20 - goodbye.

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You see some stories go unfinished. They stop right in the middle of the plot, they just freeze. No one knows what happens, questions go unanswered. And the characters, well whatever happens to them is up to your imagination. 

So back in the abandoned building, Linden was holding her head in guilt, ignoring Namjoon's words of comfort. 

"You did the right thing. He was getting soft thanks to that kid." Namjoon's voice filled the empty room around them. She shook her head, allowing the newly dyed grape coloured hair fall in front of her face. 

"How could I have done that to someone who means so much to me?" She whispered, chocking on her tears. You see, Linden was hiding the biggest secret from Raegan that leads us to here. 

She was the reason why Raegan and Justin met and kissed in the bathroom, the reason why Justin was checked into the mental institution, the reason behind their love story. One thing she never expected was for them to fall in love. So it made her mission ten times harder than it already was. 

"Its for the best." A voice came from a man. Linden looked up to see Justin's dad and Danny. The two seemed so unfazed by what was happening literally 100 meters away from them. But Linden, she was a mess. 

"How are you okay right now?" She asked with a sniffle as Namjoon smiled at her and left, allowing the three to talk. 

"Listen Linden, what we are doing is saving the world from those two, just look on the bright side," The moment Danny smirked, Linden knew she did the wrong thing. She knew that the two were not the criminals in this equation, they were, and now they couldn't do anything about it. 

"Just, lets leave before anyone tails us, got it," Justin's father spoke. Linden had no other option but to nod her head, and wipe away her tears as Danny happily threw an arm around her. 

"Don't worry Linn, everything will be fine," For a moment, Linden looked at Danny and swore she had seen the spawn of satan dancing in his wicked eyes as a smirk danced happily on his puffy freckled cheeks. But she found comfort in those words, unlike Namjoon's words, so she smiled and joined the two murders on their flight to the Czech Republic. 

While 100 meters away, our story ends abruptly. The white wooden door of the hotel room had been kicked down, and two young men quickly invaded the room. They were the people who broke Justin and Raegan's kiss which held lust, passion and great amounts of love. 

"God, I don't get paid enough," One complained as he left the two supposedly dead boys on the floor. Justin had been shot in his right bicep, and the blood was quickly streaming down his arm. Raegan on the other hand, well he was shot in the left shoulder. 

Luckily the two can play dead fairly well. After they knew the two boys were gone. Justin got up, and pushed down hard on Raegan's wound. 

"Don't fucking leave me right now Raegan," Justin said, as tears brimmed his eyes. He heard a gasp behind him after a few moments of holding down on Raegan's wound and slowly growing weak. 

"Help, help me please," he whispered to the old lady as he fell into his boyfriends chest. Slowly and softly, Justin felt an arm wrap around him and hold him tightly. 

"I-I-I'm s-sorry, I-I wi-sh I could've s-stopp-ed her." Raegan was now spitting up small amounts of blood. But Justin just shushed him, telling him to shut up, then telling him three words, the three last words Justin ever spoke. 

"I love you."

Thats when everything ended. Just like that. No answer from Raegan, no answer from the lady, no answer from Linden, no answer from Justin. 

It was like the story was completely unwritten and unheard of. 

Well that is until now."

Thats when Raegan shut up and smiled at his daughter, Iris, and her husband, Marc. Justin rolled his eyes, staring at his husband. 

"You got to be fucking kidding me, right?" Iris asked, throwing her notepad and pen on the table. Marc smiled shaking his head. 

"Dad, I need you to be serious! This is a big novel for me and you have to tell me the truth!" Iris angrily told her father. 

"But it is the truth Iris, you and Lily can two years after that," Justin told his daughter as their second one came in, fixing her long blonde hair. 

"Is dad telling you that bullshit story again?" Lily asked sighing while she grabbed a cup. Iris nodded at her twin sister. 

"Look, believe what you want, but it is true." Raegan said standing up and unbuttoned his top button on his white shirt. 

"See, theres a bullet wound," Thats when Lily spit out her tea and Iris's mouth dropped as the two rushed to their father. 

"No fucking way!" Lily said with a smile. 

"It's all true?" Justin nodded at his daughters standing up. 

"And that was twenty years ago. We still haven't heard from Linden, Danny or my father in twenty years." Justin told them. 

"What about the BTS gang?" Iris asked, suddenly becoming interested. 

"They paid for their crimes, which didn't involve murder, so thankfully the seven of them got two years each, but got out twenty months later cause of good behaviour, then they blew up in the K-Pop industry, still cool guys though." 

Lily and Iris could not believe the twist their fathers lives took, and I bet you can't believe what a twist this book took, cause neither can I, but like I said. Some stories are better unfinished, and then having someone make up their own ending. But even though Justin and Raegan went through hell, they literally were hurt. Every night until Lily and Iris, but no one will ever tell them that. 

okay but this shitty book is finished. basically Justin and Raegan were telling their daughter about their story and how everything went down, thats why this story is all over the place.

- b x

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