engulfing me in a hug again. Two guards looked at me before leading me to the gate.

Today is the day I get out.

"Bye Joostin!" Mika yelled with a smile as she raised her hand, doing a peace sign.

"Peace out Milo!" I yelled back with a grin, putting up a peace sign as the big gate closed, shutting the gate.

My mom and Danny attacked me into a hug, I chuckled and hugged them back as Damon and dad came to hug me too. I smiled hugged them all.

"Raegan's here too," Damon told me with a smile as Raegan stood in front of me. I stood there, with my arms crossed looking at my boyfriend. My family got the hint that I wanted to speak with him alone, so they piled into the car.

"Six months I was in there Raegan, six months. And not once did you visit me!" I yelled hitting his arm, causing him to sigh before he handed me a cd.

"I was making an album, that's why I couldn't come and see you." I threw the album back at him, but he dropped it making it fall to the ground.

"I almost killed myself, several times Raegan, in there and out here, but not once would you fucking ask me if I was okay, not once," I hissed at him as he looked at me hurt.

"At the beginning, I felt like you loved me, I truly did. But now, I just got out of that hell hole, and see my supposed to be boyfriend, who never even visited me." I chuckled.

"Justin, I was busy," he complained, but I shook my head.

"If you cared for me, or even loved me, you would've made time to see me."

"Someone in there told me that when I was coming back out here, to get rid of the dead weight in my life, and get rid of the people who hurt me, so that's why we have to break up," I told Raegan, once I spoke, I could literally see his heart breaking.


"No buts Raegan," I hissed at him.

"Did a guidance counsellor tell you that?" He muttered with a tear rolling down his cheek. I shook my head.

"Mika did."

"Who the fuck is Mika?"

"You would've known if you cared to visit, but for your information, she's the person who has actually kept me alive for the past six months, not you."

That's when I left Raegan and joined my family in the car. They all looked at me but I looked out the window, ignoring their stares.

Stars are like humans, humans are like stars.

Stars so no emotions, like humans do at times, but some humans are like stars. Some humans shine brighter than others, and now that I got out, with the voices silent in my head, I wanted to get brighter then the person I was before.

I want to independent, and not depend on someone who doesn't even love me. And it's going to stay that way too.



- lots of love, b x

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